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Cadrilkasta the Blue Wyrm |
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Bob the Dhole |
Smon: GM: At the end of last session you returned to Magnimar for a 1 week Long Rest, is there anything you want to do there?
JamesDevil: hmm
Keelia: make more potions / keo'n
Keelia: and look for another bag of holding. Never did get around to that
Keelia: although I still have a handy haversack on my list but I prefer my bag of holding in case I have to cart out someone's dead body again
JamesDevil: hmm, wierd Gorak is missing from my apps inventory :/
Smon: Keoghtom's am I right it's 5 days & 250gp to make a jar with 5 doses?
Keelia: I've got batch of 5 every 2 days for 125gp on my sheet
Keelia: healing potions are 1 day + 25gp and can make 5/day
Smon: That's nice.
Smon: OK so you could make 3 batches of Keoghtom's.
Keelia: sounds good
Smon: Roll Investigate for bag of holding
Keelia rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 3, (+3) = 6
Keelia: for investigation
Keelia: well boo
Smon: Apparently no one has a bag of holding.
Keelia: She'll make use of Claw's - leaving everything non-vital at home
Smon: GM: Since you are a bit short of adventurers, if you are planning to go to Leng today, Sheila Heidmarch offers to send Seoni, a 12th level sorceress Pathfinder, along with you.
Keelia: sounds good to me!
5:17pm 2019-6-01 joriandrake Has entered the room
Smon: Hi Jorian!
joriandrake: evening, sorry for some reason I recalled half hour
Smon: This is first time at 6pm.
joriandrake: as in 6.30
joriandrake: ok
joriandrake: Is this time now permanent?
Smon: >>GM: Since you are a bit short of adventurers, if you are planning to go to Leng today, Sheila Heidmarch offers to send Seoni, a 12th level sorceress Pathfinder, along with you.
Keelia: sounds good to me!
5:17pm 2019-6-01 joriandrake Has entered the room<<
Seoni greets the three of you in the Magnimar Pathfinder lodge, Heidmarch Manor.
"Hello. It is an honour to be accompanying you - I will try not to die! I mostly employ area-effect spells like fireball and chain lightning, I hope these will be useful."
JamesDevil: "We'll do our best to keep you alive" Claw smiles
Smon: >> Is this time now permanent?<<
Planning to go to Wednesdays 6pm from next Wednesday.
Keelia: (LOL @ try not to die )
Smon: Seoni nods seriously to Claw.
"Thank you!"
joriandrake: (ok, Wednesdays should work, but have to get used to it)
Smon: Seoni: "I can use Haste to assist you in battle, Lord Claw."
JamesDevil: "that would be most useful, thank you!"
joriandrake: "Greetings, if you think you're outmatched just try to disappear. Not everyone needs to be on the front, or even visible." Drakhaien nods and smiled at Seoni as he greets her.
Smon: Seoni smiles at Claw: "Remind me if I forget!" She turns to Drakhaien and nods seriously.
"I can cast Invisibility, but it will cancel other Concentration spells such as Haste."
GM: Are you tree striding back to the Guiltspur & heading for the Leng portal?
Keelia: Quillax looks the Sorceress over and nods. "We watch out for each other, shout out if you're getting overwhelmed. If everyone has what they need, let's head out."
Keelia: Yes, tree stride to Guiltspur
joriandrake: (was the loot stuff shared/sold?)
JamesDevil: I think we shard it
joriandrake: ok
JamesDevil: shared*
Smon: GM: Quillax casts Treestride again in the Lodge gardens and brings everyone a short walk from Guiltspur.
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 3,
JamesDevil: brb
joriandrake: (if the mask is attune required I do that at the town Simon)
Smon: At Guiltspur general Stom is still in command, she greets you and seems quite excited by the prospect of the upcoming war. "They say Lord Karzoug will return within months! Then we will march on his enemies at last!"
joriandrake: "We will march, but it is also fun to let them march into a trap instead" Drakh remarks
JamesDevil: back, now with food ^^
Smon: The Nightgaunt Mask needs to be worn for an hour to attune.
JamesDevil: "This is fantastic news Stom!"
Smon: Stom nods happily to Claw.
joriandrake: (was there time to do already since last session Simon?)
Smon: (you have had a 1 week long rest in Magnimar so yes) Stom has a fire giant guard escort you down to the mists over the Guiltspur library.
Smon: You descend into the depths...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
joriandrake: ( think I'll swap out the nightmare ro for the mask in attunement, does anyone want it? it causes nightmares if you strike with it, might work for our warrior or perhaps Seoni)
joriandrake: rod*
Smon: (Seoni will attune the Rod since you need it to reach Leng!)
