Mal looks confused at this turn of events
She looks at Malassandra, smiling. "I intend to restore Thassilon as a benevolent empire - with a benevolent empress. But first we need to remove a few obstacles..."
Mal tries not to scoff outloud.
Sorshen raises an amused eyebrow at Mal's facial expression, and goes on. "The bad news is Karzoug will soon be free. The good news is, I know how to destroy Zutha. Interested?"
Mal looks at the drawn face of Quillax... Mal would love to destroy Zutha but doesn’t trust this bitch an inch.
Sorshen: "You know Zutha is a Lich, right? That his Phylactery is divided into three parts? Well, there's a ritual that can be employed at a certain place, that can summon him there - and destroy him! It only needs one part of the Phylactery - and I know where one is."
The death of her companions, particularly Claw weighs heavily on Quillax. Even while sleeping she is tired...still, she grasps at the offered opportunity.
“It seems Karzoug is beyond us at the moment, particularly with all the events. But the opportunity for Zutha is one we cannot pass.”
“Tell me Sorshen, would this benevolent empress be you? Does Zutha stand in your way? We would make fine cats paws to remove him....”
Sorshen cocks her head at Malassandra, still smiling amusedly, with a rather feline expression. "That's right."
Sorshen: "Erigantus, Necromancer of the Whispering Way, holds the Bone Grimoire, a part of Zutha's Phylactery. He dwells now in the Shrine of the Seal beneath Kaer Maga. If you can secure the tome, and perform the Runewaking Ritual at a certain locale, you may summon Zutha - and destroy him."
Sorshen pauses to look over her night-time dream city, breathing deep of the warm lotus-infused air. "With Zutha destroyed, I expect Krune will acknowledge my mastery. He may keep Kaer Maga for all I care."
“And how do we know this is not another trap? Will you consent to the veracity of your words being tested?”
Sorshen giggles. "You never change, Malassandra! Of course - pierce me with your steely gaze!"
She throws back her arms and arches her neck as if exposing herself to Malassandra's strike.
DC22 Cha. Save..
Sorshen does not make a save (which ought to mean an automatic fail).
"Go on, ask me whatever you like!" she grins.
"I love truth or dare!"
"I get to ask you questions too though, right?"
Just coming up with a list of direct yes/no questions. In the car drying off! Will be home in about 30 minutes.
If you tell me your Sense Motive, happy to roll it. 🙂
(Go Mal 😁)
@Keelia Hess
, these are my draft questions. A yes or no answer is all I require. Anything to add?
Is all the information you have given me regarding Zutha truthful?
Do you intend me harm, either directly or indirectly with your plans?
Are you conspiring with any others to bring about this confrontation with Zutha?
>>Is all the information you have given me regarding Zutha truthful?<< "Yes"
Yes - something along the lines of what benefits will you or other runelords receive by removing Zutha? (Is this going to make our job more difficult)
>>Do you intend me harm, either directly or indirectly with your plans?<< "No"
>>"Are you conspiring with any others to bring about this confrontation with Zutha?"<< "Only with you!"
(If we take our Zutha is that going to power up another type question - sorry in meeting can’t spare much time to make thoughtful questions 😕 )
“By Lissala, I compel you to the truth!” She adds Q’s questions..
If things still look positive then Mal, who must believe in the redemption of the wicked will put pride and wrath aside and embrace Sorshen once more as a sister.
Mal is not detecting any deception from Sorshen. She looks a bit puzzled at Quillax's question. "Well that is a matter of strategy... We can discuss it in depth if you'd like to visit me in Korvosa?" She asks brightly. "They have a lovely festival coming up soon where they burn Bad Queen Ileosa in effigy - it's quite delightful!" She smiles innocently.
M retains concentration on the zone
Were any falsehoods detected in her words? If not and as a matter of good faith among allies she drops the zone.
"Essentially, though, Zutha is still weak, but as he devours Lastwall, he is becoming rapidly stronger. If he consumes enough, he could threaten even myself. And he has no place in the Empire of Kindness I intend to build here."
Mal's not detecting any falsehood.
(She is laying it on a bit thick but I think Mal would lap this stuff up.)
"Now, my turn! Malassandra - what do you think of Xin? Disappointed, at all?"
"In his last years, he cut himself away from human contact - from you. He surrounded himself with automata. That must have hurt, yes?"
"I know you've been in contact with Xin's ghost. What has he told you to do?"
Driving. Home in 10
“My Lord Xin was.. damaged... when his ministers turned against him. It took part of him away, shook his sanity.
It is not for me to say but the reliance on his automatons lessened him. He forgot about those qualities, good and bad that make us human. Those who followed the baser paths of human nature used these against him and would do so still against the world.
Only by realigning with the noble virtues can we hope to bring around change for good.
