civilization on the wild frontier of Varisia. Yet
tragedy seems to haunt the city’s royal bloodline.
Few of her rulers rule for long, and none have lived to a
ripe old age, dying instead well before their time. Heirs to
the throne are few and far between—in its 300-year history,
no prince of Korvosa born to a reigning monarch has ever
inherited the Crimson Throne. This is the source of much gossip
inherited the Crimson Throne. This is the source of much gossip
and tale-spinning among the city’s citizens, who speak in
hushed tones of what they have come to call the Curse of
the Crimson Throne...
Curse of the Crimson Throne is a Paizo 'Adventure Path', set primarily in and around the former Cheliaxan colony city of Korvosa, on the western coast of wild Varisia. It has a darkly cool and distinctly 'Noir' ish tone, with many elements very reminiscent of Gotham City and the 'Batman' mythos. It is definitely not a utopia; Korvosa is a troubled city and can be a dark and unpleasant place. But nor is it a 'seething hive of scum and villainy' - for all their faults, most Korvosans are basically good people, trying to do their best in often difficult circumstances. Of course there are also those genuine villains who seek to prey upon them... In these dark times, Korvosa is very much in need of heroes.
Player Notes
Your Character
The heroes of Curse of the Crimson Throne - and they are heroes, not mere 'adventurers', if Korvosa is to ultimately survive - are initially brought together by mutual desire for vengeance upon the foul criminal Gaedren Lamm. Beyond that, though, they are people with strong attachments to the city and a need to see her survive and hopefully flourish. Like the Batman, they may be driven by their own inner demons, or by healthier attachments to kith and kin, hearth and home. What keeps you here - the memory of a bittersweet love? The claims of your family? Or simply a drive to see a better day dawn?Good alignments are preferred; Neutral characters may work well, but should be motivated by more than selfish greed. There is certainly a place for cynicism, ambition, and lust for wealth, power, and earthly pleasures - but when the chips are down, you will need to be more than that...
Character Backgrounds
Before the campaign begins, in consultation with me sketch out a paragraph or so of background on your character, preferably including a relation to at least one of the NPCs listed below, and a reason to seek vengeance against the crime lord Gaedren Lamm. Read over the Curse of the Crimson Throne Players' Guide, a free download written for 3e D&D.
Traits: You may take two Traits, at most one generic Trait from the Advanced Players Guide, and one or two Campaign Traits connected to your personal vendetta against Gaedren (see pages 14-16). You can alternatively choose one of the CoTCT backgrounds from 'Varisia: Birthplace of Legends' as your Campaign Trait - Dockside Avenger & Varisian Immunity.
You may start play knowing one or more of the other PCs - perhaps a mutual friend was victimised by Gaedren, creating a shared desire for vengeance.
NPC connections
While you are not yet an established hero, you may have some connection with one or more of the well-known NPCs listed on page 6-7 of the Players' Guide. Here are some ideas for particularly suitable connections:
Queen Ileosa |
Marshall Cressida Kroft (37?) Serious minded and professional,
Update: Croft finally turned against Ileosa following the death of Cmdt Endrin 7/11/4708 AR.
Sabina Merrin |
Grau |
Grau's sister Tayce Soldado has several children. The PCs had a senior priest of Abadar cure her daughter Brienna of Blood Veil.
Trinia Sabor: This pretty young painter is a rising star in
Trinia Sabor |
Cmdt Marcus Endrin |
Marcus died trying to assassinate Queen Ileosa, 7/11/4708.
Devargo Barvassi |
controls Eel's End, a notorious den of iniquity. Rogue and Bard PCs in particular may have tangled with him, likely to their detriment. Update M11 - Eel's End was destroyed by the Emperor of Old Korvosa's men. Devargo was captured and beaten, but subsequently rescued by Naglatha & co.
Devargo was eventually poisoned by his own spiders, ca M12 4708.
