Back at Heidmarch Manor, the group decides to seek out Runeforge and its anti-Runelord weapons, before assaulting the Temple of the Peacock Spirit.
Simon N. (GM):rolling 1d20
Victor Septimus:Hye buddy
Chris T.:Tough battle ahead
Victor Septimus:Yeah for sure
Chris T.:I'm going to suggest that Mal goes against them first if thats okay? I think she can at least draw their spark showers without harm to anyone else and maybe do a bit of damage from range..
Rukvara:ooo, turn order displaying
Quillax:Go for it - Q's almost a liability here, Giants look at her wrong and she falls over :(
Chris T.:Q can prepare our'back door' and we can wear them down.
Rukvara:Ruk will hold the line till we are ready to go
Chris T.:Rotating and healing as required.
I'm pretty sure they can't get into our cave. The spark shower is a cone and they have 20' reach.
Rukvara:I'm pretty sure they can
Chris T.:So if the others stay around the corner Mal can blast ';em and dray their spark shower.
Rukvara:this is Smn runnng them :P
Chris T.:I asked Simon a couple of times last session and asked for clarity during last week.
Chris T.:That's why this cave is an ideal starting point.
Quillax:Q will make a path where I've drawn the orange lines. We'll retreat and regroup where I've drawn the red square if it goes badly.
and with Mal where she is now positioned we should get a couple of freebies
The others stay around the corner safely while they blow their spark showers on Mal
Chris T.:They don't know who is in the cave so if the others stay out of sight we may even get a few surprise hits on them.
Somy suggestion would be just Mal remains where she is the others retreat around the corner?
Simon N. (GM):ready to roll init?
Chris T.:Or stay in the doorway and die
17 for Q
Chris T.:rolling 1d20+2
Victor Septimus:Initiative (+0)
Victor Septimus
Initiative (+0)
Victor Septimus
Simon N. (GM):just need Ruk init
Rukvara:rolling 1d20+2
Rukvara:shit should have been +4
Simon N. (GM):ok you win!
Simon N. (GM):The giants are descending the ramp but appear to have Air Walk active. #22 Ruk your go.
Rukvara:Ruk runs out to where she can see them, taunts them in giant then trhows a javelin
and rages pofc :P
Simon N. (GM):ok I let you throw 2 javelins if you have a quiver
AC 23, hit
Rukvara:she them retrest back
no qquiver :(
Simon N. (GM):or you could be holding 2 in hand w sword sheathed
Rukvara:nah, this is just to get their attention
She'll retreat back into th3e cave
Simon N. (GM):ok roll dmg. They already knew Mal was in there
Rukvara:i tuanted them in giant though ^^
Simon N. (GM):why not d6?
loked at greastat club ^^
Simon N. (GM):ok giants' turn
Rukvara:ooo, cool, shows distances now
Simon N. (GM):A giant moves up to the cave entrance (30') and throws a javelin at Victor.
Simon N. (GM):you don't have displacement?
yeah disadvantage
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+16
Victor Septimus:aaaaaaaand hit
Simon N. (GM):The lightning javelin hits Victor for 31 piercing, the lightning does +28 lightning to him so 59, Mal make a DC 18 DEX save vs the bolt.
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1+19
Victor Septimus:k lightning halved
Chris T.:zero damage, shield mistress
Simon N. (GM):ok, nb that used your Reaction
The giant throws a 2nd javelin, this one at Ruk
AC 21
Simon N. (GM):OK it impacts on the wall between Mal & Quillax.
The giant stabs into the hole at Victor.
45 slashing to Victor.
4th attack on Victor.
Simon N. (GM):another 45 slashing to Victor.
Victor Septimus:I see armor is irrelevant
49 hp left.
Simon N. (GM):The giant Squeezes a few feet into the cave (about 5') and uses its Spark Shower bonus action, blasting Victor Ruk Mal & Quillax.
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1+19
Simon N. (GM):45 fire and 45 lightning damage; DC 18 DEX save for half (22-22)
Rukvara:rolling 1d20+4
Chris T.:(I think I mentioned something about stay in the doorway and die?)
Rukvara:rolling 1d20+4
Simon N. (GM):Mal had used her reaction sp takes 44 dmg total
Victor Septimus:Dexterity Save (+9)
Victor Septimus
Dexterity Save (+9)
Victor Septimus
Quillax:Is Mal close enough for Bonus?