My master has regained control of himself but is now far from life as we know it. I can not say what he wishes from me as he has given no direct orders other than to call on his spirit when my need is most desperate. But in my heart I believe he would wish a legacy of peace and prosperity for the younger races who followed ours.”
Sorshen nods. "My own feelings, exactly." She sighs. "Look, I don't expect you to trust me - certainly not yet. Or to forgive me for the things I've done. But we need to work together to stop Zutha, Karzoug, Alaznist. You don't know them like I do, but trust me - they're all really bad news."
“I truly wish to believe in your redemption and so long as you give me no reason to regret this I and I hope my friends will work with you to defeat them.”
Sorshen bobs her head happily. "That's all I can ask for. Thank you."
“So what’s the next step?”
"I suggest you go to Kaer Maga and get the Bone Grimoire from Erigantus at the Shrine of the Seal. You'll need to take it to a temple at Xin - handy you raised the Isle of Xin, eh?" she smiles. "And there perform the ritual to summon Zutha. Destroy him and the Grimoire, and he'll be gone for good."
Sorshen sighs. "I need to lay low for now. I can't risk the others finding out I'm active. Even this dream was a risk - but I needed to finally talk with you. I'm glad I did." She gives Mal a hopeful smile.
Mal returns the smile warmly. If a soul has genuinely repented it is something to celebrate. She hopes her friends will agree to this plan...
“It shall be done, sister.
How shall we remain in contact?”
@Simon Newman
my old eyes are struggling to find Kaer Magna on the map. Can you help please?
I have it 🙂
Sorshen: "The safest way to contact me is to come to Korvosa - I'll know if you are there and will seek you out... Well, I say 'me',but it won't be my real body of course. No offence , but I know a bit about temptation!" She smiles wryly. "I use blood simulacra that look just like me - a bit duller, of course."
"Otherwise, a Sending would work, but there's a chance one of the other Runelords monitoring you would notice. Karzoug, or possibly Alaznist. I think Krune pegged you, too."
(Could Quillax spot if this is the real Sorshen or one of her simulcra using Arcana? Mal is a bit dense but if it is her words would possibly not reflect those of the true form?)
Just thinking it through is making my head spin 🙂
(Could Quillax spot if this is the real Sorshen or one of her simulcra using Arcana? Mal is a bit dense but if it is her words would possibly not reflect those of the true form?)
Probably. She’s got good arcana and a better nose 🙂 blood will smell of blood
Quillax can tell this is a dream image of Sorshen, presumably sent by Sorshen.
You're not smelling blood.
How will this impact on our ability to mount a rescue mission for our friends? Could Sorshen help in some way?
you ask her?
Sorry, that was meant to be OOC to Keelia
how are your pcs communicating?! 😛
Sorshen: "Goodbye for now."
Sorshen: "Goodbye for now."
Q narrows her eyes at Sorshen. “Glad you guys have mended some bridges but let me be very clear. I’ve had a very bad few days and I’m feeling worse than a Grizzly with matted fur. If I find out at any point in the future that you are planning on screwing us over, I will turn into an air elemental, force myself down into your lungs and retake human shape. Got it?”
“Farewell, Sorshen. Lissala be with you.”
GM: Sorshen laughs at Quillax's threat. "Got it! Farewell to you both." The dream ends. You wake next morning in Jorgenfist.
M now puts the above question to Q.
Q contemplates rescue missions and killing RuneLords and ancient beings with delusions of ruling the world.
M imagines Karzoug will likely be keeping their friends remains (the dust) and their equipment very well guarded...
M now puts the above question to Q.
“We have one action before anything. I’ll get the Librarian to investigate the ritual. If there are any phases of the moon or things like that we have to observe. That will give us a timeline.”
“If there is no magical timeline, we have to work out the non-magical one. Karzoug will be ready for us. He knows our skills and weaknesses - the entire thing will be a trap” she rubs at her face tiredly.
“Second, we need to work out if blood or hair works as well as body.” She waves at the armour that was splattered with blood - Hers and the others in that fight. “We need to send word to the strongest healers and those with resurrection knowledge.”
“Then, we need to find companions willing to take on not one but all RuneLords. Those that have proven themselves.”
She drops down heavily into a chair and contemplates the sword of Greed and the troublesome armour.
“And I am tired, my friend.” She lets her head drop back.
“Rest Lady. I shall watch over you and begin preparations as you command.”
Mal follows Q’s orders as she rests.
Q hums. “The Librarian will give you any assistance as will my People here.”
“It shall be as you command.”
I think that’s pride, wrath, envy , greed and sloth all overcome in just one short session? 😁
Cool 🙂 We can start next session with bringing in new PCs? With word of Claw's death Teraktinus will be challenging Rukvara for rulership of the giant peaks, so we could begin at the Giants' Moot?
@James Furyan Robinson
are you bringing in a new PC?
I assume Q & M would like a Long Rest first - NB Q will still be -3 on checks after 1 LR. I'll let a Greater Restoration cast at 5th reduce the penalty by 1, at 6th by 2, at 7th by 3.