Newly Encountered NPCs
The Edge of Anarchy
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Sir Jereth Rogare |
Amin Jalento: A wealthy young (ca 18) rake rescued from rioting dockhands in Westdock. Friends with Vemi Diaquani. Update: Became a student at the Orisini Academy after the Anarchy M8 4708, was trapped in Old Korvosa when the Quarantine was instituted M10 4708.
'Muttonchops': Leader of the dockhands/stevedores in Westdock. A drunkard and firebrand agitator against the Queen, the Guard, the Wererats etc etc.
Thousand Bones: A senior and aged priest/shaman of the Shoanti Skull Clan, who tend the sacred burial grounds. The PCs recovered the body parts of his dead grandson Gaekhen.
Tiora 'the pickpocket': (25?) An attractive brunette of rather easy virtue. Rescued from Cabbagehead's prisoner pits in the Dead Warrens, she rewarded Vemi with a wand of cure moderate wounds, said to have been 'lost' by a senior Priest of Abadar. And considerable further attentions...
Abstarus, a merchant/fence and member of the Cerulean Society, Korvosa's loose Thieves' Guild, known to Devargo. He's known as a slippery customer. Devargo Barvassi is only an associate of the Cerulean Society, he pays operating dues, but is not a 'made man' in Mafia terms. M9 4708 - sold Naglatha a wand of cure light wounds for full price, only had 14 charges left.
'Seven Days to the Grave'
Eries Yelloweyes: Elderly female wererat, has an above-ground role as a monger of secondhand fish - 'Dock Dumplings'. Knows Naglatha.
Girrigz Ripperclaws: Vault-dwelling wererat leader and firebrand, had threatened war against the city. Friendly with Naglatha Winterkill, despite her attacking him!
Vendra Loaggri: Perfume seller and fraudster, arrested by the PCs for peddling a fake Blood Veil cure. Sentenced to 20 years servitude M10 4708.
Deyanira Mirukova: Varisian dancing girl, starry-eyed at Vemi Diaquani. Sought help to find her missing brother Ruan, rescued from the Temple of Urgathoa.
Ausio Carowyn: Nouveau-riche aristocrat, only survivor of Jolistina's massacre at Carowyn Manor.
'Escape from Old Korvosa'
Laori Vaus - Insanely cheerful Forsaken Elf priestess of Zon-Kuthon, seeking Salvator Scream. Laori never did get the Fangs of Kazavon..
Salvator Scream - Korvosan artist responsible for the disturbing backdrops at Exemplary Execrables, has had dealings with Vencarlo Orisini.
Carmichu - tall, one-eyed majordomo to Lord Glorio Arkona.
Home Base, Favoured Haunts, and NPC Contacts
Using the Player's Guide to Korvosa as a starting point, you can sketch out a few details on your character's home base, such as a family home, a temple, an inn, even a brothel or monastery - and one or more places where they enjoy spending time. Feel free to create new NPCs - friends, relatives, rivals, (ex?) lovers or husband/wife etc, but make sure that details on any important personages don't conflict with the characters described in the Players' Guide.
Other NPCs
Garrick Tann: Magistrate of Commerce, the chief tax collector
Lolia Perenne: Magistrate of Regulation
Neolandus Kalepopolis: The seneschal of Castle Korvosa
Severs “Boneclaw” DiVri: Commander of the Hellknight Order of the Nail at Citadel Vraid
Syl Gar: Magistrate of Expenditures
Zenobia Zenderholm: "the Hanging Judge", Korvosa’s senior arbiter
Boule: guildmaster of the Cerulean Society, Korvosa’s thieves’ guild
Darb Tuttle: The Archbanker of the Church of Abadar, one of Korvosa’s most powerful clerics
Glorio Arkona: patriarch of one of Korvosa’s most powerful noble families
Keppira d’Bear: The Bishopess of the cathedral of Pharasma
Toff Ornelos: Headmaster of the Acadamae, the most prestigious school of magic in Varisia
Tepest Geezlebottle: Gnome wizard, heads the small Theaumanexus College of Magic in East Shore
NPC Level Distribution
'Standard' NPCs
Low level 1-3 - most people, 1st level characters tend to be inexperienced or incompetent, 2nd level is typical for competent characters, eg Korvosan Guards, novice Gray Maidens.