Simon N. (GM):Ruk you have advtg on DEX (not sure why Mal has advtg on DEX?)
Rukvara:I think you sai soemhting about you going to distract them, not stand at the back of the cave -.-
Quillax:rolling d20+14
Q's ok
Chris T.:advantage is v the magic. Magic resistance boon
Simon N. (GM):Mal is obvs within 30' of everyone yup
Victor Septimus:Going exactly as i though so far
Simon N. (GM):cheers chris, new boon? :)
Rukvara:I plus 10 from Chris?
Chris T.:well we did have a plan to avoid this
but no one was inrterested
her last boon, yes
Victor Septimus:I wanted to go down further, i don't know why we are in this little cave
Quillax:Oh, i forgot to pick Q's EBoon7
Victor Septimus:i certainly didn't put my character here
Chris T.:Because if you'd listened to my plan you would have been around the cornewr of the cave whilst Mal soaked thuis damage up
Victor Septimus:I didn't put my character here.
Simon N. (GM):I asked if you were ready to roll init and you then rolled init
You could have said "No, I want to be somewhere else please"
Victor Septimus:I didn't know that is an option.
Chris T.:(+7 from Mal, James 1)
Rukvara:k, still failed, thanks mate
Simon N. (GM):We left off last session like this
I dunno, you all had an entire week to raise anything you wanted; I even left you w access to this VTT
2nd rune giant moves up 55' and uses Spark Shower.
Simon N. (GM):30-ft. cone; 45 fire and 45 lightning damage; DC 18 DEX save for half (22-22)
Victor Septimus:Dexterity Save (+9)
Victor Septimus
Rukvara:rolling 1d20+4+7
Simon N. (GM):ok Mal & Quil out of range
44 on a save
Rukvara:rolling 1d20+4+7
Victor at 0?
No vic took no damage
Shield master
Simon N. (GM):that was his first use of shieldmaster? ok
Simon N. (GM):giant throws a javelin at Victor
Victor Septimus:Sweet, see ya guys
Simon N. (GM):dam 31 piercing (crit 46 piercing on 19-20) plus a 10'x60' lightning bolt extends 60' from the impact point doing 28 lightning (crit 56) damage to target, those behind target take 28 lightning and may make a DC 18 DEX save for half damage;
Chris T.:rolling 2d20kh1+19
Simon N. (GM):Victor goes down, Mal takes 14 lightning as save.
Rukvara:is Ruk hit? she's next to him not behind
Simon N. (GM):no dmg to Ruk
The giant throws its 2nd javelin at Ruk.
It then tries to hit Ruk with its sword.
2nd attack
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20+16
45 dmg
end of giant turns.
#19 Victor roll death save
Victor Septimus:Constitution Save (+15)
Victor Septimus
Simon N. (GM):(d20, no CON mod, but +7 from Mal I believe)
Victor Septimus:No con mod?
Simon N. (GM):Death save is a straight d20
Victor Septimus:rolling d20
You pass, 1 save made
Victor Septimus:I understand the rules. It's just been a while since ive had to roll them
Simon N. (GM):#17 Quillax
Quillax:Q uses stone shift to open up a hole in the back wall and sends Clank and Librarian through.
Simon N. (GM):stone shape?
(I can't move Lib token)
That wall is more than 5' thick.
Librarian is deactivated.
Rukvara:Ruk had to arry him here
Quillax:(Right, then I need to know, what are we doing here? Running? Fighting?)
Chris T.:(I think now we must run, ourbest chance has been blown.)
(We had to draw their AOE claws then fight them in rotation to win)
Rukvara:their reach alone would have killed us, but anyway, now we run
Chris T.:(Not from around the corrner\)
Quillax:OK, Then Q directs Mal and Clank to grab Librarian and drag everyone closer together, then she Plane Shifts them into a gentle Plane (air?), then immediately back to their own plane of existance on her next turn
Chris T.:Mal can grab Victor in her turn and drag him south towards the others)
Simon N. (GM):Clank drags Librarian over to Quillax. Do you have a tuning fork attuned to the Plane of Air?
Quillax:She's got a tuning fork a spot - outside Heidmarch manner? Or outside Magnimar, I can't remember.
