26/11/4708 AR: Senior Duskwarden Jaran asks PCs for help; three days ago a food caravan on the Halflight Path was wiped out, with the loss of three trained Duskwardens and twelve farmers. The food was left untouched. Assigned Duskwarden Karl.
27/11/4708 AR: PCs descend the Halflight Path with Karl to caverns and the remains of an underground city. Investigating at the spot where the caravan was destroyed, the PCs are attacked by wraiths & cloakers commanded by a Spirit Naga. They defeat the monsters in a gruelling battle. Returning to the surface Jaran pays the promised 4000gp reward.
29/11/4708: Vemi's hammer upgraded to +2.
9/12/4708: Naglatha's bow upgraded to Undead Bane.
15/12/4708: Durnhelm's sword upgraded to +1 Corrosive.
Have 1 week to planned rendezvous with the Brotherhood of Bones at Castle Scarwall in the Hold of Belkzen.
XP: 7733 each + 83114 = 90847
105,000 XP for Level 10
Subsistence: 60gp each Kaz, Vemi, Durnhelm. 20gp Naglatha.
By the time your gear is ready winter has set in, a cold dreary rain with occasional sleet has been spattering the city for the past several days.