No faceless statues, flying polyps, dark nagas or other horrors bar your path, and after travelling an hour or so you reach the Portal chamber, the Abysium reactor humming away to the south east.
joriandrake: (good)
Smon: Over fifty feet across and nearly a hundred feet wide, the ceiling
of this immense chamber stretches up into the darkness like a
silo. The walls glitter with sparkling blue and purple crystals,
with those higher up giving the illusion of colored stars above.
A stone door sits at the end of a wide hall to the south, while
to either side of this entrance, three large black metal doors
loom in the walls (although one set of doors to the northwest
has been smashed to rubble). The far side of the room features
a wide alcove in which a fountain of glowing blue liquid ripples,
but the most significant feature of the massive hall is the vast
pit that takes up the majority of the floor, leaving a ten-footwide
ledge around its edges. Silver light shines up from a
roiling bank of fog thirty feet down in this immense pit, and
now and then, immense rumblings and sloshing sounds, like a
whale floundering amid the waves of a distant beach, echo up
from the silver-limned depths.
Smon: GM: The south-west door opens and out scampers Morcruft the Leng ghoul, waving to you.
"Hello! Hi! We go to Leng now? Yes? Morcuft is ready!"
Keelia: "Yes, come along Morcruft."
JamesDevil: "Thats the plan Morccruft"
joriandrake: Drakhaien hands (handed?) over the rod to Seoni, ass a sorceress it should beuseful to her, even if not going into melee (and I attuned the mask in freed up slot), Drakh also sent his Necklace of Adaptation into party chest if anyone wishes to wear and attune it, could also be used by Seoni atm
Smon: Morcruft scampers over to Quillax's side, looking up at her deferentially.
Smon: GM: You remember what to do now right?
joriandrake: "I'm sure yo uwish to get home quickly, but remember that we aided you since the start. I don't care for a reward from you for getting back, but at the very least I expect no treachery." Drakh tells the ghoul
Keelia: The radiated powder comes out for part of the ceremony
Keelia: And everyone needs to go into the water
Smon: Morcruft nods repeatedly. "No treachery! No! Morcruft good ghoul!"
joriandrake: Drakhaien smiles at the creature "Great! Then we won't have to annhilate you."
JamesDevil: claw rolls his eyes at Drak
Keelia: "Let's go jump into the water while Seoni sets up the ritual."
JamesDevil: GM - How deep is the water?
Smon: GM: You all get into the fountain - it's about 3' deep - while Seoni casts Nightmare from the rod, causing strange purple black spectral forms to cluster at the edge of your vision, then scatters Abysium powder on the water. Nothing obvious happens... Drakhaien remembers that the final stage is for you all to jump into the silver mist, where the terrible Dhole roils forever.
JamesDevil: "well this will be fun...."
joriandrake: Drakh turns to Quillax "I will wear the mask. It is nice, but I can't speak when wearing it, so it will limit my spell options, WOn't even be able to use Message. Just wanted to note this."
joriandrake: He dons the black, horned mask
Keelia: She nods.
JamesDevil: Claw walks to the edge of the pit
JamesDevil: "are you all ready?
JamesDevil: "
Smon: Claw sees the endless mist, and the dim impression of something enormous moving deep within.
joriandrake: Drakh steps beside QUillax, bow readied
JamesDevil: Claw reaches out and clutches Q's hand
Smon: Morcruft (also washed) steps forward beside the four adventurers. Seoni looks down and gulps.
JamesDevil: "we've come this far, whats a jump into a death pit going to do eh?"
Keelia: "Let's go." Quillax nods
Keelia: She squeezes Claw's hand and leaps
JamesDevil: Claw jumps into the pit
joriandrake: Drakh pats the shoulder of Seoni gently in encouragement
Keelia: "Jump Morcroft," she commands as she leaps
joriandrake: Drakhaien then walks into it
Smon: Claw and Quillax leap; Morcruft follows at Quillax's call. Drakhaien and Seoni follow a moment later.
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 1,
Smon: ouch
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: You plunge downwards - Quillax and Claw feel their own reality wash away, and a sensation of vertigo as they float in a silver void, glimpsing the immense coiling writhing dhole-shape moving rapidly upwards...
Keelia: Quillax pulls her magic towards her, if need be, she'll plane shift them all herself.
Smon: Drakhaien is still plummeting through the mist when he sees the 30'-wide head of the dhole rising up towards him Seoni & Morcruft...
JamesDevil: Claw readies his sword, he'll be damned if he's going to die with a weapon in his hand
JamesDevil: without*
Keelia: "Get hold of each other!" Q snarls, reaching out for Claw.
