Abigail Von Heuse |
Shriezyx |
7:33am 2019-7-13 Smon Has entered the room
joriandrake: Ah, yes I know this song, but no she's not called Eclipse due to it, at least not consciously
chris107: Morning Simon
joriandrake: morning Simon
Smon: Hi everyone - big group!
sandor sunneson: Ah ok, thanks for clarifying
JamesDevil: Morning Smn
7:34am 2019-7-13 Keelia Has entered the room
joriandrake: Morning K
chris107: Morning Keelia
DESTROYERBILL: hello keelia
Smon: Chris I just emailed you a bunch of info Malassandra would know.
Keelia: hi
sandor sunneson: full house
Smon: Hi K
chris107: Cripes I better go look
sandor sunneson: I added the +1 STR onto Sandor for the book,
chris107: Hmmmm, which email address did you use?
chris107: Can't see anything on the LAD or BAT accounts.
joriandrake: Eclipse: https://i1.wp.com/media.boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/3e14dfc127602394f0b52cfb0658e1d3.jpg?resize=380,285
Smon: campaign page https://smonscurseofthecrimsonthrone.blogspot.com/2019/01/rise-of-runelords-4719-ar.html
sandor sunneson: An albino bat
sandor sunneson: ?
chris107: Nothing in the junk boxes either and nothing on DF messanger.
joriandrake: yes, albino bat
chris107: Got it, many thanks. I've been piecing bits together also.
Smon: The civil war after Xin's demise is undetailed (ie we created it for your PC) but it's known that the Runelords had Xin's son as a powerless puppet emperor while each ruled their own domain.
chris107: yup, cool.
Smon: Refer to these pages today
Magnimar NPCs & the Sihedron Council https://smonscurseofthecrimsonthrone.blogspot.com/2016/10/magnimar-major-npcs.html
Smon: Magnimar info http://smonscurseofthecrimsonthrone.blogspot.com/2016/03/magnimar.html
joriandrake: (I also sent a PM to you Simon)
joriandrake: (on forum)
Smon: @Fergus the book raises your STR +2 https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Manual%20of%20Gainful%20Exercise#content
Smon: (saw your PM J)
sandor sunneson: Thank you Simon, I will then pass the book onto an appropriate keeper so it can recharge itself
joriandrake: (good, I didn't want any potential conflict from this later)
JamesDevil: @Quillax would be good, she is basically immortal so she can hand it to some one in a century
joriandrake: The info linked is something only Chris's char knows then, right?
Keelia: It can go into the library
Smon: (The info PM'd to Chris is stuff only Malassandra knows. The links I posted here are stuff you should all refer to.) GM Do you hand over all the Shards to Sheila for reforging the Sihedron? This won't affect your Swords of Sin like Garvok.
JamesDevil: @Smn during the downtime can Claw go shopping? he;s going to end up with at least one if not two spare attunment slots spare
JamesDevil: Claw will do that
JamesDevil: k, never mind the shopping trip
JamesDevil: i'll use a ring of prot
Smon: Yes we will resume 2 weeks after your battle with the dragon, 1 week after Drakhaien gets engaged to Alicia Scarnetti and is granted a local manor.
chris107: (I'm still not seeing a PM by the way)
Smon: (i only emailed you chris but can PM info if you need it)
chris107: (No email either)
chris107: (I have your link open though)
joriandrake: I think I go downstairs for a cup of coffee
chris107: Malasandra has a good case to put for handing the shards over..
Keelia: (are all the weapons we have powered up?)
JamesDevil: yep
Smon: Items in Magnimar - you can buy items from the following list, let me know if you want anything more powerful.
Items available in Magnimar 4720 AR
1. Bag of Holding - 2000gp
2. Boots of Striding and Springing - 1000gp
3. Cloak of Elvenkind - 1500gp
4. Gauntlets of Ogre Power - 4000gp
5. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing - 1000gp
6. Goggles of Night - 1000gp
7. Headband of Intellect - 4000gp
8. Keoghtom’s Ointment (5 doses) - 500gp
9. Wand of Magic Detection - 1000gp
10. Wand of Magic Missiles - 3500gp
11. Various +1 weapons & shields - 2000gp each
12. Potion of Climbing (3) - 100gp each
13. Potions of healing (35) - 50gp each
14. Cloak of Billowing - 200gp
15. Potion of Growth - 250gp
16. Potion of hill giant strength - 250gp
17. Ring of mind shielding - 2000gp
18. Ring of swimming - 2000gp
19. Perfume of Bewitchment (12) - 50gp each
20. Ring of Warmth - 2000gp
chris107: "For these shards are corruptions of their true self. I believe in remaking the Sihedron not only may we cleanse them but that my Emperor, Xin may be recalled from beyond death."
JamesDevil: even the stolen one was
Keelia: I need a new bag of holding, and whoever doesn't have night vision should buy those goggles
chris107: Don't know if any of you saw her case before the list appeared?
joriandrake: back
JamesDevil: they don't need attunment do they?
Keelia: goggles, I think so.
joriandrake: YOur char sells a scroll case?
chris107: If they don't I could do with a pair too.
JamesDevil: hmm, myy flamy sword should be enough
chris107: and M's sword sheds daylight
joriandrake: What is a potion of climbing, and is a healing potion the 2d4+2 one?
Smon: The goggles don't need attunement. Use google "item name + 5e" to get details.
chris107: cool, I'll cross off loot and add a pair then
Smon: eg "potion of climbing 5e"
Smon: Chris I PM'd you the info on Facebook just now - same as email.
chris107: (Got it thanks, commiting it to memory as we speak )
joriandrake: . Potion of Climbing x2, Ring of Mind Shielding x1 for Drakhaien
JamesDevil: i'm pretty sure money isn't an issue now right?
joriandrake: For me it still is, but Climbing potion might come in handy if a roll is required, and the ring is just too good to pass on, I have an idea for it
JamesDevil: I've got boots of climbing and swiming if you have a spare slot
Smon: I'll start now.
GM: 2 weeks after the recovery of the last Shard, preparations for reforging the Sihedron near completion. In the Pathfinder Lodge Heidmarch Manor in north Magnimar, Sheila Heidmarch invites you all to meet with Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras and a robed silver dragonborn wearing an incredibly ornate jewelled brilliant helm of dignified and formal aspect (Bill new PC).
JamesDevil: they would push me to a passive of +220 on climb >.>
chris107: "My master poured much of himself into the Sihedron. I am sure if it is remade we shall be able to restore him!" She ventures enthusiastically
joriandrake: (Thanks James but I don't have a slot)
Smon: Sheila: "Welcome, Lady Malassandra! And thank you again for your aid in recovering the final Shard. I don't believe you've met our Lord Mayor?"
The fat man Mayor Grobaras smiles a little nervously at the Azlanti Paladin.
Grobaras: "Yes, yes, thank you indeed!"
chris107: "And then let these upstarts tremble!"
chris107: She finally notices the little man. "Good day to you mayor Grobaras."
Smon: Grobaras:
"Restoring Xin, heh well I suppose we can see about that... "
He turns to the silver dragonborn.
"Allow me to introduce Silrus of Hermea, a great Archmage who has been creating bombards of incredible power to defend our city walls."
chris107: "Master Silrus." She bows formally
JamesDevil: Claw nods at the Dragonborn
DESTROYERBILL: they use the power of meteor swarm to shoot out extremeley powerful blasts
DESTROYERBILL: i nod back at claw
JamesDevil: Claw looks back at Sheila "So we're finally ready to end this?"
joriandrake: Drakhaien quetly observes the silver Archmage and tries to recall what he might've heard of the dragonborn.
