Thursday 23 January 2014

PC - Vemior "Vemi" Diaquani - Alex Bard

Vemior "Vemi" Diaquani (formerly of Diaquani Marine Interests).
Bard-2 AC 14 HP 18 ST 18 DE 13 CO 10 IN 14 WI 10 CH 14
spells: 1 - Grease, Cure Light Wounds, Charm Person, 0- Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound.
Character Sheet
A second generation immigrant to Korvosa, Vemior's grandparents and their children were among loyalist refugees fleeing the short-lived Biston uprising of 4658.
Drawing upon decades of experience, the Diaquani family quickly established themselves in West Dock as fishermen of some skill and reputation.
Following the death of 'The Old-Man' (Cruskis) Diaquani in 4665, Vemi's father, Renior Diaquani, officially took over as head of the family. With the help of some well-placed customers and business partners in Korvosan polite society, Renior swiftly shifted the company's emphasis from actual fishing to the overseeing of fishing-boats and fish processing facilities, elevating the Diaquani name to a respectable status in the city.
After completing the early years of his privately tutored education, a teen-age Vemior turned his back on his father's desires for him to study the family business; instead, pursuing a career as an actor and orator.
With a little money earned, a few connections made, and very much imagining himself as some bohemian nobleman, Vemior enlisted at Orsini's Academy to learn swordplay. This double insult to his father caused several serious arguments about politics and family loyalty for the Diaquanis. With both men being too proud, and too stubborn to apologise, the conflict eventually resulted in Vemior's estrangement from his father; neither of them speaking to each other for several years, the only exchange of words being through an intermediary, Zarda, Vemior's younger sister.
Through Zarda, Vemior learns that his father has become secretly addicted to the street-drug 'shiver', and that in rare lucid moments curses him as the cause of his addiction. Angry, and ready for an argument, Vemi goes to confront his father, only to discover him in the midst of a near-fatal overdose that leaves the once-proud patriarch pathetic and wretched.

Wracked with shame, Vemior is driven to investigate Korvosa's drug ridden underworld, swearing vengeance on the "despicable lowlife scum responsible for the devastation of my family". Eventually, through a combination of subtle politicking, bribery, and outright intimidation, he uncovers the name of local crimelord Gaedren Lamm.

Vemior Diaquani's shopping, 2/8/4708 AR
Sells both his whip and longspear back at half price, which added to what was left from starting gold gives him 799gp, 7sp, 9cp to spend.
(Eodred's Walk)
Masterwork Whip - 301gp - Jope Chantsmo at Trapper's Hole 
Masterwork Longspear - 305gp - Fip at Slicing Dicers
(Stalls at the Gold Market)
2 Potions of CLW - 100gp - Sagitar Tiguan at Magical Curiosities 
5 Fine Cigars- 2gp, 5sp - Yerkin Skelrak's Herb & Spice Trade Route
Bowl of Varisian Borsht - 1spEsmerelda at Korvosa Best Borsht 
708gp 6sp spent. 91gp 1sp 9cp remaining, in the form of: 
6 crowns, 28 gold sails, 31 silver shields, & 9 pinch. 

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