Smon: /roll d20-1
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 8, (-1) = 7
Smon: Drakhaien roll init, you need to beat 7
joriandrake: oh heck
Smon: Morcruft init
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 17, (+5) = 22
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 17, (+6) = 23
Smon: Seoni init
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 14, (+3) = 17
joriandrake: Drakhaien hopes he can push/pull/drag Seoni away from it to just avoid battle with the creature
JamesDevil: woot!
Smon: Before the Dhole's maw can hoover anyone up, Seoni Drakhaien & Morcuft plunge past it, out of the mist and into the starry weightless void.
joriandrake: (I doN't plan to fight sharks in a sea, and I doN't plan to fight dimjensional monsterswhen traveling planes)
joriandrake: yay
Keelia: Q rolls over, clinging to Claw, to check those behind her.
Smon: As Quillax holds Claw she sees three tiny dots high above her in the misty silver void.... Then all of you feel solidity reforming around you...
Smon: *phooph!*"
Smon: Night. Cold.
joriandrake: Drakhain knows the real danger just begins, he readis bow again and carefully looks around, ready to hide at any moment if there's darkness or a place for it
Keelia: She clings to Claw though her feather fall is unlikely to slow them much
joriandrake: yay, night
Smon: You are sprawled on 40' wide stone platform extending out from a ragged mountainside.
JamesDevil: "i think we're on the ground now Q, but thanks for the thought"
Smon: The platform is attached to the side of an ice- and snow-crusted shelf of land over a hundred feet
across clings to the side of a mountain cliff. Above and below,
dark storm clouds roil and obscure sight of the sky and ground,
while to the left and right, the sheer black side of the cliff extends
as far as the eye can see. A freezing wind whips through the air,
carrying with it a strangely mournful howl. A forty-foot-diameter
pagoda-like structure, its domed roof supported by two thick
pillars, is attached to the ledge via a short flight of stone steps,
leading to a column-lined avenue flanked to each side by three
immense stone sphinxes. The avenue leads up to the cliff face, in
which wait two immense thirty-foot-tall black stone doors.
Smon: You are under the pagoda.
joriandrake: The rogue turns his colourful cloak out revealing it's black on the inner side, then wears it as such
JamesDevil: Claw wraps his winter coat over Seoni "Thank should keep of the chills"
Smon: Portal. The
air between the two pillars maintains a swirling ripple,
similar to a vertically aligned but mostly transparent
JamesDevil: "Q you you might want to turn into something a little more...built for this altitude"
Smon: Morcruft picks himself up, looking happy. "Me home!"
Smon: He peers over the edge of the pagoda. "Long way down."
Smon: Seoni nods gratefully to Claw as she wraps the huge fur cloak around her.
Keelia: "Welcome home then," she says to Morcruft. "Let's get to those doors so I can shift."
joriandrake: Drakhaien looks around to spot any danger, or native onlookers
JamesDevil: Claw starts heading towards the doors
Smon: Morcruft looks up. "Ruh-roh..." he points at the sky, where you see a swarm of flecks, rapidly approaching.
joriandrake: Drakh holds his hand up to note pause to the barbarian
joriandrake: ... welll, battle it is then, I asume
JamesDevil: ooc he's scooby doo
Smon: Drakhaien sees them too, counts 16 night gaunts, like winged faceless gargoyles, about 6 seconds to incoming...
joriandrake: do they look hostile? if yes He tries to hide in darkness before they are in range
JamesDevil: Claw pulls out his sword "they look hostile"
Keelia: "If Morcruft doesn't like them, they're probably hostile."
Smon: GM: Are you fleeing for the doors or fighting them? The avenue of faceless sphinxes provides a solid surface and places for Drakhaien to hide.
Keelia: Q shifts to an Earth Elemental form
JamesDevil: "speaking of, Morcuft, HIDE"
Smon: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/monster/images/1/1c/D9C7C05F-220E-4821-B419-28C82094575D.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20180901024301
joriandrake: hide/flee
Keelia: She jerks her hand towards the doors, waving the more fragile members towards them where they could hide
JamesDevil: Claw will cover the retreat to the doors while backing up
joriandrake rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 5, (+17) = 22
Smon: GM: Seoni casts Haste on Claw as she heads for the doors. Morcruft & Drakhaien duck in amongst the sphinx-statues.
joriandrake: stealth 27
Smon: Morcruft hide roll
Smon: /roll d20+12
Smon rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 10, (+12) = 22
Smon: Morcruft and Drak seem to disappear, Quillax rises up in stone Q-lemental form from the rock of the ledge. Claw raises Garvok. Roll init please
Keelia rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 17, (+3) = 20
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 1, (+4) = 5
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
JamesDevil: -.-
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 8, (+6) = 14
Smon: Morcruft 14
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 4, (+3) = 7
Smon: Seoni 7
Smon: Nightgaunts
Smon: /roll d20+3
Smon rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 13, (+3) = 16
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 7, (+5) = 12
Smon: #20 Quillax your go, the Nightgaunts are about 40' away.