Smon: Sheila: "Hermea, the Perfect Isle, is ruled by a Great Gold Wyrm, they say it is an earthly paradise."
Mayor: "We would like to propose that Silrus be appointed to the Sihedron Heroes. I understand that up to 7 can attune to the Reforged Star, and he is a most excellent fellow, and the greatest Mage in Magnimar - perhaps in all Varisia - Runelords excepted, of course."
chris107: "Runelords?! Bah! Upstart pretenders and assassins!"
Smon: Drakhaien has heard of Silrus arriving in Magnimar a couple months ago to offer assistance to the city against the Runelord threat, and his diligent work crafting giant meteor swarm cannons to defend the city walls.
joriandrake: (neat)
DESTROYERBILL: " my king has made sure my magical powers are beyond most mortal creatures power"
Smon: Grobaras coughs: "Speaking of Runelords, an Emisssary of Lord Krune has just arrived in Magnimar. She has requested an audience."
JamesDevil: looking to Shiela "any reason they should be denied?"
Smon: GM: Krune postdates Malassandra's entombment but she has heard he claims Kaer Maga & a realm north of Korvosa.
chris107: (Surprised the lazy beggar made it here...)
joriandrake: "Perhaps make some precautions against a possible attack attempt"?
Smon: Sheila: "I suppose not Lord Claw, but we should deal cautiously with this emissary and not reveal our plans."
JamesDevil: "Fair enough"
joriandrake: Drakh nods at Shiela's words "Perhaps they don't know of Magnimar's position and situationyet"
chris107: "He has come from Haruka?"
chris107: (M places a Death Ward upon herself, fearful of an assassination attempt.)
Smon: Grobaras: "Krune himself remains in Kaer Maga. The emissary is Lady Abigail Von Heuse, a Minister of Kaer Maga. She is accompanied by a Priest of Lissala."
JamesDevil: "we already know that the ruinus powers can somehow bypass our defence, they stole the sword of greed after all
JamesDevil: "
chris107: "krune was the high priest of my Goddess, be wary of his servants." Whispers m to her new friends.
Smon: Grobaras: "I would be most happy if you would all come with me to meet the Emissary at the Hall of Ushers."
Sheila: "I am happy to do so, Lord Mayor. But this must not delay the Reforging. I understand from Brodert Quink that within the week we will be able to engage the final ceremony."
Smon: GM: Shall I move on to meeting the Emissary?
chris107: good to go here
sandor sunneson: yip
JamesDevil: "yes lets go"
joriandrake: "So... about that reforging.." Drakh speaks up as they move out "Wasn't I supposed to get one of the shards? We discussed it then it all ended up hanging in the air."
JamesDevil: "sigh we are reforging it now anyway, so the point is moot"
joriandrake: The elf shrugs
Smon: Sheila looks at Drak: "We need all the Shards to reforge the Sihedron."
GM: It's mid afternoon when the six Sihedron Heroes & Sheila gather with Mayor Grobaras in the reception hall at the Hall of Ushers.
chris107: "It's sum is much greater than it's parts, Master Elf."
joriandrake: "I just hope yoU're right about this Sihedron, and iot helps rather than cause another crisis"
joriandrake: it*
Smon: A herald announces: "The Lady Abigail Von Heuse, Emisssary of Runelord Krune of Haruka!"
JamesDevil: "once its done its job we'll need to destroy it so noone else can use its power
JamesDevil: "
joriandrake: Drakhaien steps back to hide in the gathered people's mass
Keelia: Q considers this. "Have we considered how to destroy it?"
Smon: A dozen halberd wielding city guards stand to attention on either side of the marbled hall as a tall noblewoman enters, accompanied by an ornately robed male priest with faintly glowing green eyes.
JamesDevil: "For me hitting usually works
Smon: (Malassandra may know how to destroy the Sihedron)
chris107: "Destroy it? But it is the key to your success."
Keelia: "We've focused so much on putting it back together. What if hitting it doesn't work?"
JamesDevil: or maybe making it destroy itself?
chris107: (She does but she's not letting on )
chris107: M eyes the slothful pig's representative icily.
JamesDevil: Claw stand a few steps bhind Sheilda arms cross sword on his back looking intimidating
Keelia: "How many in this world would you want to have access to such power? How many could resist the corruption? We may do much good with it, but once it's use is through, would you want to leave such a thing to whomever can steal it?"
joriandrake: Drakhaein puts on his mask in the crowd
Smon: Abigail https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj-mccyH7NnahcJxRZi1KTMj1njeLsjSLQcUWxmM9_qxGoKXvcJqDYlMBW_C8bkwP02ogE809txgXkcyG-xM9mjW3jfBt3UbB5nc9Lv0d1StN44DDo4lUGYSEi-M1fFxWqDtMifYoh6BK6o/s320/Abigail+Van+Heuse%252C+emissary+of+Runelord+Krune.jpg
JamesDevil: ooc How tall is she?
Smon: The priest is announced as Djenikus https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhR7JUCGRw4E-poK5ZEzIxZ54tJCaG7LVgy6stjijlSqkdK7eYe90ppZmM7GHHvR10w2_dRgyZMzIvjmvdtnCFfMw4IUjdshtOrE8-3-yBO4BCH0-ojeJf3O51d9-kpc3NNd1jfrh_WMegE/s400/Priest+of+Lissala.jpg
joriandrake: (that portrait is done really well)
Smon: She's about 5'10", only tall for a human woman
chris107: (M notes Q's concerns and promises to address them when we get a moment)
JamesDevil: Claw glares down at her
sandor sunneson: Sandor observes, wondering if his +2 Charisma increase has been noted by anyone
Smon: Grobaras introduces the six of you and Sheila. Abigail curtsies.
"I am honoured to meet such great heroes.
My master Lord Krune sends friendly greetings from Haruka, realm of Rightful Ease."
Smon: Abigail: "Lord Krune wishes to establish friendly relations with all his neighbours. Sadly however the Rune Lords Karrzoug and Zutha are less than amenable..."
chris107: (M remembers the fat painted pig well but says nothing)
Smon: (Krune wasn't Lord of Sloth when Mal was entombed, he was born centuries later. Only Runelords of Lust & Pride lasted the whole 1000 years of Thassilon's rule)
joriandrake: (Tried to find a larger portrait version that is less blurry https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/f1/9f/95f19ffceeb264169fa83b2b11f879db.jpg )
JamesDevil: Has she reacted to the sight of the Sword of Sin on Claws back?
chris107: (So many changes in a hundred centuries, her memory clouds sometimes )
sandor sunneson: So how do you saw we deal with Zutha and Karrzoug? Surely their death is the only option? Sandor queries
Smon: Abigail: "Sadly not all the Rune Lords of Thassilon share the benevolent aspect of my Master. He believes more are awakening, and that you will need his friendship. As a token of such, he requests that Magnimar return to him the Sword Shin-Tari, the one of the Alar'ahai attuned to the Rune of Rightful Ease.
Smon: Abigail turns to Sandor. "Karzoug currently remains trapped in an alternate dimension. Zutha has embarked on a campaign of conquest in the East. If they cannot be deterred, it may be they must be destroyed, yes."
