Tsadok's draw from the Harrow Deck of Many Things reveals that he is the true King of Korvosa, grandson of Queen Domina the Usurper and heir to the Arabasti line.
Back in Korvosa, Neolandus Kalepopolis has discovered Tsadok's lineage, the council of nobles unites to beseech him to take the throne and he accepts. Neolandus appoints Naglatha leader of the reformed Sable Company, and Naglatha seeks Wings of Flying for her wolf companion Megrim. Toff Ornelos, the sinister leader of the Acadamae, agrees to enchant wings of flying for Megrim, having recently acquired some left-over Horned Devil wings from the massacre in Castle Korvosa. Megrim looks like being one odd-looking bird...
She sends word east to Lastwall; the Church of Iomedae notifies her they are sending a party to recover the Fangs for safekeeping.
Tsadok, aware of the supposed Curse of the Crimson Throne - that no sitting monarch of Korvosa has sired progeny - determines to secure his lineage prior to his coronation. Marshall Cressida Croft graciously declines an offer to aid his efforts...
Kaz Anders prevails upon the new King Tsadok I Arabasti to appoint an elected Assembly of Commoners, bringing the long-sought-for democratic element to Korvosan governance.
Of Vemi Diaquani, Initiate of Zon-Kuthon, there is no sign.
3 Dread Wraiths CR 10 xp 9600x3=28800
6 Ileosa Simulacra CR 7 xp 3200x6=19200
6 Bearded Devils CR 5 xp 1600x6=9600
4 Elite Erinyes CR 11 xp 12800x4=51200
Ileosa Arabasti CR 18 xp 153600
Dispelling Kazavon CR 15 xp 51200
Total 313600/4=78400 + 446384=524,784
635,000 for Level 15
"And that, dear children, is how we all defeated nasty Queen Ileosa, and served the Midnight Lord's will. The End." |