Keelia: She'll move more towards the doors and ready an attack.
joriandrake: (I doN't think I fought nightfaunts before, are these birds, demons?)
Keelia: gargoyles of sorts
Smon: They are extraterrene
Smon: GM: Quillax reaches the enormous doors built into the mountainside.
Smon: She readies a stony fist.
Smon: Seoni does the smart thing and falls prone at Claw's feet (very Frazetta style) as swarms of Nightgaunts fly in, clawing and grabbing at him...
Smon: They ignore Quillax, probably because she is too big to carry off....
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Smon: Claw is Hasted by Seoni so +2 AC, is that AC 19?
JamesDevil: oc al she's a rock >.>
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: ok 14 to hit
Smon: /roll 32d20
Smon rolls 32d20 and gets: 19, 4, 2, 9, 8, 15, 6, 20, 11, 8, 9, 6, 16, 5, 19, 19, 5, 14, 17, 3, 19, 13, 15, 18, 9, 3, 3, 5, 4, 1, 7, 2 = 314
Keelia: Jesus.
JamesDevil: 9 hits i think
Smon: 10 hits & 1 crit by hands I count
JamesDevil: and not raged
Keelia: Oh, I saw the final number and thought that was damage.
JamesDevil: ah, k
Smon: You have endless rage
Smon: horns
JamesDevil: lol, i forgot again
Smon: /roll 16d20
Smon rolls 16d20 and gets: 5, 3, 18, 9, 11, 2, 15, 1, 2, 20, 5, 1, 4, 18, 6, 20, = 140
joriandrake: this still hurts...
Smon: 3 hits & 2 crits
Smon: /roll 11d6+20
Smon rolls 11d6+20 and gets: 3, 4, 6, 4, 6, 3, 3, 2, 6, 5, 3, (+20) = 65
Smon: /roll 1d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 1,
Smon: 68 from claws > 34 dmg
Smon: /roll 9d4+10
Smon rolls 9d4+10 and gets: 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, (+10) = 28
Smon: 28/2 = net 14 from horns
joriandrake: (I'd already be dead)
Smon: The swarm of nightgaunts whirls around Claw, tickling & goring him, lifting him off the ground. He gets his opp att at one flying away
Smon: Claw roll one attack
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 20, (+13) = 33
JamesDevil: :x
joriandrake: yay
Smon: crit - there's a massive explosion as Garvok detonates!
JamesDevil: errr, poor npc....
joriandrake: wait, is this the exploding sword?
JamesDevil rolls 4d6+11 and gets: 3, 5, 2, 1, (+11) = 22
JamesDevil: slash
JamesDevil rolls 14d6 and gets: 5, 1, 5, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2, = 53
JamesDevil: fire
Smon: Morcruft & Drakhaien each 2 in 6 chance in blast area
Smon: /roll d6x2
Smon Rolls 1d6x2 and gets:
1 = 1
4 = 4
Smon: Poor Morcruft
joriandrake: he hides well, maybe he has rogue levels to evade the full damage partially?
Smon: GM: Claw roll your brutal critical dice too.
Smon: /roll 4d4
Smon rolls 4d4 and gets: 4, 3, 3, 2, = 12
Smon: Claw catches 12 nightgaunts in the blast area.
joriandrake: NICE
JamesDevil rolls 3d6 and gets: 3, 1, 6, = 10
JamesDevil: o, i need to make my save as well
Smon: Claw's damage bonus is +9 STR +4 Rage +3 weapon = +16 I count
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
5 (+4) = 9
17 (+4) = 21
JamesDevil: made the save
joriandrake: oh right, they will roll saves too, I forgot
Smon: So 21 on dice + 16 = 37 weapon dmg to Nightgaunt
Smon: Explosion was 53 fire damage, Dex DC 19 right?
Smon: So Claw takes 53/4 = 13 fire
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: Morcruft
Smon: /roll d20+6
Smon rolls 1d20+6 and gets: 5, (+6) = 11
Smon: "Oww!" Morcruft yowls in pain as the flames wash over him.
Smon: 73 hp left
Smon: Nightgaunts need a 16 to save
Smon: /roll 12d20
Smon rolls 12d20 and gets: 8, 9, 8, 6, 15, 15, 11, 18, 15, 1, 13, 5, = 124
joriandrake: yay
JamesDevil: burn in my angry!
joriandrake: Claw, the future fierly runelord of Wrath
Smon: The nightgaunts are blasted and burned; the one Claw wounded crashes dead to the ground.