JamesDevil: Claw steps forward "Somehow I don't think that's a good idea"
Keelia: "Nor I."
JamesDevil: "We can move to attack the remaining lords and wipe them out, we've gotten quite good at it"
Smon: Abigail frowns at Claw and Quillax. "My Master could of course employ his mastery of the Rune to recover the sword himself. You have no need of it."
JamesDevil: Claw smirks
chris107: M smiles nastily
JamesDevil: "That sounds like a threat"
Keelia: "If he is as powerful as that, then he has no need of it."
Smon: Abigail frowns icily. "I am merely here to convey my Master's wishes and request." She turns to Quillax.
"Your Shoanti friend is ill-spoken."
DESTROYERBILL: the best thing to do is not return the sword it will only make him stronger
Keelia: "He says things as he sees them," she shrugs.
JamesDevil: "Then return to your master and tell him our response : The sword is ours"
Smon: Mayor Haldmeer waves his hands placatingly.
"Unfortunately, Emissary, we are unable to return the sword at this time. Is there anything else?"
Keelia: "We understand that you have a purpose. We have heard his wish and we feel it is not reasonable."
DESTROYERBILL: "we can take this emissary as a prisoner "
Smon: Abigail smiles tightly.
"Very well." As the dragonorn suggests imprisoning her she blanches.
"I am here in peace, in good faith!"
joriandrake: Drakhaien meanwhile facepalms in mask
Keelia: "Not here," Q says. "Runelords have the ability to step into the bodies of their subordinates."
JamesDevil: No! ffs
DESTROYERBILL: " i have dimensional shackels so those would stop them from teloporting"
Keelia: "We don't take prisoners for the most part anyway," Q shrugs.
chris107: "Emissaries have certain rights. No matter how unpalatable."
JamesDevil: "I many get angry but you NEVER take a diplomate prisonor, it's dishonourable
chris107: "Rights we may need to rely on in the future."
Keelia: She waves the others back, "Merely a joke, I'm sure."
DESTROYERBILL: "yes of course"
JamesDevil: "they would start doing the same to ours"
joriandrake: (Chris is right, if you break protocol and take prisoners you also allow enemies to act jsut the same or worse)
Smon: Grobaras: "Emissary, you are free to leave of course. Please convey our good wishes to your Master. Perhaps we can cooperate in future."
Smon: Abigail nods.
"Very well then."
The priest of Lissala steps forward, touches her and speaks a word of Recall. Both shimmer and vanish.
chris107: "lady Abigail, a moment?"
chris107: Oh, maybe not
joriandrake: Drakhaien steps out of the crown and takes of the mask again "This was... .stupid. We revealed too much without getting to know anything useful"
Smon: Grobaras coughs into a scented kerchief.
"Well that could have gone worse, I suppose."
joriandrake: crowd*
chris107: "Aye we should have grilled her properly for our own benefit. But no matter now."
sandor sunneson: We will probably encounter them again
chris107: "At least we know they are all at odds. An alliance would not go well for us."
sandor sunneson: True, it would just break down and end in war
Keelia: Q laughs to herself. "Could have gone MUCH worse. Weapons weren't even drawn."
joriandrake: "The one saving grace is I believe that her master is indeed hostile, or at least rival to the other runelords and as such will not wish to make enemies carelessly. Not to mention might be too lazy to bother with dragged out or multiple front wars"
chris107: "It would likely end in our destruction without the remaking of the Sihedron."
JamesDevil: "we should hurry and forge the Sihedron"
JamesDevil: "that is all that matters right now"
sandor sunneson: Sandor Nods in agreement
JamesDevil: "afterwards we can begin wiping out the runelord armies one by one
JamesDevil: "
chris107: "praise be to Lissala! My master may again be among us!"
chris107: "Aye, mighty lord, Claw. In that I would gladly aid you!"
joriandrake: "Being lazy is not always bad" Drakhaien continues "First of all, it makes you think more cleverly, diplomatically. Her appearance here already proves this to be the case. I assume they would prefer to make allies, let them do the hard work for them, then turn on weakened 'allies' after imminent goals are reached. If the other Runelords are defeated we might be able to persuae this one to give up in return for leniency and maybe a smaller territory to call their own."
JamesDevil: brb
joriandrake: persuade*
chris107: "I fear their is no virtue left among the corrupted ones."
joriandrake: "Everyone has a couple, if it wouldn't be the case many of our current allies would still oppose us"
chris107: M lets it lay.
Smon: GM: I'll move on now 6 days to meeting with the Sihedron Council in the grounds of Heidmarch Manor the day before the Sihedron reforging on the Irespan.
joriandrake: The elf waves his hands "Anyway, what next? We need to move out least Krune decides to approach an other RUnelord for alliance"
1. Lord Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras
2. Arvensoar Commander/military commander Ismeir Odinson
3. Pathfinder Venture Captain Sheila Heidmarch
4. Proctor Jyronn Imikar, High Priest of Abadar
5. Golemworks Master Thoth Bhreacher
6. Paralictor Sir Jereth Rogare, Hellknight of the Nail Commander
7. Lady Warden Quillax of Jorgenfist
joriandrake: Drakh will show up there with mask already having been worn then
JamesDevil: back
Smon: GM: You have a chance to meet & greet the assembled luminaries. Silris chats with Thoth Bhreacher about plans for a new incendiary cloud mortar to join the Perfect Atomiser bombards.
JamesDevil: hey Quillax maybe you should meet yourself
DESTROYERBILL: im aso going to talk to him about a chain lightning cannon
sandor sunneson: Sandor looks around at all the important people
chris107: M is pleased that wise lady Quillax holds such high office.
JamesDevil: Claw 'office' is on the battle field
Smon: Also present are Sheila's husband Sir Canayven and various Pathfinders such as the sage Brodert Quink and Koriah Azmeren, who is in charge of the Sihedron forge's assembly on the Irespan. It is raining in the garden, but Sheila has set a large brightly coloured tent with canapes & sparkling wine. At the appointed time Sheila clears her throat and addresses the group with the following short speech.
“Greetings, friends and associates, and thank you for agreeing to join the Sihedron Council. Tomorrow afternoon we will gather atop the Irespan to perform the Ritual of Reforging. I’ll give a short speech to introduce the council members, in particular the heroes who braved certain death to gather the shards of the Shattered Star, and then they’ll have a chance to regale the gathered crowd with tales of their adventures. Next, all seven shards will be brought together and placed in the Sihedron Shrine I’ve had my people haul up out of the dungeons under the Crow. We’ll need several spellcasters to help siphon magical energy into the shards. My research has indicated that once the Sihedron is reformed, there’ll be some flashy lights and sounds, but that there should not be a dangerous discharge of magic— all the energies will be absorbed by the Sihedron itself in the process of reforging. I’d like the heroes themselves not to be involved in channeling magic into the Shattered Star, though, since if something does go wrong, they’re our best option to handle whatever develops. And once the Sihedron is reformed, I see no better option than appointing them the artifact’s new keepers! And now, if there’s nothing more, I thank you again and I’ll see you tomorrow upon the Irespan!”
chris107: "praise be!"
Keelia: Q drifts over to Sheila. "I think some barriers or magic absorption would be good. These shards do not always act as expected and any fragile individuals should be kept well back."
