Sunday 23 October 2016

ep 28 Seven's Sawmill

Quillax's Account

We were breakfasting with Sheila in the Lodge when she mentioned there were interesting lectures being given, particularly by a self-named expert on the Runelord of Lust. Despite strong interest in the Pathfinder lecture and a desire to set the record straight in terms of the expertise of Runelord of Lust, Sepheria resisted the lure in the face of our investigative responsibilities.
Over breakfast, Sepheria mentioned that she had dreamed she was flying over a plateau and saw a light in the distance. In response, Sheila mentioned she had not yet worked out the next ritual but was still working on it. We checked with Sheila as to whether or not a Xanesha was currently in the Magnimar society. She was unknown to any of Sepheria's sister, who knew all of the high society people. With that possible clue currently at a standstill, we went back over our plans for the evening and prepared ourselves.
Elwin was called away on an emergency requirement for a Cleric. We left Clank in the Lodge with a note for him in case he was able to return quickly.
Following a hearty supper, we headed towards the Sawmill, aiming to arrive for around 9pm, hopefully between shifts. Unfortunately, we could hear the sawmill still working. Neril cast Pass Without A Trace and we moved with the intent to remain unseen until we were able to determine whether or not the SawMill was of any true interest. Neril climbed onto the roof of the warehouse nearest to the sawmill and was able to teleport onto the roof of the sawmill. Unfortunately, from what Sepheria mentioned by way of Moncey's eyes, Neril slipped, possibly on a bad tile, but managed not to fall. On his second attempt, he made it into the Rookery/DoveCote.
Sepheria told us that the Trapdoor suddenly swung open when Neril stepped inside the Cote but Moncey could see no-one but there were strange, horrible stretched faces pinned to the wall in the room below. An Elf attacked Neril, discarding the invisibility to do so. He shimmered with pre-casted spells.
I was later informed that the Elf was Justice IronBriar, the longest serving Justice in Magnimar. He was wearing what we learned was the Reaper's Mask, which is a skin saw mask that allows him to take different faces to cause confusion. It was a far more powerful Skin Saw Mask then the ones we had encountered before.
Sepheria grabbed Jarrick's arm, as previously discussed and prepared to teleport. As they disappeared, I took owl form and winged up after them.
It was here that he tried to cast Hold Person on Sepheria and Jarrick but she blocks it. IronBriar retreated downstairs into his bedroom while Jarrick gave chase, catching him in the act of unlocking the double doors. Jarrick struck him with his shield and knocked him down, laying on a Smite.
As I winged in, I could hear IronBriar shouting in Elven. Amongst the various threats were those to sacrifice him to Negorba, an evil god whose followers kill for sacrament and for fun. Sepheria followed Jarrick down and attacked IronBriar with her green flame blade.
The Elf called out for reinforcements and tried to summon something but Sepheria cancelled it. He tried again with a confusion attack. Jarrick struggled to control himself but struck out at her before shaking off the confusion.
In that confusion, IronBriar made it out the door and ran around the corner. The door revealed some other cultists wielding war razors and skin saw masks.
Neril jumped down into the bedroom and teleported around the cultist minions, engaging IronBriar again. Other cultists appear from downstairs and surround Neril, hurting him. Before we could get to him, a cultist dropped his weapons and yanked the bedroom doors closed, holding them shut. I leapt down and cast Heat Metal on the door handles but it wasn't enough to get the cultist to release the doors. It took Jarrick to force the doors open while Neril dodged spells. Sepheria ran into the room, followed by Jarrick, who was tripped but managed to get to his feet quickly.
Neril was able to stun IronBriar before he teleported away and ducked into the bedroom to catch his breath. As he joined me in the room, he kicked the war razor away from the cultist with the singed hands, who tried to grab it but failed and then retreated across the room.
The cultists moved to attack, two aiming for Jarrick and one for Sepheria.
Hearing more cultists coming up from below, I cast a Flaming Sphere at the top of the stairs without thinking. There was a reason that Sepheria decided against any of her fire spells. My Flaming Sphere caught the saw dust floating in the air and exploded. It killed one cultist and damaged everyone nearby as well as setting the room on fire.
Sepheria attacked with her meteor spell and managed to strike down IronBriar and another cultist. This was a turning point for us. Jarrick took down a cultist and then Neril took one down. He grabbed IronBriar's body and carried him into the bedroom in case he had evidence on him.
The cultists below decided to run as did the ones previously fighting us. I gave chase with my Sphere. Sepheria followed shouting threats.
While I and Sepheria gave chase down the stairs, Neril took the direct route and jumped down a void, landing on a cultist and killing him.
While we were giving chase, Jarrick decided to look for proof especially as the top floor was rapidly being covered with fire. He ducked into the bedroom where IronBriar's body was, checking it for evidence as well as grabbing some of the faces off the walls for further evidence. He then checked the side rooms but those turned up empty. From there, he climbed back up to the Dove Cote/Rookery and grabbed one rook and released the other two. He then Misty Stepped out onto the room, then to the warehouse where Neril had started, managing to get down and maintain his grip on the rook. He then returned back to the saw mill to assist us.