Smon: /roll d12
Smon rolls 1d12 and gets: 4,
joriandrake: (I wonder how many still remain atm)
Smon: However the others are still bearing Claw aloft, bringing him over to the cliff drop with obvious malign intent...
Smon: #14 Morcruft
Smon: Seeing several Nightgaunts turn in his direction, Morcruft breaks cover, dashes to the double doors - at his touch they swing open...
Smon: The walls, floor, and vaulted ceiling of these twenty-foot-wide
halls are tiled with reflective slabs of polished purple stone,
scarred here and there with cracks and discolorations. Darker,
almost black, striations run through these tiles, and when
viewed from the corner of the eye, these veins seem to pulse
with deeper darkness. Towering statues of regal-appearing
men loom at the ends of side passages to either side of the
main hall.
Smon: Morcruft ducks in, screeching to Quillax: "Come in! Safe here! Lots of Ghouls!"
Smon: #12 Drakhaien your go.
Smon: 1 Nightgaunt is dead, 11 burned; 4 were outside the blast area when Garvok exploded.
joriandrake: Drakhaien will step out from cover to shoot at one of the enemies carrying Claw
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 2,
joriandrake rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 1, (+11) = 12
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
8 (+11) = 19
14 (+11) = 25
Smon: OK Drak steps up and looses a shot as Claw is carried towards the edge - unseen until shoot so advtg
Smon: hit
joriandrake rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 8, (+5) = 13
joriandrake rolls 9d6 and gets: 5, 3, 2, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, = 43
Smon: It drops dead, releasing Claw as it hits the ground, but the remaining 3 are still able to hold him aloft.
joriandrake: 56
Smon: What else is Drak doing?
JamesDevil: I am 300lb you know
Smon: (3 can carry a Large creature it says!)
joriandrake: Drakhaien's black facial featureless mask seems to suck the dead nightgaunt in as it turns eatheral and ghostly. Then Drak hides again
joriandrake rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 20, (+17) = 37
joriandrake: stealth 37
Smon: (Had a lone nightgaunt carry off & kill a PC in my Sunday game recently)
Smon: Drak ducks back around a statue - out of sight, but the nightgaunts have an idea of his general location.
joriandrake: (The dead nightgaunt is sucked in similar to how ghosts are trapped in ghostbusters, but the prison is the mask's surface)
joriandrake: turn end
Smon: #7 Claw - Garvok reforms in your hand
JamesDevil: attack 1
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 10, (+17) = 27
joriandrake: (good luck on a second crit!)
Smon: Claw sees Seoni is beginning a spell as the nightgaunts close on her.
Smon: /roll d3
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 3
JamesDevil rolls 4d6+16 and gets: 3, 4, 2, 4, (+16) = 29
Smon: Claw hits the least wounded Nightgaunt, cutting it in two :0
JamesDevil: next one
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 11, (+17) = 28
Smon: He wobbles as the remaining two struggle to hold him.
joriandrake: (remember you are also hastened)
JamesDevil rolls 4d6+16 and gets: 6, 6, 6, 1, (+16) = 35
Smon: He cuts through a second and floats downwards...
Smon: Haste attack?
JamesDevil: do i count as grappled?
Smon: Yes you are grappled
JamesDevil: attack the last one then
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 11, (+17) = 28
Smon: One nightgaunt attached - not for long...
JamesDevil rolls 4d6+16 and gets: 2, 2, 6, 4, (+16) = 30
JamesDevil: do i even need to roll the fire damage?
Smon: Claw cuts it down and lands atop a faceless sphinx statue.
Smon: nope
Smon: They were on 7 after the fireball
JamesDevil: Claw runs to stand between the enemies and Seoni
joriandrake: wonder if any more left to shoot at
JamesDevil: 4 we're p=out of range of it
Smon: Claw runs over to rejoin Seoni - she yells "Duck!" as she looses a fireball straight up...
Smon: /roll 8d6
Smon rolls 8d6 and gets: 5, 2, 6, 4, 2, 2, 4, 5, = 30
JamesDevil: nice
Smon: 8 more dead night gaunts shower down around Claw & Seoni, horribly burned.
Smon: (sorry 7)
joriandrake: I love the smell of napalm in the evening
JamesDevil: Claw looks at Seoni "this was fun we should do it again sometime" He smiles
JamesDevil: and winks
Smon: Seoni grins up at Claw: "I like your weapon!"
R2 - 12 nightgaunts destroyed, the remaining 4, further back, may be reconsidering their life choices.
JamesDevil: lol
Smon: #20 Quillax.
joriandrake: Drakhaien shoots at one more anyway even if they flee
Smon: Looking into the great hall - beside her Morcruft is calling out. She sees two more Leng ghouls emerging from the shadows, scampering towards her.