Keelia: "Especially as by moving the Shrine up, it is an open target."
chris107: (M will spend the last night of the week in meditation and prayer , refilling her lost spell slot )
joriandrake: Fragile Drakhaien keeps well back now
JamesDevil: Claw raises his mug "TO THE SIHEDRON!"
Smon: Sheila nods to Quillax "Proctor Jyronn and Master Bhreacher are among those designated to channel their magical energies into the reformed Sihedron. They will be careful of course, but if you wish to set additional wards, please do so."
Keelia: brb
sandor sunneson: Sandor bangs his fist on the nearest table in approval and raises his mug in approval
Smon: Claw roll Persuasion w advtg pls
sandor sunneson: 20 please James
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+7x2 and gets:
16 (+7) = 23
16 (+7) = 23
chris107: Nice!
sandor sunneson: T
sandor sunneson: The advb
Keelia: back
sandor sunneson: venture beginneth
joriandrake: (I hope the SIhedron will actually be a good thing and not summon a monster or invasion, or everyone will remember Claw's toast for the bad reasons )
Smon: There is much cheering and quaffing of champagne at Claw's stirring word. Once it has died down, the Hellknight Sir Jereth Rogare raises a hand.
"I have a query. I understand the Star can attune to up to 7 heroes, designating the 7 Runes. But you only have six?"
JamesDevil: I'm the Big Bad
joriandrake: Drakhaien stares at the others quetly
Smon: Sheila: "It can attune from any number from 1 to 7, Sir Rogare. These six have been chosen, for their great puissance and loyalty to our fair city."
chris107: M serupticiosly detects for the presence of fiends or other badies..
Smon: Malassandra detects no fiends or undead.
sandor sunneson: Do you see yourself as number 7?
Smon: Sheila looks to Sandor. Sir Rogare shrugs.
"If necessary, I would be happy to volunteer my services."
joriandrake: Drakhaien continues to stare silently
JamesDevil: "Excellent! One more member for our potentially deadly mission!"
sandor sunneson: I'm sorry Shelia, i got the impression he was volunteering so asked the question.
Keelia: Q considers. "Rogare is a fair man, if a bit opposed to other groups. I have fought with him before and I would vouch for him should it be needed."
Smon: Mayor Grobaras: "Thank you Sir Rogare. We will bear that in mind." He nods to Quillax.
sandor sunneson: We would then be the Magnificent 7!
sandor sunneson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XDB7GMnbUQ
sandor sunneson: cue musix
Smon: Sheila: "Once the Sihedron has been reforged, we can discuss further plans - does it remain here to defend the city, or do we use it more proactively, perhaps to prevent Karzoug's return or deal with Zutha. But for now, let us celebrate!"
Smon: There is a round of applause.
JamesDevil: Claw claps loudly
Smon: During the post-speeh drinks the old sage Brodert Quink approaches Drakhaien. "I understand your people have located the Runeforge? The place where the Rune weapons were forged? Excellent work!"
chris107: (Is m aware of this?)
DESTROYERBILL: "it should be used to defend the city becouse we have deffences here and its a defendable position and im building more weapons to protect the city
joriandrake: Drakhaien nods
Smon: GM: Malassandra is familiar with Runeforge, where the power of the 7 Runes is/was focused to create mighty Rune weapons. The corrupt Rune Lords were unable to enter there, but they did send minions to gain control after the death of Xin.
Smon: M overhears them yes
chris107: (sorry getti ng it mixed up with Rune Wells, I'm new to this. Apologies )
sandor sunneson: There will be a spy in here somewhere Malassandra Sandor will whisper to her, it always seems to be the case
Smon: Mayor Grobaras agrees with Silrus. "Yes, I don't think we should be keen to go forth seeking monsters to destroy eh? heh heh."
chris107: "I detect no overt wickedness prince Sandor. Though spies of a more mundane nature may
chris107: prevail."
DESTROYERBILL: " my reason to come to maginamar was to test out my weapons of mass defence"
joriandrake: o_O
sandor sunneson: OOC- I need to sign off at about 1115
Smon: Brodert Quink: "I suggest that perhaps the first test of the Sihedron should be at Runeforge - if we take control of it, we deny its use to the enemy and gain a potential further source of power."
JamesDevil: ooc Me too San
chris107: "That would make sense."
Smon: Jereth Rogare: "I feel the priority should be to stop Karzoug, who seeks to restore the Realm of Greed. I understand he is 'at' Xin-Shalast, his ancient capital."
JamesDevil: "agreed"
sandor sunneson: Althopugh from not here, I agree with that Jereth Rogare, you speak wisely
sandor sunneson: Sandor says
JamesDevil: "he is the strongest according the that greed leader we 'spoke' too
Smon: Sir Rogare nods cordially to Sandor.
chris107: "And Sorshen? What news of her?"
Smon: Sheila: "As far as we know, Sorshen remains inactive. Likely slumbering deep beneath Korvosa."
chris107: M nods at this new information.
chris107: "The Karzoug should be our target."
JamesDevil: "rather fitting that we havae the sword of Gluttony, his strongest weapon in our possession"
Smon: Jereth nods. "We know Karzoug plans a campaign of conquest against us. We know he is awake but not yet at full strength. He should be dealt with first."
JamesDevil: "enough talk, let us drink!"
Smon: GM: Moving on to next day - the Day of Reforging dawns bright and clear, a cold wind blowing off the sea.
chris107: (Where was this runeforge again? sorry.)
JamesDevil: Claw takes another large swig of drink
Smon: Runeforge is at Rimeskull on the map https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgvvVdvKqe1kgaloPLcBt9MDDMaRYROJMpWco9koUlZ_919uk1g5_a7uC1qYYBexGwiAiC2LKz12wTwchekY_YBhZuow-jZAnNaAMY2AaOd8NUiNjd4cGv-zW5u7nXcIDxMw-_UpXb7diQ6/s1600/Varisia+M12+4719+AR.png
chris107: Thanks simon.
joriandrake: Is this the place with the rhyme and pillars at the lake?
chris107: M recasts 8 hour duration Death Ward before the ceremony. She is confident of Xin's return but it doesn't harm to be prepared for the worst.
joriandrake: For which we gathered the verses
Smon: (Yes J) GM: You have very little responsibility leading up to the festival—Sheila’s hired a small army of workers to set things up on the Irespan, and throughout the setup, the crowd of onlookers gathering on the immense bridge deck grows. It’s not long before it becomes obvious that the festival is quite popular. Vendors and entertainers arrived days in advance, jockeying for position along the broad expanse of the monument. The site has become an impromptu marketplace as tenants of the Bazaar of Sails relocate to capitalize on the coming crowds, and it isn’t long before opportunistic souvenir peddlers are selling cheap dolls made in the adventurers’ likenesses, slivers of fake “skymetals” purported to have been shaved from the Shattered Star shards themselves, and seven-pronged wooden star toys that threaten to bruise and batter more than one child over the forthcoming weeks. In short, the cause for celebration turns into something of a circus for a population needing little excuse for revelry. By the day of the festival, a sizable portion of Magnimar’s citizenry ascends to the Irespan, with people of all classes crowding the monument. Processions of local luminaries— an impromptu parade complete with local street musicians, fortune-tellers, plenty of doomsayers, and all manner of revelry—form atop the massive monument. At the center of the festival grounds sits the Sihedron Shrine, a block of stone bearing the indentation of the seven-pointed star sitting on a stout wooden stage and surrounded by a velvet rope creating a cordoned area a hundred feet across. Shortly after noon, Lord-Mayor Grobaras ascends to the pinnacle of the Irespan to give a blatantly selfcongratulatory speech about his great role in recovering the Shards.
