Monday 8 April 2019

M12 4719 AR - Drakhaien at Urglin

Urglin Town, Headquarters Fortress of Commander Dekanti

Until 7 months ago, Viorian Dekanti was a well known mercenary commander of Riddleport. Indeed, she and the Elven Rogue Drakhaien used to have quite a thing going on, back in the day... Now she is General of the Armies of Gastash, Champion of Kazrzoug the Claimer and Wielder of Chellan, the Sword of Greed!
Fortunately, she is still careless with her battle plans... Under cover of darkness, Drakhaien is able to slip into her planning room and lift a map - a battle plan showing what appears to be conquest plans - leaving the untidy table in such a manner it appears undisturbed. Slipping out with alerting her sentries, Drakhaien is able to leave Urglin and head west towards the Iron Peaks and Jorgenfist Fortress, arriving just in time for Claw's wedding to Rukvara Bearkiller on the banks of the Muschkal River, at the very place where they had first met and decapitated two hill giants together. Goliath are nothing if not romantic.

"Campaign Plan 4720 AR" stolen by Drakhaien from the fortress of Viorian Dekanti at Urglin.

Viorian Dekanti
A renowned mercenary commander of Riddleport formerly known to Drakhaien, now she commands the army of Shalast mustering at Urglin - and she wields Chellan, Sword of Greed, stolen from Quillax's automoton servitor Clank by the sorcery of Runelord Karzoug. Karzoug is able to speak directly through her, as he did with Mokmurian.

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