Yes, they've used this escape once before
I think
Simon N. (GM):I think you have Astral + Prime, I don't recall any others
Quillax:Must have been Astral and not Air, then.
Simon N. (GM):Is Quillax casting Plane Shift & Readying to discharge it when everyone touching her?
#10 Malassandra
Quillax:(my last two big spells! saved for this purpose - or for a true res)
Chris T.:bonus action, Shield of Faith as I imagine the RG will get an attack of opp? Then she moves 15' to Voctor, grabs him (24 Str) and drags him 15' south. Hopefullybehind the reveal of the cave wall. Done.
Simon N. (GM):I'll let you pick Victor up w half your move rather than needing an action, so you have 45' of move total
so yup you can end turn touching Q if you want?
Simon N. (GM):1 giant opp att
Chris T.:-20 for fast heal =101/184HP
conc for shield of faith
Simon N. (GM):(you had to enter V's square to pick him up so actually 20' to reach him, 15' pickup, 25' left)
Rukvara:I 'll get him, don't worry
Rukvara:disengage just incase, move to vic, roll his fat arse over and touch Qulliax
Simon N. (GM):Mal has Vic
Rukvara:wait, its opp has been used right?
k, disengage anyway
Quillax:As long as everyone is touching the druid, we're good.
Rukvara:flip the giant off as I go
Simon N. (GM):OK Q shifts out?
Simon N. (GM):You arrive in the starry void of the Astral Sea...
Chris T.:M lays hands on Victor for 10HP
Simon N. (GM):Victor roll death save
Victor Septimus:Death Saving Throw
Victor Septimus
Death Saving Throw
Victor Septimus
Death Saving Throw
Victor Septimus
Death Saving Throw
Victor Septimus
Death Saving Throw
Victor Septimus
Don't know why it multi spammed
Simon N. (GM):OK 1 fail but Vic can't die b4 Mal heals him to 10 hp.
Q plane shifts to Magnimar region?
Victor Septimus:Victor opens his eyes "fuck"
Quillax:None of those included Mal's bonus?
Doesn't matter :)
Q finds her other tuning fork and gathers the last shreds of her higher magics.
Rukvara:"Thats why the original plan was NOT to fight but to evacuaate the llibrary"
Chris T.:"You ignored the plan!"
Rukvara:Ruk is on 7hp at this point and kinda pissy"
Victor Septimus:Vic looks over to Mal. Clearing his throat awkardly "I suppose a thank you is in order"
Chris T.:"Stand in the doorway and die were my last words to you!"
Chris T.:"We're all here Victor but we lost a chance to kill the rune giants."
Quillax:Q clears her throat. "Shall we? Before something far larger finds us?"
Rukvara:we came to library to evacute it, not stay and fight
"go for it Q"
Chris T.:"Yes, yourmajesty."
Victor Septimus:"Those have to be the most powerful creature i have ever seen"
Simon N. (GM):Clank turns Librarian back on :)
Quillax:Q summons them all closer to her, "Let's get back to somewhere safer."
Victor Septimus:"killing them? I doubt it"
Chris T.:Mal says nothing. It seems no one listens to a word she says anyway.
Simon N. (GM):Librarian looks very sad to be separated from his books.
Victor Septimus:Once again, got to my comp and got told to roll INI. I didn't think i had a choice of where i was. VERY confusing to start that way
Rukvara:soz Chris, where you him the week before the library? I don't mean any offence
Chris T.:We'll get them nexttime.
Quillax:Is everyone touching the Druid?
Rukvara:ugh, my grammar sucks today -.-
Chris T.:We spent time planning then did the complete opposite of the plan.
Chris T.:If we don't learn to fight as a tewm we'll just go through this every time.
Quillax:(ah, my internet is back)
Rukvara:not THAT plan the plan for visiting the library in the first place
Victor Septimus:Trust me, i wanted to do the same plan. Being in a cave hole/coffin wasn't my intention.
Quillax:Q consoles Librarian, "We'll get you to a Library, then I'll figure out how to get yours back. And if we can't, we'll build you a bigger one."
Chris T.:Then someone else make the plan next time.
we got to at least try?
Quillax:OK, so what did we learn?
1 - we all agree to a plan, we stick to it. If someone doesn't like the plan, we figure it out.