chris107: (found it, thanks again Simon)
Smon: For their part, Sheila Heidmarch and the other Pathfinders take the Mayor's political meanderings in stride. After the lord-mayor at last makes his closing remarks, Sheila takes the stage to offer up more honest accolades to the PCs, while explaining to the assembled citizens the importance of this momentous occasion and stressing the threat of the slumbering runelords and the security the protections of the repaired Sihedron will provide against their depredations. As she closes to thunderous applause, the members of the Sihedron Council assemble in preparation for the Ritual of Reforging.
joriandrake: (I can play half a hour longer)
Smon: As the ritual begins, members of the city watch step forward to help ward the cordon surrounding the shrine. In addition, hired professionals of House Derexhi filter through the crowd to discreetly silence rabble-rousers who might disrupt the ceremony. Drakhaien's people are also requested toassist in these matters, and help distract the potentially dangerous throng as the ritual begins. With the ring of protective heroes and city watch in position, Sheila gives the signal. The seven assembled ritualists bear their respective shards, and with mumbled words of power, slowly begin moving toward one another. The ritual itself requires seven spellcasters of caster level 8th or higher to channel magical energy into one of the seven activated Shattered Star shards. The council
fortunately has access to seven such characters—Aram Zey, Bevaluu Zimantiu, Jyronn Imikar, Koriah Azmeren, Kreighton Shaine, Leis Nivlandis, and Toth Bhreacher.
Smon: Each one of these 7 places his or her shard, one at a time, in the correct shard sequence (pride, greed, lust, gluttony, envy, wrath, and finally sloth) in the appropriate spot atop the Sihedron Shrine.
Smon: Channeling magical energy in this manner requires spellcasters to expend all of their magical energy into the ritual. As they do so, the Sihedron Shrine, the shards, and the spellcasters themselves suddenly become wreathed in prismatic energy—all seven colors of the rainbow shine from each shard, then surge downward out of each spellcaster as their spellpower ignites the latent spark in the shards. A low rumbling begins, accompanied by a higher-pitched buzzing sound as if from a cloud of bees. As these sounds and lights intensify, they become almost too painful to bear. Just as a ripple of unease starts spreading through the crowd and guards, the sound culminates in a peal of thunder as a beam of light arches up into the sky from the Sihedron Shrine to pierce the clouds above. A moment later, the spellcasters stagger back, fatigued but otherwise unharmed, as the reforged Sihedron rises up into the air to slowly hover a foot above the ground! The crowd, needless to say, erupts into a roar of applause and triumph.
chris107: "Praise Lissala!"
joriandrake: (fantasy power rangers)
sandor sunneson: Amazing!
Smon: Sheila nods to the Siheedron Heroes, asking you to step up onto the stage while the seven fatigued spellcasters are led away by other council members. She whispers to Quillax, “That went better than I...”—but that’s all she can get out before a strange thing happens on the horizon...
chris107: M is sure Emperor Xin will be next to appear in his glory.
Smon: Who has Passive Perception 20+?
JamesDevil: +17 :/
Keelia: i do
chris107: me
chris107: 23 if the advantage bonus for her shield counts +5
Smon: (23 fine Mal) Those of you with PP 20+ notice a strange darkening in the sky to the west - in the direct where Malassandra knows Thassilon's ancient capital city of Xin once lay - as a mass of dark clouds forms over the angry sea below. An instant later, the Irespan begins to vibrate and hum with a thunderously low drone.
joriandrake: here
chris107: "Our emperor comes!"
joriandrake: PP 28
Smon: As the Irespan begins to vibrate and drone, panic quickly seizes the crowd. People scream as the crowd starts to surge south toward stable ground, for all those who have visited the Irespan before have never felt the solid stone beneath them shake so!
Smon: The guards, themselves panicky, look overwhelmed.
JamesDevil: Claw looks to Quillax "whats happening?"
Smon: Sheila looks around.
Keelia: "Nothing good," she replies back
chris107: "Nay! it is mighty Xin returning in glory!"
Keelia: "Guards! Get these people out of here in an orderly manner!"
Smon: The shining Sihedron hovers above its forge, rotating slowly.
chris107: "As was fortold."
JamesDevil: Claw ells to the guards "GET THE CIVILIANS TO SAFETY!"
Keelia: "Everyone else, prepare to defend yourselves!"
DESTROYERBILL: silrus shouts" someone get to the metor cannons"
Smon: Quillax & Claw roll Intimidate.
joriandrake: Drakhaien silently readies his bow
Keelia rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 16, (+3) = 19
chris107: "We must secure the Sihedron."
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 2, (+5) = 7
JamesDevil: ah
chris107: "Each take a point! let us join it gladly."
JamesDevil: wouldn;'t have help even if i had to be use my str instead -.-
chris107: "We must comlete the ceremony."
Keelia: (sometimes the dice just aren't in your favour. Better to get rid of the bad rolls early )
Smon: People ignore Claw, but Quillax manages to restore some semblance of order among the crowd. Sir Jereth joins her and together they swiftly organise moving the crowd down off the Irespan towards solid ground.
DESTROYERBILL: silrus will fly to one of the perfect atomizers
chris107: M urges the heroes to bond with the star.
JamesDevil: Claw will climb to to be just infront of the Sanhedrin ready to stand and fight
sandor sunneson: Sandor drinks one of his potions of flying and starts to rage
DESTROYERBILL: scratch that ill go to the siehedron
joriandrake: what is the Sihedron again? a sword?
Keelia: "Once the people are clear, group around this."
chris107: a magical star
Smon: After a minute the vibrations are dying down when a greater catalyst enhances the fear as the ground itself suddenly heaves and shakes - an earthquake!
chris107: seven pointed
Keelia: (think of it like a star shaped shield)
chris107: and houses the seven virtues corrupted by the runelords
Smon: Looking from the trembling Irespan over the city you watch as buildings develop cracks, bits of facades crumble to the ground here and there, and in a few places streets buckle slightly. Loose stones tumble from the Seacleft, and many people stumble or fall as the quake continues to rock Magnimar for several rounds.
chris107: M casts Freedom of movement 1 hour duration on her self.
chris107: (Both Death Ward and Freedom of Movement do not require concentration)
Smon: GM: Then you see the stones of the Irespan just 50' to your north - an area just vacated by the fleeing crowd - bulge outwards and explode in a scatter of rubble as enormous hairy taloned feet pull a gargantuan spider-thing out of the bridge...
chris107: "We must join with the Sihedron!" She again urges.
JamesDevil: "shut up!"
JamesDevil: Claw moves to the Spider thing at full speed
Smon: GM: You are gathering by the Sihedron (with above spells recast) as the Gargantuan Shriezyx emerges into the daylight.
Keelia: "Gozrah have mercy," Q mutters to herself. "The seven of us, gather up! Claw, get back here!"
JamesDevil: ok
Keelia: "The guards will have to deal with the spider. We've got to get this damn thing under control."
Smon: DC 10 DEX save or Acrobatics check to reach the monster without falling as the earthquake continues
Keelia: "You," she points at M. "What will joining with the Sihedron do?"