Morcruft: "Hello friends! Me bring friends!" He waves to the ghouls.
Keelia: She moves away from the doors to go cover the others, signalling Morcruft to stay inside.
Keelia: She points Drak to move inside and waves at Claw and Seoni to move in.
Keelia: She then throws a couple of produce flames at the nightgaunts
Keelia: If they are within 30 feet, she'll aim for them, otherwise, it's more of a threat
Smon: (they're abouy 80' from Quillax) #16 The remaining nightgaunts turn tail and fly off as fast as they can - Drak you can take that shot then I'll go out of combat.
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
13 (+11) = 24
18 (+11) = 29
20 (+11) = 31
Smon: hidden so advtg
joriandrake: tasty crit
Keelia: nice
joriandrake rolls 2d8+5 and gets: 5, 3, (+5) = 13
joriandrake rolls 18d6 and gets: 1, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1, 6, 5, 6, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2, = 63
joriandrake: 75
Smon: They're about 150' off so just short range for longbow
joriandrake: 76 - and turn end
Smon: A 13th nightgaunt plunges out of the sky.
joriandrake: I am a sharpshooter I can shoot at them vrom over 600 feet too
joriandrake: Drakhaein watches as the falling nightgaunt is fdragged closer and absorbed by the mask too, shows a thumbs up to Quillax, then leasurly walks to them over
Smon: The nightgaunts disappear out of sight round the mountainside. Seoni picks herself up, nods to Claw and heads to join the others at the doors.
JamesDevil: Claw follows
joriandrake: the elven detective is cautious about the newly arrived ghouls, but at least they didn't attack
Smon: Morcruft is talking animatedly with the other ghouls - your Tongues spell from the embassy seems to have worn off; they are speaking in Aklo.
Keelia: Q ushers them all inside, glaring back over her shoulder to check the NG don't try again
Keelia: She crouches down slightly by Morcruft, looking at the other ghouls curiously.
Smon: Q ushers everyone in and closes the doors safely behind her.
joriandrake: Drakh steps to the side / hides then casts comprehend languages without mask, then dons mask again and goes back to listen in
joriandrake: (so I miss 12 seconts of the conversation or so)
joriandrake: seconds*
Smon: The Halls of Leng have a weird, unsettling aura.
The walls of the temple are eerie and unsettling to
look at, and feel strangely clammy to the touch. The
statues you recognise as images of Nyarlathotep in his guise as the Black Pharaoh. The statues seem to shift and move slightly when one looks away and glances back. The cracked discolorations
on the walls look to Drakhaien to have been caused by lightning - dragon breath, perhaps.
Smon: OK Drak picks up the conversation. Morcruft is telling the other ghouls that you are friends, here to kill the bad dragon.
Smon: /roll d20+5
Smon rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
joriandrake: Drakhaien puts his bow away as he listens, and takes a couple balls to juggle with and have the new undead ausience relax
joriandrake: audience
Smon: They seem a bit reluctant, but are agreeing to escort you through as far as the Great Temple to the Crawling Chaos.
joriandrake: (actually rolling for skill)
joriandrake rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 4, (+11) = 15
joriandrake: Sleight of Hand 21
Smon: Ghoul: "Morcruft we will take them to the Temple, but surely the Moon Beasts and Shoggoth will devour them!"
Smon: Morcuft: "They killed a floaty skull thing! They will get past Temple and kill bad dragon!"
Ghoul sentry: "Hmm."
joriandrake: (I let others do the talking, Drakh is just entertaining atm, silenty with black horned mask worn )
Smon: OOC 5 min tea break
Smon: drak will need to relay conversation.
joriandrake: ok, brb too then, need a coffee badly myself
Keelia: ok - brb then
JamesDevil: brb
joriandrake: Drakhaien doesn't want to reveal that he understands them yet, there seems no reason for it atm, and he awaits on what Morcruft will act like and say to the whole party
JamesDevil: back
joriandrake: back - damn I forgot to put on coffee, now I woulédn't be able to make it in time
joriandrake: anyway, I'll alarm the team if something 'is afoot', for now Drakhaien will look around to see if there is any ancient writing that's interesting to read
Smon: back
Smon: GM: No writing
Keelia: back
Smon: Mocruft turns and waves you on as the ghoul sentries head back through the entry halls.
Keelia: Q steps quietly after him. (worked stone or unworked?)
Smon: The stone here is worked (the ledge outside counted as unworked). After 120' you reach another set of double doors. The ghouls open the doors...
joriandrake: Drakhaien packs the balls away and readies bow again
JamesDevil: "keep your wits about you Seoni, the hard part is coming next..."