2 - When Simon says "ready?" we can say no.
3 - Stone Shape is far weaker than I remember.
4 - Q is exceptionally weak to Giants. If she was a pokemon, she'd be a fire pokemon against a water one. Quadruple weakness
Rukvara:I'm supprised that you can't shape 5' one turn, then another 5' the next one
Victor Septimus:Number 2 is really good to know. I wouldn't be facing the entrance of a hole waiting to get whooped if it was my choice.
Now that we have lost and learnt a few things; shall we continue on with the game at hand?
Victor Septimus:I think so too. Vic touches the Druid.
Rukvara:Ruk has been bear hugging the druid the whole time dripping blood all over her
Quillax:5 - Q needs to pick her last epic boon and wonders if it can be a special one like non-fight travel spells don't subtract from her spell slots ;)
Simon N. (GM):P-shift to Magnimar?
Simon N. (GM):You appear in the Heidmarch manor garden.
Q's staff are milling around in confusion, looking v small :)
(I'm thinking that Q is used to TvPing here so it'd be a natural terminus point)
Victor Septimus:"Is there an infirmary here? I do believe my ar m is broken"
Quillax:Q hands each of them a jar of keoghtom's ointment and strides off to find her people to see if everyone made it. "Mal, can you take Librarian and Clank to the Library
Simon N. (GM):Dermirr the Druid: "Arch-Druidess, you're safe! Thank the gods!"
Quillax:"Dermirr, did everyone make it?"
Rukvara:Ruk says - "I need a Drink, a Healer and a that order"
Victor Septimus:"i secon that"
Rukvara:Ruk looks like shit at this point (7hp/305)
Victor Septimus:Keoghtom's OintmentKeoghtom's Ointment used | 14 Hp Restored |
Quillax:(there is 5 per jar, I believe)
Simon N. (GM):Pathfinder Venture Captain Sheila Heidmarch appears. "Ah good, you're all safe... if somewhat the worse for wear."
Rukvara:she needs to bathe in healing potions
Chris T.:Queen Malassandra, last Queen of the Azlanti goes to the library with Q's servants
Simon N. (GM):Pathfinders Jilla & Shukura , & the Druids, can cast lots of healing on you. Good time for a Long Rest?
Quillax:(You know Q trusts you if she trusts you with Clank :) )
Long Rest is definitely needed.
Victor Septimus:Victor walks up to Ruk. "I need you to pull my arm, its dislocated at the shoulder"
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you rest and heal up...
(Long Rest - restore all hp etc over 1 week)
Rukvara:Ruk drinks herself into a stupoy then face plants onto a bed....hopefully hers
Victor Septimus:eh, he will do it himself haha
Quillax:Q sends all the rescued books to the Librarian, ensures Clank is tuned up and on guard, helps find places for everyone to sleep in the short term, and gets a healer to sort out Victor's arm so he doesn't trap a nerve and make it so his arm is not useless forever
Victor Septimus:(Crack) "ooooooof"
Rukvara:"Ooo, can I get a go at doing that next time!"
Victor Septimus:" I did ask"
Simon N. (GM):1 week later... you are all healed up, Sheila is putting up the refugees in Heidmarch Manor with reasonably good grace. She invites you to a briefing.
Rukvara:"ah! good, i'll just break your otherone....
Victor Septimus:Chuckles "hmph, oh do try it"
Rukvara:"Ruk approaches with an eveil smile"
then winks
Victor Septimus:A smile under the mask appears
"You know. I've fough men, women, beasts, Demons, Devils. All sorts of things over my 20 year serving of a Hellknight. Nothing has hit hard like those monsters do. Nothing"
Rukvara:ooc is that Darth vadar at the table with us?"
Victor Septimus:i hope so
that woudl be dope
Rukvara:oo, maybe they'll he'll lend us the deaath star!
Victor Septimus:I'd be keen on a light saber too.
Simon N. (GM):GM: With Sheila at the briefing is Paralictor Jereth Rogare, local Hellknight commander and member of the Sihedron Council (along w Sheila & Quillax)
Sheila: "Welcome everyone. Fully recovered I trust?"
Rukvara:"Ruj cracks her neck
Quillax:Q surveys the table then nods
Victor Septimus:Vic nods.