DESTROYERBILL: silrus shouts at the guards to get on the perfect atomizers ands blast this thing
joriandrake: Drakhaien summons the 3 nightjaunts to help rescue civilians
chris107: "It will let us access it's powers. We can then nominate one of our number as it's champion."
joriandrake: and auto-succeeds the Acrobatics
JamesDevil: Claw will head back to Quilax
chris107 rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 18, (+13) = 31
sandor sunneson: Sandor will join his buddies
Keelia: "Right. If you are lying, I will sprout a tree from inside of you. It will hurt."
Smon: /roll d6+1
Smon rolls 1d6+1 and gets: 5, (+1) = 6
Keelia: "Everyone, grab your shard and hold on. This will likely hurt."
chris107: "Why would I lie?"
sandor sunneson: Sandor grabs the shard of lust
Smon: You gather round the Sihedron - roll init please
JamesDevil: Claw grabs Wrath
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 4, (+4) = 8
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
17 (+2) = 19
14 (+2) = 16
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
11 (+2) = 13
8 (+2) = 10
Keelia: "I have no idea. I've got an earthquake, a spider, and I've recently been resurrected. I'm not in a nice mood.
JamesDevil: ugh
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 16, (+5) = 21
Keelia: Q grabs pride.
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 14, (+3) = 17
Keelia rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 20, (+3) = 23
joriandrake: heh, way to go Q
Smon: GM: Malassandra knows they need to touch the centre of the star, not mess with the prongs.
JamesDevil: waiting on Bill
Keelia: (does M say this?)
JamesDevil: ah, i see
joriandrake: (8 minutes left for me, circa)
chris107: (She does)
Smon: /roll d20+4
Smon rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 2, (+4) = 6
Smon: GM: You all beat it!
Keelia: "Where Rogare?"
Keelia: "OK, everyone touch the middle, on my mark," she grits out.
Smon: Rogare has been shepherding the crowd off the Irespan so the monster doesn't get to eat anyone.
Keelia: "We'll have to manage without him. Touch it - now!"
JamesDevil: Claw grabs it
chris107: M does so.
Smon: GM: OK the six of you all have time to reach the Sihedron and touch it - it glows brightly and rises up behind Quillax (you are all now Attuned to it, no slot needed).
sandor sunneson: Sandor grabs it
Keelia: Q lays her hand beside theirs
joriandrake: Drakhaien as well? He wasn't chosen as one of the 7
JamesDevil: he was
Keelia: "Gozrah have mercy if this goes horribly wrong," Q mutters through gritted teeth.
joriandrake: really?
The Sihedron is a seven-pointed star that symbolizes the power
of Thassilonian magic. Xin created the Sihedron as more than
just a symbol of his power over the schools of magic he’d
defined for his nation, though. It was initially meant to be a
badge of his power over all of Thassilon, and a symbol of the
unified nature of the nation’s peoples. Each of the Sihedron’s
arms is made of a different skymetal, symbolizing how the
nation of Thassilon was made of different races—Azlanti,
Varisian, Shoanti, giant, elf, and others. Xin went further than
merely making the Sihedron a symbol of harmony and diversity,
though, and built into its functionality significant advantages
when the artifact is shared among a number of allies. The
powers granted by the Sihedron are greatest when it is used not
by a lone individual, but by a group that works together toward
a common goal, and whose members trust each other enough
to effortlessly pass control of the powerful item between
themselves swiftly and without a second thought.
Alas, Xin’s ideals for the diversity of Thassilon were
misplaced, and even as his rule continued, he found himself
increasingly paranoid and unwilling to share the powers
granted by the Sihedron. The fact that the item was intended
to be a powerful shared artifact but has never properly been
used in this manner is one of the greatest ironies of Thassilon
The Sihedron itself is a relatively plain-looking item. The
seven different hues of its composite metals help to give it
some color, but the artifact lacks any of the decorative runes
and markings that are so common on other Thassilonian
artifacts. Even the artifact itself, built in the image of the sign
of Lissala and the rune for the Thassilonian schools of magic,
seems somewhat plain, lacking the Sihedron rune’s distinctive
hooklike shapes along its arms. In fact, these hooks are
represented in the device by the placement of the seven ioun
stone receptacles.
Once the Sihedron is activated, it glows with a warm
yellow light that sheds illumination as if via a daylight spell.
To activate the Sihedron, up to 7 persons need only touch
the center of the star where all seven arms meet
and concentrate for 1 hour to attune - this does not count towards a character's attunement limit.
The Sihedron then rises up into the air behind an agreed attuner (or one randomly determined if there is dispute) head like a halo and floats along behind him wherever he goes,
even teleporting along with him.
Although the Sihedron is not in physical contact with the user, it is in all
ways treated as if it were an attended object being held or carried. The
Sihedron implants knowledge of all its powers and how to activate them into
the mind of anyone who activates it in this way.
Once activated, the Sihedron protects its user in a number of ways.
First, it constantly infuses the wearer with magical energy, granting him fast healing 10.
Second, it grants the user the constant effects of a foresight spell (advantage to attack rolls ability checks & saves, and preventing the user from ever being surprised; attackers have disadvantage).
Third, up to once per day, the Sihedron will heal a user up to 100 hp the instant
he is reduced to 0 hp, unless killed instantly (eg via excess damage equal to maximum hp, or via disintegration) —he need not activate this power, as the Sihedron automatically triggers if this occurs.
When the user activates the Sihedron, he may select one
of the star’s points to be “ascendant.” The Sihedron rotates
so that this point is pointing upward, and he immediately
gains an additional defense and the use of a spell-like ability,
usable at will, as detailed below. The user may change which
point is ascendant as an action, but cannot change the point to an “oppositional” point.
The effects granted by each of the Sihedron’s points (as well as
the two oppositional points for each) are listed at the end of
this item description.
As a reaction the current user of the Sihedron may cause the artifact to instantaneously transfer
itself to another attuned creature within 120 feet. The Sihedron
teleports from the current user and appears behind the head
of the target creature. As it does so, it unleashes a surge of
potent magic that affects both of these creatures, granting both
advantage on all saving throws until the end of their next turn, and healing
each creature of 20 points of damage. This transfer
occurs so quickly that it can grant advantage on a saving
throw after the saving throw itself has been rolled, but must be done
before the results are applied by the GM.
Likewise, the healing granted can occur in the instant before a
creature actually takes damage from any source, which could
heal a heavily wounded target before the additional damage
renders it unconscious or even kills it. When the Sihedron is
granted to a new target in this manner, the new target can
automatically select which point of the Sihedron is ascendant,
even if the point selected is oppositional to the previously
active point.
Each of the Sihedron’s arms contains an ioun stone embedded in a small receptacle. These ioun
stones cannot be removed as long as the Sihedron is whole, and they help to power
the following additional abilities when one of the points is ascendant.
The Save DC for all Sihedron abilities is 20, or a spellcaster's own save DC, whichever is higher.
1.Charity: Grants a +2 bonus to AC, and counterspell as a spell-like ability.
Opposed by kindness and temperance.
2.Generosity: Grants a +4 bonus on weapon & spell attack rolls, and polymorph (self only, max CR 10).
Opposed by humility and love.
3.Humility: Grants a +4 bonus on proficient Skill checks, and greater invisibility as a spell-like ability. Opposed by generosity and zeal.
4.Kindness: Grants a +8 bonus on weapon damage rolls, and ice storm as a spell-like ability.
