Sunday 28 June 2020

24/3/4720: Interlude -1

Xin explains to Malassandra that the Astral plane was the only likely way to escape the Occluding Field of the Pinnacle of Avarice, since it is coterminous with the Prime but uncorrupted by Leng. While a traveller might temporarily enter the Border Ethereal, they would surely be flung back to Golarion before they could escape the Occluding Field (GM: DC 20 Prof+stat caster check each round).

GM: Xin sends Malassandra & Quillax across the multiverse to arrive in the courtyard of Jorgenfist. The Druids are concerned to see Quillax so weak and pale, but that is nothing compared to the devastation of learning of Lord Claw's loss. A message is 'Sent' to Rukvara of the Goliath - it is unclear whether Claw's mountain kingdom of the Iron Peaks will hold together without its lord, or whether the giants and goliath will fall to squabbling again. The druid Dermirr informs Quillax and Malassandra that the outriders of Karzoug's army is approaching Wolf's Ear.  Vernor Bruin, the werebear Mayor of Wolf's Ear, has ordered the town be evacuated - most of the lycanthropes are fleeing to the forest while the humans head for Magnimar.

It's late at night, so to avoid Exhaustion on top of everything else Quillax and Malassandra soon retire to their quarters. As they sleep, they seem to have a strange dream...

Quillax and Malassandra are walking together in a night time city - it's summer, the air is warm and heavy with incense mingled with the scents of countless rich blossoms. They know they are dreaming, and that each other is 'real' in the dream.

Some kind of a festival is going on, the sound of revelry comes from lighted windows, though there are few people on the streets where waving palm fronds flank the marble-paved collonnades. Malassandra recognises the city - Xin-Eurythnia. Or a dream of Xin-Eurythnia, at least.

As it was in the distant past?
Simon Newman

(yes). Ahead is a plaza surrounded by high-domed halls, where a tall, cowled, but very feminine figure awaits...

As she throws back her cowl and smiles in greeting, both Quillax and Malassandra recognise her - Sorshen.
Chris Thomas

“Sorshen?!” ‘Sharp intake of breath...

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