A long rest will give us time to put Q’s other instructions into effect?
M burned through quite a lot of spells so it will sure help her recover them.
'For if the greatest prize of Thassilon's first ruler cannot save Varisia... what can?'
Sunday, 28 June 2020
“I should slay you where you stand.”
Simon Newman
She raises a hand as if to ward off an incoming sword strike. "Well, you cannot harm me here, and vice versa. This is just a beautiful dream, you know?"

Chris Thomas
“What do you want with us?”
Simon Newman
"If it helps ...I'm sorry for what I did to you."
She glances to Quillax - still looking pale - then back to Mal.
“For what you did to Xin.”
Simon Newman
Sorshen shrugs. "Yes. That too. Although it was not my decision alone... but yes that's no excuse."
Sorshen sighs.
"After ten thousand years, I've had plenty of time to reconsider my life choices ...anyway. We have more pressing matters."
"I brought you back for a reason. To help me stop the other Runelords. You made a great start, busting Karzoug's Leng Device. Now..."

Chris Thomas
“You brought me back?”
Simon Newman
"Yes." Sorshen looks at her fingers. "Four I know are awake - Krune Zutha Karzoug ...and Alaznist. She's the most dangerous. Xanderghul I can't get a reading on. Belimarius is still trapped."

Chris Thomas
24/3/4720: Interlude -1
Xin explains to Malassandra that the Astral plane was the only likely way to escape the Occluding Field of the Pinnacle of Avarice, since it is coterminous with the Prime but uncorrupted by Leng. While a traveller might temporarily enter the Border Ethereal, they would surely be flung back to Golarion before they could escape the Occluding Field (GM: DC 20 Prof+stat caster check each round).
GM: Xin sends Malassandra & Quillax across the multiverse to arrive in the courtyard of Jorgenfist. The Druids are concerned to see Quillax so weak and pale, but that is nothing compared to the devastation of learning of Lord Claw's loss. A message is 'Sent' to Rukvara of the Goliath - it is unclear whether Claw's mountain kingdom of the Iron Peaks will hold together without its lord, or whether the giants and goliath will fall to squabbling again. The druid Dermirr informs Quillax and Malassandra that the outriders of Karzoug's army is approaching Wolf's Ear. Vernor Bruin, the werebear Mayor of Wolf's Ear, has ordered the town be evacuated - most of the lycanthropes are fleeing to the forest while the humans head for Magnimar.
It's late at night, so to avoid Exhaustion on top of everything else Quillax and Malassandra soon retire to their quarters. As they sleep, they seem to have a strange dream...
Quillax and Malassandra are walking together in a night time city - it's summer, the air is warm and heavy with incense mingled with the scents of countless rich blossoms. They know they are dreaming, and that each other is 'real' in the dream.
Some kind of a festival is going on, the sound of revelry comes from lighted windows, though there are few people on the streets where waving palm fronds flank the marble-paved collonnades. Malassandra recognises the city - Xin-Eurythnia. Or a dream of Xin-Eurythnia, at least.
GM: Xin sends Malassandra & Quillax across the multiverse to arrive in the courtyard of Jorgenfist. The Druids are concerned to see Quillax so weak and pale, but that is nothing compared to the devastation of learning of Lord Claw's loss. A message is 'Sent' to Rukvara of the Goliath - it is unclear whether Claw's mountain kingdom of the Iron Peaks will hold together without its lord, or whether the giants and goliath will fall to squabbling again. The druid Dermirr informs Quillax and Malassandra that the outriders of Karzoug's army is approaching Wolf's Ear. Vernor Bruin, the werebear Mayor of Wolf's Ear, has ordered the town be evacuated - most of the lycanthropes are fleeing to the forest while the humans head for Magnimar.
It's late at night, so to avoid Exhaustion on top of everything else Quillax and Malassandra soon retire to their quarters. As they sleep, they seem to have a strange dream...
Quillax and Malassandra are walking together in a night time city - it's summer, the air is warm and heavy with incense mingled with the scents of countless rich blossoms. They know they are dreaming, and that each other is 'real' in the dream.
Some kind of a festival is going on, the sound of revelry comes from lighted windows, though there are few people on the streets where waving palm fronds flank the marble-paved collonnades. Malassandra recognises the city - Xin-Eurythnia. Or a dream of Xin-Eurythnia, at least.
As it was in the distant past?
Simon Newman
(yes). Ahead is a plaza surrounded by high-domed halls, where a tall, cowled, but very feminine figure awaits...
As she throws back her cowl and smiles in greeting, both Quillax and Malassandra recognise her - Sorshen.
Chris Thomas
“Sorshen?!” ‘Sharp intake of breath...
Simon Newman
Albeit more demurely clad than you've ever seen her before, her rich robes reminiscent of a Varisian noblewoman -
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