Opposed by charity and zeal.
5.Love: Grants a +8 insight bonus on Initiative (DEX) checks, and charm person as a spell-like ability. Opposed by generosity and temperance.
6.Temperance: Grants fast healing 20 (this replaces the standard fast healing granted by the Sihedron), and Fear as a spell-like ability.
Opposed by charity and love.
7.Zeal: Grants a +4 bonus on Concentration (CON) saves, +4 bonus to spellcasting checks (including any opposed uses of dispel magic, counrerspell, and spell attack rolls), +2 bonus to spell save DCs, and dimension door as a spell-like ability.
Opposed by humility and kindness.
DESTROYERBILL: ill lay my hand on it
Keelia: (yes)
Smon: You intuitively understand all of the above
joriandrake: ok, well then, carry on
joriandrake: (now we all touch the start and Captain Planet will appear, right?)
Keelia: (better captain planet then some of our other options )
chris107: hehe
Smon: Meanwhile as the last of the screaming stumbing crowd flees the scene (Sheila among them), the gargantuan monster looks around, clearly annoyed, and scuttles towards the six of you...
Smon: /roll d6
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 2,
joriandrake: Wow, I thought we won init
Smon: You took an action to attune to the Sihedron J
Smon: It lunges at Silrus
Smon: /roll d20+13
Smon rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 1, (+13) = 14
chris107: (Everyone is within 30' of M so are immune to fear, charm and get +5 on all saves)
Smon: /roll d20+13x4
Smon Rolls 1d20+13x4 and gets:
13 (+13) = 26
14 (+13) = 27
9 (+13) = 22
14 (+13) = 27
Keelia: (nice )
Smon: Silrus dodges its bite but is poked by its taloned claws
sandor sunneson: cool
joriandrake: gods bless the paladin aura
Smon: /roll 12d8+32
Smon rolls 12d8+32 and gets: 5, 2, 1, 2, 8, 1, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 5, (+32) = 80
JamesDevil: O.0
chris107: ouchers
Smon: Silrus takes 80 damage
joriandrake: (ok, this is not something Drakh wants to face from this close)
Smon: #23 Quillax your go - which star point do you have up?
JamesDevil: It's in wepons range for Claw, he is pleased
Keelia: Pride - as it was her previous shard
Keelia: Does she have direct line of sight?
Smon: 3.Humility: Grants a +4 bonus on proficient Skill checks, and greater invisibility as a spell-like ability. Opposed by generosity and zeal.
Keelia: Nice
Keelia: (can we let go now or do we have to hold on?)
chris107: (It's like as halo behind you now Keelia)
Keelia: (ah, I understand)
Keelia: She'll dodge around the others and get a clear line of sight then fire off a sunbeam to try to blind it
Smon: Also you have Foresight, fast healing etc per above
chris107: (You can transfer it to any of us at any time. Explains M quickly )
Smon: ok it gets an opp att reaction as Q falls back
Smon: /roll d20+13
Smon rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 15, (+13) = 28
Smon: /roll 6d6+8
Smon rolls 6d6+8 and gets: 5, 1, 2, 5, 2, 1, (+8) = 24
Smon: Quillax takes 24 dmg
Keelia: (I seem to have lost the explanation around this, maybe I had an internet blip )
Smon: she pulls back and casts Sunbeam
chris107: (It's on the blog)
Smon: oops I forgot Foresight - it has disad on attack
Smon: /roll d20+13
Smon rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 10, (+13) = 23
Smon: 23 AC hit?
Smon: full shard details at the bottom of https://smonscurseofthecrimsonthrone.blogspot.com/2019/01/rise-of-runelords-4719-ar.html
Keelia: My original spell save DC was 20, I think
Smon: your AC Q?
Keelia: my Ac =22
Smon: ok it missed you as the shard granted you foresight of its lunge
Smon: sorry hit ac 23
Smon: it hit you anyway
Keelia: no worries
Keelia: She throws a sunbeam at it
Smon: +11 con save
Keelia: CON save vs 20
Smon: /roll d20+11
Smon rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 17, (+11) = 28
Keelia: ah well - it could still fail
Smon: saved
Keelia: or maybe not.
Smon: roll dmg keelia
Keelia: she'll take a bonus action to change forms
Keelia rolls 6d8 and gets: 1, 5, 6, 6, 3, 4, = 25
joriandrake: ( I need to leave soon)
Smon: ok 12 radiant dmg
Keelia: so 12 dmg?
joriandrake: (actually sorry, I need to leave now, I also have to get ready.)
Smon: #21 Drakhaien your go, you are all in its 15' reach; there is a hiding spot behind the Sihedron forge
Keelia: And she'll take earth elemental form so she can take a hit
joriandrake: um
JamesDevil: I need to leave very soon as well
Smon: OK Drakhaien disengages & flees if you're leaving
joriandrake: is that spell like ability only usable by Quillax now or all of us got it,
Smon: Quillax has turned into an earth elemental and withdrawn from its attack range
DESTROYERBILL: if you want to take a hit you should have gon earth mrymidon
Smon: #19 Malassandra your go
joriandrake: Drakhaien will dismiss the nightjaunts as civilians are gone now, take mask off
joriandrake: then either use Greater Invisibility if he has access to spelllike power
joriandrake: or cast Haste on himself
chris107: Bonus action, Holy Sword (XGtE) then attacks.
chris107: (all damage is radiant)
Smon: No Drak does not have access to the Sihedron powers unless Quillax uses a Reaction to transfer it to him
joriandrake: and then bonus action either dash or disengage and use all actions for turn to flee and get to 3-600 feet distance from where he will snipe later, turn end and I also leave now
chris107: "Prince sandor! To me!"
chris107: Laters, Jorian.
joriandrake: Well, rakh flees to safe distance to shoot from there, and thanks for game, bye
Smon: bye J
chris107 Rolls 1d20+15x2 and gets:
3 (+15) = 18
8 (+15) = 23
Smon: AC 23
chris107 rolls 4d8+11 and gets: 4, 3, 8, 3, (+11) = 29
10:15am 2019-7-13 joriandrake Has exited the room
sandor sunneson: nice one Chris
JamesDevil: I need to leave tio, tyhanaks for the game
Smon: Malassandra lunges at it, sword pierces its tough chitin.
chris107: 29HP end turn.
chris107: Laters james
Smon: #17 Sandor your turn
10:16am 2019-7-13 JamesDevil Has exited the room
sandor sunneson: attack
chris107: (Fight it next to M for both our benefits)
Smon: Sandor moves up beside Malassandra to attack the monstrous spider thing.
sandor sunneson: Sandor will rage and stand beside M and then attack
Smon: (already raging)
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
16 (+12) = 28
1 (+12) = 13
sandor sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 2,
sandor sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 1, 6, = 7
sandor sunneson: 9+10=19 damage
Smon: The creature rears back and screams as the flaming weapon pierces it - double damage from fire so 26 dmg , and its regeneration is turned off for the round.
chris107: yay
chris107: keep it up Sandor!
Smon: WIS save DC 14 for monster
Smon: /roll d20+8
Smon rolls 1d20+8 and gets: 1, (+8) = 9
Smon: IT'S AFRAID!!!!
sandor sunneson: get in!
sandor sunneson:
chris107: nice one!