Chris T.:M looks serene and unruffled
Simon N. (GM):"We've received a message from the Stone Giant Shamaness Conna that the rune giants are still at Jorgenfist, and have begun sending parties out to gain control of the giant tribes of the mountains."
Rogare: "Also, news from Belkzen-Gastash. Karzoug's minion the dragonborn assassin Shieldbiter has killed Zutha's apprentice, the taiga giant Thulos. All Gastash resistance to Karzoug seems to have collapsed. Karzoug will likely control Belkzen within weeks."
Sheila: "Furthermore, the 'Cult of the Peacock Spirit' is becoming very active in Riddleport and Korvosa."
Victor Septimus:"I have come to face with thes Rune giants first hand. They are, overwhelming in every sense of the word. I prefer a direct approach, but these are like fighting a strom itself"
Simon N. (GM):Rogare nods. "Yes. And Magnimar's Meteor Swarm bombards are now heavily depleted... though the exact number remaining is a close guarded secret."
Sheila: "Mayor Grobaras has sent agents to Hermea to entreat for more. In the meantime, however, the situation may look rather grim... do you have any suggestions as to our best path forward?"
Quillax:"We'll have to trust that ShieldBiter remains a double agent and has not fallen to Greed. Our best bet it to remove the Peacock."
Simon N. (GM):brb beer run
Chris T.:Mal has not met Shieldbiter. OOC - what is his rollin this world?
Quillax:(He's a Dragonborn that has gotten around into loads of battles. Last time we were with him, he decided to go pretend to fall in with Greed.)
Rukvara:(he is/was Bill's character)
Simon N. (GM):(Chris has a history w Shieldbiter!)
Chris T.:(Was just unsure of his role in the current set up.)
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "Quillax, explain again about the Peacock, for the benefit of Sir Rogare here."
Quillax:"The Peacock is the representative of Pride - Pride has been undertaking a religous cult coup of sorts, spreading the wings in the shadow. There will be deep roots and undoubtedly it will
Chris T.:"If we can not fight the storm we must learn to bend with it, let it blow itself out around us. While we take the head of the peacock?"
Simon N. (GM):Rogare: "Pride - Runelord Xanderghul? The most powerful one?"
Quillax:"Pride is still weak, according to a source of ours. He did not come out...whole."
Simon N. (GM):Rogare: "Hm. We fight Xanderghul because Karzoug is too powerful to face?"
Quillax:"This is our best chance against him, before he regains his full strength."
Chris T.:"What of Sorshen? She seems to have taken an interest. Perhaps she can once more offer her help?"
"She knows their weaknesses."
Quillax:"Better to take down the weaker ones so we may have fewer enemies on the battle field against us."
Q says to Rogare.
Simon N. (GM):Sheila nods to Quillax and looks to Malassandra. "Perhaps you van contact Sorshen? We desperately need allies."
Quillax:To Mal, she shrugs. "We have spoken on Xanderghul once. She may choose to contact us again, or not."
Chris T.:(Perhaps through Lissala or Kursha?)
Simon N. (GM):Rogare looks unconvinced at Qullax's words about taking down the weaker ones. He looks to Victor. "The Rune Giants may be too powerful to fight... but Karzoug is still mortal, yes? If we could get to him..."
Victor Septimus:"i belive lady Quilax tried that once. 2 of her squad died using this approach"
Chris T.:"We did not fight him on our terms. We were taken by surprise."
Victor Septimus:"You were there Quilax, i've only read the report"
Chris T.:"We must grasp the issue, take the initiative."
Weeping for Eldrin
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "I don't believe another assault on Karzoug's Pinnacle of Avarice is advisable at this time."
Quillax:Q's jaw clenches. "Karzoug has a particular hatred for me. He will come and when he does, it will be to our battlefield. We will proceed first by taking our Xanderghul and freeing up our soldiers in those places to protect as many of our peoples as we can."
Rukvara:" husbands body is up there...
Ruk rises from her chair
Victor Septimus:" taking out these Runelords, thinning thier power by killing the more vunerable ones and avoiding these giants perhaps?"
Quillax:"Xanderghul may have some relics or books that can help us against Karzoug. Pride has illusion magic which we perhaps may be able to use to our advantage."
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "Rukvara... Your husband would not want you to throw your life away."