Smon: Seoni eyes Claw sardonically. "I am a 12th Rank Pathfinder you know. I've gone up against Runelord Zutha - and survived..."
She smiles wryly.
You look in:
This forty-foot square room may have once been a fine
entry hall, but today it is strewn with heaps of half-gnawed
dismembered corpses from humans, animals, and things
strangely in-between. Only the freezing temperature keeps
the smell of this charnel chamber from being overwhelmingly
foul. Large black stone double doors stand in the center of the
room’s four walls, with those to the north hanging ajar.
Smon: More leng ghouls - you count another 8 in all - come towards you from the shadows, or through the open north door.
JamesDevil: Claw lights up his sword and holds it high
joriandrake: Drakh hides in the shadows then
joriandrake rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 8, (+17) = 25
joriandrake: stealth 27
Smon: The ghouls looks impressed by Claw's mighty weapon. Morcruft waves his arms excitedly, explaining to them that he brings friends - tasty, tasty friends - not to eat, but to kill the nasty dragon that killed so many ghouls not long ago.
joriandrake: (I listen carefully for any sign of betrayal)
Smon: An aged & wizened ghoul with spectacles on the end of his muzzle steps forward and speaks - you can all understand him.
"Welcome, humans and human-things, to the Temple of the Crawling Chaos!"
He bows.
JamesDevil: "thank you for the welcome"
Keelia: Q stands upend looks over at the ghoul. She looks him over then nods back.
Smon: "My name is Pickman. Whom do I have the honour of addressing?" He adjusts his glasses, squinting at you.
JamesDevil: "Claw gestures to the assembled ghouls, "these are you flock I take it?
JamesDevil: I am Claw of the Bear-killer clan
Smon: Pickman: "We are Ghouls of Leng."
Smon: Pickman coughs. "In my case, formerly of Arkham, Massachusetts, a world you are doubtless unfamiliar with. In any case, you are welcome to try killing the dragon. However..."
joriandrake: o_O
joriandrake: cool there's a world called Arkham, like in Batman
JamesDevil: it more Massachusetts that has me
Smon: "...Our Moon-Beast overlords also have a plan to kill the dragon. They are ...crafting... a Shoggoth. A protoplasmic entity of great power. It will not be complete for a week. I doubt they will take kindly to interruption."
joriandrake: (I woulodn't mind to see a dragon fight a shoggoth to be honest)
JamesDevil: "can we get past them and attack the dragon before they do?
JamesDevil: "
joriandrake: (and we could finish off the wounded victor)
Keelia: [MoonBeast?] Qelemental rumbles to herself
Smon: Pickman: "We can show you the route to the Temple, where the Moon Beasts are. They gave strict instructions not to be interrupted. Beyond the Temple the dragon lairs, atop a ledge, beneath the sky."
Smon: Seoni looks to Quillax: "A ledge? on the mountain?"
Pickman nods.
JamesDevil: "perhaps we can talk them into giving us a chance first, its not like they have anything to lose if we attack first
JamesDevil: "
Smon: Seoni: "Quillax, if we could find the ledge by flying, perhaps, we could avoid another fight?"
Keelia: She nods, and summons up her magic for a wind walk spell
Keelia: waiting until they are finished conversing to cast it
Smon: GM: Remember wind walk leaves you incapacitated for 10 rounds each way so you need somewhere safe to do it.
JamesDevil: "maybe we should just ask first? the worse that can happen is that they attack us
JamesDevil: "
Smon: Seoni asks Pickman about the other doors - he says north is to the abattoir, south to the Bone Pit of the Gugs, west leads to the Temple.
Smon: Seoni looks to Claw. "Worth a try I suppose."
JamesDevil: "Any opposed to the talk firstt approach?"
Smon: Pickman:
"As you wish. To reach the Temple, take the west doors - turn right at the T junction, then take the left door. From there, Stairs go up to the Temple. The Moon Beasts will hear you coming."
Keelia: Q shrugs, then drags a finger along the stone to signal an option of going around.
Keelia: No need to go thru temple, perhaps, at all?
Smon: Seoni turns to Pickman: "My friends and I need a few minutes to talk in private, back in the entry halls. Excuse us..."
JamesDevil: "I'd rather that they didn't attack us during the dragon fight"
Smon: Seoni starts heading back through the east doors from the charnel room, beckoning the three of you to follow her.
JamesDevil: Claw follows
Smon: The leng ghouls just shrug and watch you.
Smon: Quillax & Drakhaien are you going too?
joriandrake: Drakh shrugs in the shadows and sneaks after
Keelia: Q drifts after them
Smon: Once you are all back in the entry hall, Seoni shuts the doors and turns, whispering.
"This should be safe for a minute - long enough to cast Wind Walk... "
Keelia: Q glances at the others to check they are ready.