Smon: Claw is apparently stunned by the horror
Smon: #8 Silrus
DESTROYERBILL: i have 3 viable options
DESTROYERBILL: banish,metorite swarm or incideary cloud
DESTROYERBILL: what do you think
DESTROYERBILL: fire vunrabale
chris107: Incendeary Cloud would probably hurt us too?
DESTROYERBILL: not if i position it carefullt
Smon: It's gargantuan so 20' or so wide
chris107: coolm then the choice is yours
DESTROYERBILL: i use incindeary cloud in a place it will only hurt it then i use 3 sorcery points to give it dis on save
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
13 (+9) = 22
3 (+9) = 12
Smon: fail
chris107: yay!
DESTROYERBILL rolls 10d8 and gets: 8, 6, 7, 7, 2, 1, 5, 3, 8, 1, = 48
chris107: nice
Smon: Flaming gas envelopes most of the monster for 96 dmg
Smon: #6 Shrieyzx
Smon: /roll d4
Smon rolls 1d4 and gets: 3,
Smon: /roll d2
Smon rolls 1d2 and gets: 2
Smon: It attacks Sandor (w disad)
Smon: /roll d20+13x10
Smon Rolls 1d20+13x10 and gets:
10 (+13) = 23
4 (+13) = 17
4 (+13) = 17
17 (+13) = 30
7 (+13) = 20
2 (+13) = 15
15 (+13) = 28
19 (+13) = 32
13 (+13) = 26
9 (+13) = 22
chris107: perfect
Smon: roll 17, 17, 15, 28, 22 on Sandor
Smon: Sandor AC?
Smon: bite misses (hit AC 17)
sandor sunneson: 25
Smon: only 1 talon hit
Smon: /roll 3d8+8
Smon rolls 3d8+8 and gets: 5, 4, 1, (+8) = 18
Smon: 18 piercing > 9
sandor sunneson: 9 damage
Smon: Next round
Keelia: Q will throw a produce flames instead.
Smon: #23 Quillax you feel bad, poison coursing through your earthy body
Smon: luckily you are immune in this form
Keelia: whoo!
Keelia rolls 1d20+12 and gets: 20, (+12) = 32
sandor sunneson: 204/213
Smon: (You need to stay in this form 6 rounds or else take 6d6 poison start of each turn)
Keelia: for spell attack
Keelia: (ok)
Smon: ok Q is out of its reach so can throw flame
Smon: AC 23
Keelia: so, um, crit at 32
chris107: Nice one Keelia!
sandor sunneson: well done
Smon: ok so double dice then double dmg
Keelia rolls 8d8 and gets: 3, 4, 6, 1, 5, 1, 2, 8, = 30
Smon: 60 fire dmg
Keelia: Not too bad
Smon: Has taken 223 so far
chris107: Very nice indeed.
sandor sunneson: does it look half damaged ??
Smon: #19 Malassandra
Keelia: (james sent me a message saying we can still use claw, too)
Smon: (it moved its butt out of the flame cloud)
chris107: Taking advantage of the wolf at her side she strikes again. Any hit she will divine strike on.
chris107: first attack
chris107 Rolls 1d20x2 and gets:
18 = 18
1 = 1
chris107: 29
chris107: second attack
chris107 Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
9 (+11) = 20
10 (+11) = 21
Smon: (it's not bloodied yet BTW)
Smon: 1 hit
chris107: one hit and a level 2 smite
chris107 rolls 6d8+11 and gets: 3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 3, (+11) = 43
chris107: end turn.
Smon: 266 dmg & it's bloodied
chris107: oops +15 to hit
chris107: 25 was second. My bad
Smon: then you hit twice
chris107 rolls 6d8+11 and gets: 8, 6, 4, 2, 6, 5, (+11) = 42
Smon: 308 dmg so far
Smon: #17 Sandor
chris107: 85HP 2 2nd level slots marked off. End turn.
sandor sunneson: two attacks
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
6 (+12) = 18
2 (+12) = 14
Smon: AC 23
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+12x2 and gets:
13 (+12) = 25
2 (+12) = 14
sandor sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 5,
sandor sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 5, 4, = 9
Smon: +5 STR +6 Prof +2 wpn = +13 BTW
Smon: You went Reckless Sandor?
sandor sunneson: yes
sandor sunneson: 24 damage
Smon: in future declare before rolling
Smon: 24 +9 for fire vulnerability?
Smon: 341 so far
sandor sunneson: will do
Smon: #8 Silrus
sandor sunneson: 24 in total including fire damage
Smon: inluding 18 fire dmg??
chris107: It takes double from fire, Ferg.
sandor sunneson: 9 fire damage x2 =18
sandor sunneson: 31 damage in total then
DESTROYERBILL: i move my cloud 10ft to hit it
sandor sunneson: cheers Chris
chris107: Welcs mate
Smon: The cloud rolls over it again
Smon: /roll d20+9
Smon rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 6, (+9) = 15
DESTROYERBILL rolls 10d8 and gets: 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 3, 7, = 59
Smon: fail, it breathes in fire & takes 118 dmg
chris107: yay! Nice spell
Smon: 459 dmg so far
DESTROYERBILL: i use disentegrate 3sp to give dis 2sp to make bonus action
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
2 (+9) = 11
7 (+9) = 16
chris107: (I could almost feel sorry for the spider)
DESTROYERBILL rolls 10d6+40 and gets: 3, 5, 2, 5, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 5, (+40) = 70
sandor sunneson: Nice one Bill
Smon: 529 dmg, it collapses in a flaming disintegrating husk.
Smon: You have killed the monster!
DESTROYERBILL: if it had survived i could of then fire bolted it
chris107: Yay!
sandor sunneson: huuuzar!
chris107: Well done guys!
Keelia: whoo!
sandor sunneson: Excellent, nice bit of XP there
chris107: is the black cloud still visible?
chris107: over ancient Xin?
DESTROYERBILL: i stop concentating on icindeary cloud
Keelia: Q moves over to look
Smon: You see from the Irespan that the 12 great monuments of Magnimar are now limned in radiant fire too, and are humming merrily, while the dark cloud on the western horizon is still visible. You sense more trouble is on the way...
chris107: eek
Smon: OK will stop there for today, 15,000 XP to Sandor & Silrus
Keelia: Q mutters to herself - it sounds like the pebbles before an avalanche.
Smon: Quillax gets her delayed epic boon - +2 to a stat or take a Feat
Smon: Mal also +15,000 XP
sandor sunneson: Thank you Simon
chris107: thanks Simon, just 10,000 of 20th
Smon: So Silrus Mal & Sandor are 10,000 off 20th
chris107: Well played all!
sandor sunneson: nice one, chat soon. Ciao all and have a good weekend
chris107: You too!
Keelia: thanks! great game!
Keelia: Have a good weekend !
Smon: Thx guys!
10:48am 2019-7-13 sandor sunneson Has exited the room
DESTROYERBILL: have a good weekend
10:48am 2019-7-13 Keelia Has exited the room
chris107: Cheers Simon. Thanks again.
Smon: Nice start Bill/Silrus
chris107: you t6oo Bill.
chris107: Yup, excellent spells.
Smon: Next session next Saturday w/out Silrus
DESTROYERBILL: i built my charecter for perfection
Smon: I'll say he is helping get the bombards organised
chris107: Sat 20th I'm good to play
chris107: See you all next week. take care.
10:51am 2019-7-13 chris107 Has exited the room