Of the four cultists left, all four ran. Neril gave chase and blocked their escape path. Sepheria slipped around me and between she and Neril, they took out two cultists. I took out one they had nearly finished off before Neril killed the last just as he opened the door and revealed 3 more cultists coming up from below. Neril teleported back and warned us. Sepheria ran forward and released another meteor.
I changed into a Boar shape and charged after her, skidding around the corner to gut the front cultist. The other two decide to take their chances in the water, which turned out to be a very bad idea as they got caught up in the water wheels.
The building, now very much on fire, prompted us to pull back, concerned for Jarrick, who popped up as we were discussing how to get back up and find him.
The fire crew appeared shortly after and Sepheria took control of the conversation, informing him it was a cultist stronghold. She found out that IronBriar had been in charge of the cultist investigations, which explains why nothing was ever found. She told them to search the building thoroughly for clues once the fire had been contained. The Captain volunteered to get Clerics in to speak to the dead.
I spoke to the Rook who revealed that the birds were sent to the Clock Tower in UnderBridge. There were 2 leggers, but not humans there. One apparently had a pumpkin head and one was a snake lady – the rook thought she was in charge. Some more discussion, in trade for seed and jerky revealed the Clock Tower to be due North and most likely to be the 'Shadow Clock Tower', an abandoned and decrepit set of ruins with the clock set permanently at 3. We released the Rook and it flew north.
We returned to the Lodge to wash off the smell of fire and regroup.
[xp 2887]
We met with Rogare the next day. Sepheria explained about IronBriar and in exchange the Hellknight offered the information that – as we already expected – all the murdered individuals were linked to Greed. He also informed us that a Gambler had gone missing but no body had been found.
We decided to invite the Hellknight to the ClockTower; he agreed to join us.
We traveled down to UnderBridge, settling into a pub that LeRizzle had spoken to me about; after speaking his name, the Landlord welcomed us.
While Sepheria settled in to try out a new spying spell with myself and Neril standing as her guard, Rogare tried to talk to the pub's occupants. He was making no headway until Jarrick stepped in. Then we were told of the sightings of a snake-like shape on top of the clock tower – snake-like being something large with a snakey tail. We were also told about the being twice the size of man having been seen around the bottom of the Tower. They thought it was probably "The ScareCrow" a pumpkin headed killer that wielded a scythe. This large creature had been known to haunt the area for some time, much longer than the couple of months of the snake-like sightings. But this ScareCrow was also considered a myth to some degree.
Hearing Sepheria muttering softly, I crouched down beside her and listened. She spoke of a boudoir, and something coiled up in the corner. From her description, I recognized it as a Lamia Noble. I was familiar with the legends of Lamia Nobles, creatures who served Karzoug, RuneLord of Greed. They were known to prey upon the human chattel and delighted in using seductive techniques to charm people, most likely to their doom.
Sepheria described a mask, golden and pointed, which she mentioned was the Legendary Medusa Mask, which can change people into stone. It's known to be able to do this once a day and the central gemstone emits a pale green light as part of the attack.
The Lamia Noble was reading a note, which Sepheria recites aloud. I have recorded it on another page, but she mentioned three most interesting points: Turtleback Ferry, Fort Rannick, and the lord-mayor as a prime target.
Below the Lamia's floor is a rookery, with three ravens. Two appear to be slightly singed and probably from the sawmill, the third seems new.
Below the Rookery is a bell chamber. She could see 3 faceless stalkers hiding the corners and the bells being held by ropes and rusted chains. The rope on the South East bell has been sawed through, probably rigged as a trap.
Each floor below the bell chamber is open with a weak and partially destroyed staircase winding around the outside against the stone walls.
There are six doors on the ground floor, excluding the exit. They seem to be empty. She sends her spells back around, looking for the pumpkin headed creature and other hidden beasts. Just as her spell is about to run out, she finally spots the ScareCrow returning.
His head is not a pumpkin but some idiot's head that drools. But it is swollen and engorged, looking much like a pumpkin from a distance. His body is partially made of animal parts – cow and horse – and he dresses in filth covered rags. There are more pumpkin like things upon his belt, which turn out to be heads. She murmurs that he moves like he has intelligence. He closes the door behind him with care and checks the area carefully, like he is searching. For all he is put together from pieces, he seems to display very unusual behaviour for a construct.
While Sepheria recovers herself we discuss our plan.
[extra xp ??]
--- Not for the Journal but to refresh our memories for the next game ---
We decide to tackle the Lamia first and leave the Construct for last as he will be strong. We also don't want to be struck by the falling bell trap. Sepheria will fly with Rogare up to the top. I will take Giant Spider form and climb the outside of the building, leaving a non-sticky web-ladder for the others to climb; I will disengage it when we get to the top to ensure the Construct cannot climb it. We will expect the faceless stalkers to come up and attack if we make too much noise in the Lamia room, but perhaps I can web the doors closed to slow them.

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