JamesDevil: Claw shrugs "its as good enough option as any"
Smon: "If we find the dragon and it doesn't spot us approaching, we could turn back to solid just up the mountain from its ledge..."
JamesDevil: "agreed"
Smon: Seoni shivers. "Brrr it's cold. Don't want to stay here too long."
Keelia: Q summons up her magic and casts wind walk on them.
joriandrake: our ghouls is not here either right?
JamesDevil: ooc is she still wearing Claw winter coat?
Smon: Yes, she pulls the huge coat tighter, it's dragging on the floor.
OOC It's high altitude & sub zero, so Claw feels right at at home - Drak & Seoni will be making CON saves soon.
Smon: Your ghoul stayed with the other ghouls.
joriandrake: if Morcruft isn't here Drakhaien tells the others heh as cast comprehend languages and heard that th ghoul doesn't seem keen currently on betraying them, although we are 'tasty allies, not to eat but to kill dragon'
Smon: GM: Quillax casts Wind Walk and you turn to clouds - wafting out the entry doors, you see receding specks in the far distance that could be nightgaunts, flying away.
Smon: Are you flying clockwise or anticlockwise round the mountain?
joriandrake: "...but I don't trust that Arkham ghould, he comes from the territory of some Massachusetts, sounds just like Nyarlhotep and Shoggoth, probably another evid godling"
joriandrake: evil*
JamesDevil: clockwise i think
Smon: Clockwise will be turn right/south.
Smon: OK?
Keelia: works for me
JamesDevil: yep
JamesDevil: worse case we turn round
joriandrake: Drak-cloud float-sneaks after them
Smon: You fly round the mountain - in the distance, more mountains...
JamesDevil: no sign of a ledge then?
JamesDevil: damn, anticlockwise it is
Smon: Nope. As you come round to the far side of the mountain, you see the mountains descend to a vast cold grey waste, and in the far distance, unspeakably immense semi-humanoid jackal-headed forms... Quillax recalls them from her dream vision in the embassy.
joriandrake: no turn back we get there soon enough if we goaround
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
Smon: Luckily you don't seem to attract their attention.
joriandrake: I'll float ahead to sneak scout in the air better
Smon: You continue round the mountain, following Drak's point that you are already half way round.
Smon: (no cover in the air though, but you can keep close to the mountain)
joriandrake: (I'm essentially 'lightly obscured area' myself now so I can still benefit from Skulker feat to hide more naturally, thus I think I am best to scout ahead depsite that )
Smon: The air is unnaturally still and cool. Now you see the view to the north
is far more overwhelming, for here, a ragged black mountain
range extends to the horizon. In the distance, brooding upon
the range’s highest peak, is an unsettling and impossibly tall
castle, its towers rising up as if a hand were reaching skyward
toward the gibbous moon. Kadath in the Cold Waste - the very home of Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, Messenger of the Outer Gods!
Smon: Moving ahead of the others, Drakhaien finally spots the ledge a little bit further down the mountainside...
joriandrake: I learned gibbous as word today
Smon: A twenty-foot-wide cavern opens onto a high mountain ledge
here. The air is unnaturally still and cool, and a mound of
rubble into which an immense nest of sorts has been built sits
against the cliff side to the south. And upon the mound slumbers an immense blue dragon, richly bejewelled!
joriandrake: Drakh floaty-shakes to gain attention of others then lowers closer to ledge
Smon: Drak points out the ledge location to the others. Drak roll Stealth.
joriandrake: eeek
joriandrake rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 15, (+17) = 32
joriandrake: 32 yep
Smon: dragon (when awake) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqMx9nKKVsTsnKQhLHnrU1B0v2yaEDGowOelCQSPKoP5iL1Dar5Gw-ote9jBqUw1-8ulrr00t0ibyNlO0BCePso02TDtePawjjDoQ-ShKV-N1O93jVas82j5-wZeo1PADOu4QaRu3dZzid/s1600/Cadrlkasta+final.jpg
joriandrake: SImon - might soon be a good time to end session?
Smon: yup
Smon: ending 9pm
JamesDevil: yea sounds like a good time
joriandrake: oh
joriandrake: I thought the dragon is a pervert, I mean i didn't think you meant 'bejewelled' literally
joriandrake: gold plated, even
Smon: Drak surveys the dragon - it seems to be slumbering only lightly - and rejoins the others on the steep mountainside above the ledge.
Smon: GM: Drak take +18,000 XP.
joriandrake: "pst, dragon inside, on mount of rubble so no loot"
JamesDevil: "any ida what kind of dragin it is? fire? cold? stc?"
Smon: It's blue.
Keelia: blue = ice?
joriandrake: "bejewelled"
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