Medium level 4-5 - experienced characters, eg Sable Company Marines, Hellknight Armigers on the cusp of graduation, trained Gray Maidens.
Exceptional NPCs
Medium level: 6 - eg newly graduated Hellknights.
High Level: 7-9 - eg senior temple priests, high priests of lesser temples, experienced Hellknights, Gray Maiden Queensguard.
Very High Level: 10 - high priests of major temples tend to be 10th-12th.
Powerful NPCs:
Very High Level: 11-15 - typically only a handful of such characters exist in any given nation. The prime exemplar of each class tends to be in this range, eg the Archpriest, Archmage, Prince of Rogues etc, and major leaders such as Hellknight Lictors.
Legendary NPCs:
Levels 16-20 - these few are typically world-renowned heroes and villains, who shape the destiny of nations.
Rules Mechanics - Pathfinder
Permitted Sources: Core Rulebook, Advanced Players' Guide, Crimson Throne Players' Guide, Inner Sea World Guide, Varisia: Birthplace of Legends. PCs use the Medium Advancement Track for XP. The race notes from the Crimson Throne Players' Guide all apply.
Character Generation
Character Attributes are rolled best 3 of 4d6 in order STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA, then swap any pair. PCs with net positive attribute modifiers of less than +5, or no roll of 14+, may be rerolled, at the player's option. PCs begin the campaign at 2nd level (2000 XP) with maximum hit points.
PC Hit Points above first level are at least half maximum on each die - roll die, then take 'half max' if higher:
Hit Die: 2nd Level Hit Points: Level 3+ Minimum Hit Points per Hit Die
d6: 12: 3
d8: 16: 4
d10: 20: 5
d12: 24: 6
PC Level
New and replacement PCs start at the level listed below, depending on which book of the Crimson Throne campaign is being played. Established PCs who are below the listed level at the start of a new Book can level up to the level listed, with minimum XP for that level. No additional wealth is gained from levelling up.
New PC Start Level & Starting Wealth (provisional)
No more than 25% of a new PC's starting wealth may be spent on magic items, other than simple '+' weapons and armour (+1 to +3), and potions of cure light wounds. All PCs are the same level.
2 - standard starting wealth
3 - 1,500gp (of which magic 375gp)4 - 5,250gp (of which magic 1312.5gp)
6 - 11,750gp (of which magic 2937.5gp)
8 - 23,000gp (of which magic 5750gp)
10 - 41,000gp (of which magic 10250gp)
House Rules
Saving Throw Bonus = Add 1/2 Level (rounded down) to all Saves.
Death Save to stabilise is a Fortitude check, DC = (10+Negative hp).
Critical Hits: No Critical Hit confirmation roll. x2 crits do maximum normal damage (don't roll). x3 crits do 1.5 times maximum normal damage (don't roll).
Retraining: A PC may swap out 1 Feat, 1 Known Spell, or 1 Skill Point each time they level up (a class power or other character element may be swappable also - consult with GM). The Feat, skill point (etc) lost may not be a prerequisite for one of the PC's other feats, prestige class, etc.
This is a somewhat scarce-magic campaign. Many spells are not widely known or have limited efficaciousness, eg Raise Dead when cast by mortals only works on rare individuals - it has been years since anyone was Raised in Korvosa. Magic items require rare components/ingredients, and are thus available in very limited numbers, if at all, with a partial exception for 'simple +' weapons and armour (normally +1 & +2, rarely +3), which are sometimes forged by master smiths using 'star metal' garnered from the Storrval Plateau; and the healing potions (usually cure light wounds) created by some holy temples such as the Bank of Abadar.
Charged items require that each charge be cast into the item during the construction process, eg creating a 50-charge wand of fireballs requires that the fireball spell be cast into it fifty times, a laborious process. Consequently, on the rare occasions when powerful destructive magic becomes available for sale it often commands well above 'list price'.