Rukvara:"No, he'd want me to kill the one who murdered him!"
Chris T.:"And to destroy another rune lord will bolster morale. We must show the world that wecan win."
Rukvara:She slams her fist on the table
Victor Septimus:Is there drink at the table?
Quillax:"If I thought it would solve the problem, I would charge at it him head on, but I will not sacrifice Claw's WIFE when it will serve no purpose but for your bones to be beside his!" Q roars, finally having lost her temper
Simon N. (GM):(yes, drink on table) Sheia nods to Quillax. "I understand the Temple of the Peacock Spirit is cloaked in Illusion, hidden. Hopefully your own powers can pierce the veil."
Quillax:Q breathes out deeply. "If you wish to avenge your husband, we will do it - but we will not do it stupidly."
Rukvara:Ruk storms out of the room
Victor Septimus:Victor pours a drink, looks at Mal holding it out to her looking at her like "want one?"
Quillax:She clears her throat and turns to Shelia - "We can only hope."
Simon N. (GM):Sheila breathes out as Ruk storms away. "I worry about that one."
Chris T.:"Not while I'm working. But thank you, Victor."
Quillax:"She grieves deeply. It comes out as anger, which is a safer emotion for many then sorrow."
Simon N. (GM):Rogare: "The Shoanti are hot-blooded. And they mate for life."
Victor Septimus:"hmph, suit yourself" Vic takes a hearty sip.
Rukvara:Ruk find a barrel of ale and sits drinking it frustrated on a chair infront of the hearth
Simon N. (GM):Rogare: "It does seem that destroying Xanderghul, supposed greatest of the Runelords, would boost morale. Especially if we can gain his resources."
Elmo gives Ruk a friendly pat on the shoulder, not speaking, but looking into the fire.
Victor Septimus:"Paralictor. I would advise a more guerilla warfare approach to this giant menace. It pains me to say it, but as we are, we are no match even for a scouting party"
Simon N. (GM):Rogare nods to Victor. "Aye. They're like nothing seen on Golarion for ten thousand years."
Chris T.:"They can be killed."
Victor Septimus:"Aye" VIc takes a drink.
'So can we"
Simon N. (GM):Rogare turns to Quillax. "The Hell Knights stand ready to assist in any way we can."
Chris T.:Mal despairs of the valour of humanity.
Quillax:Q nods. "Our thanks, Rogare, to you and your brave Hellknights."
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "The Pathfinders and the Sihedron Council, likewise. No one wants to go down without a fight."
Victor Septimus:"One thing i did notice"
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "Yes?"
Victor Septimus:"perhaps can be used against these giants. They are prideful, they see us as.. insects to be crushed. They may under estimate us, that can be used to our advantage"
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "Yes... I have been dealing with these Runelords for some twelve years now... and it is clear they and their minions rarely take us seriously. Probably just as well."
Quillax:"And that is why we will win. We know they can be killed. But we also know that we must fight smarter."
Simon N. (GM):Rogare: "How are their protections against magic? Spells like Banishment, Hypnotic Pattern..."
Chris T.:"They are difficult to banish. They seem to resist the magic."
Simon N. (GM):Sheila sighs.
Victor Septimus:" i didn't have the chance to test my own magic on them. I was unconscious before i knew what was going on"
Chris T.:"Their weakness lays in their great size. They are slow."
"Slow to avoid magic that is."
(OOC - Best way I could say hit them with Dex saves :D )
Victor Septimus:OOC int saves would rock
Quillax:"Many kinds of magic do not work on them. Their magic is based the same as mine, upon Wisdom. They are not extremely intelligent but their strength and determination makes up for it.
Victor Septimus:Synaptic static would work well
Quillax:"But like all giants, like Claw, Charm and such seems to not work so well against them."
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "Karzoug appears to have three groups of them - a dozen each. One at Jorgenfist, one in Belkzen, one guarding him at Xin-Shalast. He has been deploying them rather cautiously, I think, keeping them together. His remaining forces are weak, for now, but as he takes control of Zutha's armies that will change."
Chris T.:"And we must avoid their attacks that can harm all of us. Keep out of their spells which cause damage over an area."
Quillax:"We can take a single one as a group, but they wield lightning and fire and hit exceptionally hard."
