Group confer with the Brotherhood of Bones. It's decided that rather than Sial's plan to assault the Star Tower, the PCs will take out the Umbral Dragon while the Brotherhood of Bones explore the West Wing and deal with any reinforcements. Rest overnight in Count Sial's Bone Tower.
At dawn, re-enter Castle Scarwall and enter the old stable block, lair of Belshazam the Umbral Dragon. A terrible foe, he slays Vemi Diaquani, but not even the aid of Nessian Warhounds can prevent his defeat. Kaz takes his head, and Megrim kills the last hellhound as it flees. The group withdraw, Naglatha taking Vemi's body. and confer with the Brotherhood back at the gatehouse.
That afternoon Naglatha Kaz & Jareth the monk re-enter the Castle to seize the dragon's treasure. Naglatha has a plan to put Vemi's soul into one of the Night Hag's soul jars, hopefully before it can be drawn into Scarwall. Kaz manages to get Vemi jarred at the second attempt, the first soul likely a hound or possibly Belshazam. Exiting the stables, gargoyle brutes swoop down, but the group evade them and escape.
Back at the gatehouse as night falls, Sial & Laori Vaus kindly offer to reanimate Vemi as an undead thrall of Kazavon, but Naglatha has a better idea. Using a Shadow Walk scroll they return to Kaer Maga, spotting Durnhelm's spirit now among the Shoanti shade guardians on Varisia's frontier.
Naglatha visits the Church of Pharasma, where she is regarded as a champion of the goddess. The priests successfully Raise Vemi.
Persuade Count Sial to change plans CR 8 = 4800
Defeat Belshazzam, adult Umbral dragon CR 14= 38400
3 Nessian Hellhounds CR 9 x3= 6400x3= 19200
Escape 5 Gargoyle Brutes CR6x5=2400x5=12000/2=6000
Raise Vemi CR 10=9600
Total: 78000/4=19500 each
145097 + 19500 = 164597
Need 155,000 for level 11.
LEVEL 11 Reached
Need 220,000 for level 12.
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