Commissioned Spellcasting: The Temples of Abadar and Pharasma (Divine), the Acadamae (Arcane), the Pantheon (Divine) and others, may provide spellcasting services, at a high price. 1st and 2nd level spellcasting is commonly available to those with enough gold; 3rd and 4th level spellcasting is available only to those with good relations to the institution, or the politically powerful. 5th level spells and above are not normally available, though it is rumoured some High Priests and Wizards have mastered such mighty magics. Some say the leader of the Acadamae even commands magics of the 6th rank!
Crafting Magic Items
You can buy a month's pass to the Korvosa University (H8) library to begin your researches for 5gp - wear your cleanest outfit! The Theamanexus College and Acadamae libraries are better equipped, but only available to members.
I'll need to know:
1. Your Knowledge Arcana skill, for researching the components. At the University Library research DC = Craft DC, 1 day per check, max 3 checks per item, taking 3 days. You may make 1 additional check each time your Arcana skill increases and each time you access an additional research source.
Acquiring the components typically requires working with a broker, sending adventurers on 'fetch quests', etc. An attempt to acquire components typically takes 3d6 days, + 1 day per caster level of the item, with initial (sunk) cost = quarter base price. Success typically requires a Diplomacy, Bluff or Intimidate check, DC = time (3d6+CL). Another quarter of the base price is spent upon success.
2. Spellcraft skill is used for forging.
3. The Craft DC & base costs of the items you wish to make are as normal.
4. For items requiring spells, you need to cast that spell (but see below). For any charged items, the number of charges you can place in the item per day = the number of times you cast that spell into it, so eg if you cast a spell 5 times/day it will take 10 days to fully charge a 50 charge wand.
5. You must have necessary spells on your class spell list. This is mandatory. Eg: Summoners do not have Disguise Self on their list, so Kaz (Summoner) cannot create a hat of disguise. However Vermi (Bard) could potentially do so.
6. If you have the spell on your class spell list, but do not actually know the spell, you may use a scroll if available, or employ a hired caster to assist, which typically costs the same as a scroll of that level for one day's work in a safe environment. Hiring may require a Diplomacy check. Using an assistant caster or scroll adds +10 to the craft DC.
Heavy Crossbow does 2d10 damage within its first range increment.
New Feat: Spear Fighter
Prerequisite: BAB+1
The character may use Spears and Longspears one-handed. He may 'choke back' on a long spear as a swift action, and use it as a 5' reach weapon to attack adjacent opponents. There must be a clear 5' space behind the character. On the battleboard this is the square flanking the character from the enemy square targeted, eg:
Enemy Square - Character Square - Clear Square
He may return the spear to a 10' reach weapon as a second swift action.
Allies of the Spear Fighter do not provide cover to enemies targeted with his spear attacks.
Siege Crossbow
Proficiency: Martial (heavy xbow is simple, ballista is exotic)
cost: 125 gp including support
weight: 24 lb including support
damage: 1d12 (2d12 at 1st range increment) crit: 19–20: 12 (24) range: 120 ft.
Type: P
setup: 1 full round action
aim: 0 rounds
reload: 2 full round actions
Mortgage with the Bank of Abadar.
A typical agreement involves a 1% loan charge per calendar month, with a minimum 0.5% mortgage capital repayment (so 600gp pcm on a 40,000gp mortgage, costs twice rental but you own the house after 200 months); the most reliable borrowers with substantial deposits may get better rates. The Bank retains the title deeds and full legal ownership, less any deposit; if you fall 30 days in arrears the Bank can repossess.
Leadership feat
You do not automatically gain a cohort. Any potential cohort must be a real NPC, acquired in the course of play, and still played by the GM outside of combat. The listed level is a cap on the highest level NPC who can be acquired. Cohorts will generally count as 0.5 of a PC for XP award purposes.
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Corporal Oriana |