"Distance damage is best."
Victor Septimus:"Aggresive, fast.... tch, perfect warriors"
Chris T.:"If you fear to fight them wemust then stripthem of support?"
"So we take out their lordsone by one..."
Victor Septimus:"Fear has nothing to do with this. I resepct them, the power they have"
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "The Pathfinders will work with Lastwall and others to slow Karzoug's conquest of Belkzen as much as possible, avoiding battle with his Rune Giants. Meanwhile you will go to the Temple of the Peacock Spirit, eliminate weakened Xanderghul."
Simon N. (GM):Sheila: "You may also wish to go to Runeforge . I understand from Brodert that powerful anti-Runelord weapons may be created there. Perhaps something that could even harm a Rune Giant?"
Victor Septimus:"Excellent, we need all the help we can get"
Quillax:"If we can lure them away from the group, yes...."
Victor Septimus:Victor stands. Ill talk to the Runeforge master at once"
Chris T.:OOC - do we have those rune metals still? M would love to forge a better shield.
Victor Septimus:"Pralictor", Victor thumps hhis chest with his gauntlent
Rukvara:all the gancy metals we're with Claw
Simon N. (GM):Rogare salutes back.
Quillax:(Simon, question, would a large interconnect series of plants, such as a "Pando" or a series of interconnected ferns work for transport via plants?)
Victor Septimus:OOC is the runeforge here?
something you can make a man-sized portal in
Quillax:(yes, so a large plant is defined as something that comes from a single root system? If there was some plant that spread across a large space but had single root system, would that count? Does the portal HAVE to be vertical?)
Simon N. (GM):Sheila explains to Victor that Runeforge is at Rimeskull mountain in NW Varisia and is a legendary smithing dungeon created by the Runelords
Victor Septimus:"How far is the travel?"
Simon N. (GM):(I think I might make Quillax roll Nature if it's a marginal case)
Chris T.:back, sorryabout that
Runeforge is at Rimeskull.
Quillax:(so if Q happened to grow a large flat "plant"... the spell says nothing about having to willingly step through. If you fell through...yes?)
Simon N. (GM):Temple of Peacock Spirit is in the Kodar mountains roughly due north of the Sunken Queen
Chris T.:a long way north, past Karzoug's armies?
(Runeforge that is, Mal knows the Sunken Queen well :) )
Simon N. (GM):"any creature can step into the target plant and exit from the destination plant by using 5 feet of movement." hmmm
Quillax:(Q can get them pretty close to there - she was up there before)
Victor Septimus:Hmm guess i can't fly their on a pegasus
Rukvara:OOC Now your thinking with Portals ;)
Simon N. (GM):>>:a long way north, past Karzoug's armies?<< It's not in Karzoug territory
Chris T.:But they lay between us and the north?
Chris T.:They attackedthe Jorgunfist?
Victor Septimus:"Shall first order of business is to find better arms at this forge?"
Chris T.:"So we head north to forge weapons of great power then attack the peacock throne?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Need to stop shortly. Do you want me to prep Runeforge for next time? :)
Chris T.:Sounds good guys?
Victor Septimus:I vote yes. Anything that helps with giants is a good thing to me
Rukvara:sure, go for it, my food will be arriving shortly
Quillax:I have no particular leaning either way - if you guys are particularly interested in the Forge, sure, let's do it.
So it seems like a yes, please :)
Rukvara:o, and yes to the firsge
Simon N. (GM):(you were 'supposed' to do it before attacking the Pinnacle of Avarice, it's Book 5 of Rise of the Runelords, but I think w the Sihedron it seemed unnecessary)
Well, lets go get some giant killing weapons haha
Chris T.:It can only help! :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK Wind Walk to Rune Forge?
I'll prep it for when we resume
Bye all for now!
Rukvara:get another druid to cawste it on us to save your spells Keelia :P
Quillax:Sounds good! Thanks all :)
Chris T.:I'll need a bit of time to rejig my spells. I'm not making use of 90% of them.
Rukvara:gya, thanks for the game
Quillax:I'll redo my spells some, too.
Chris T.:Thanks for the game, Simon. Guys. Stay safe :)
Quillax:Have a great rest of the weekend!
Chris T.:Thanks Keelia.You guys too
Victor Septimus:See ya everyone