Saturday 10 August 2019

ep 89 18/2/4720 AR - Aboleths on the Isle of Xin

Risen Isle of Xin

7:30am  2019-8-10 Smon Has entered the room
chris107: cripes
Keelia: Morning Simon
Smon: Good morning
JamesDevil: best memory of rome, standing in the rain at 30+ degrees eating geleto
chris107: Morning Simon
JamesDevil: morning Simon
Keelia: That was particularly good gelato!
Keelia: Italy does amazing gelato, and pizza
chris107: Now I may have to go raid the freezer..
Keelia: Tell me about - that might be breakfast...
JamesDevil: yea, i'm so glad we went there, better than Paris
7:32am  2019-8-10 DESTROYERBILL Has entered the room
JamesDevil: I'm eating brefast now
Keelia: Totally
Keelia: Hey Bill
JamesDevil: so in game Claw is eating his morning mutton
chris107: Good morning Bill
JamesDevil: morning Bill
DESTROYERBILL: good morning everyone
chris107: Is that what the rest of us would call a sheep?
JamesDevil: muttonchop so kinda yea
JamesDevil: part of a sheep
7:33am  2019-8-10 Upper_Krust Has entered the room
Keelia: technically it means adult sheep
Keelia: as opposed to lamb
Upper_Krust: morning everyone
chris107: M will nibble on a cornflake and some dust. Got to watch her figure. Also if it's morning her magical ring will recharge a d3?
Keelia: morning!
chris107: Good morning!
JamesDevil: there are sheep in D&D right? i'm guessing they are crazy powerful!
chris107: Like 1e Herd Animals..
Smon: End of last sesh in Sheila's garden: >>Smon: Sheila nods to Drakhaien. "I'll talk to the Mayor about that. I'm sure the Pathfinder Society can make a generous donation."
joriandrake: (That exists but those feats are mainly from the Unearthed Arcana, or maybe a couple rare ones like Prodigy from Xanathar's)
Smon: (end at 11.30)
Keelia: I guess I'll take Skilled anyway. My prof bonus is good so it will help my skills over all
joriandrake: (I am using Xanathar spells and feats, maybe Simon lets you take some of those as boon)
Smon: Sheila: "Currently we don't know if Xin has arisen. Worst case would be that a Runelord has taken control of his forces..."
Smon: Sheila: "That Kraken-thing recognised you, Lady Malassandra?"
chris107: "Aye, we must not let Xin fall into the hands of the upstarts."
joriandrake: "Worst case might also be Xin being sume god-powered Lich"
joriandrake: some*
chris107: "It did, though I know not why."
joriandrake: "If Xin's power was sensed on the construct scrap that is a risk we have to consider as possibility"<<
JamesDevil: so, lets go kill us some robots
chris107: recharges
chris107 rolls 1d3 and gets: 1
chris107: Ring now on 2 charges.
JamesDevil: rolling hd
JamesDevil rolls 2d12+7 and gets: 8, 7, (+7) = 22
chris107: Swaping the Sihedron between battles heals all our wounds?
JamesDevil: exactly the right amout
chris107: and gets the characters slick at passing it..
Keelia: wind walk will get us there in about 3 hours, so make sure you have all that you need
JamesDevil: Ready to go
chris107: 1 have one 3rd and one 5th level spell slots left
Smon: GM: Fergus said he'll be here 9am so I'll assume Sandor is with you. Also Drakhaien.
7:39am  2019-8-10 joriandrake Has entered the room
Smon: Hi J!
joriandrake: hello
chris107: Morning Jorian
JamesDevil: yo
Upper_Krust: howdy
joriandrake: Sorry I was a bit late, prepared the containers for when I have to leave for the meal
joriandrake: UK you join us today?
Smon: GM: You can use the Sihedron to fast heal up to 60 hp/round each by my count, so you can definitely recover all hp overnight.

Upper_Krust: yes
joriandrake: Upper:Krust... I jsut realized UK might not be a good idea to use with so manny British here
Smon: UK is playing the crystral-winged aarakocra monk agaiin.
DESTROYERBILL: we have 5 british people in the party
joriandrake: WIll Krust be a permanent member or just as long he's visiting there?
chris107: Mallixandra (using the Azlanti spelling there) 184/184 HP
Upper_Krust: just visiting
JamesDevil: just flying in
Upper_Krust: back home on Tuesday
Smon: GM: Quillax casts Wind Walk (cross off spelll slot) and Sheila bids you farewell as you turn into misty clouds and rise out of the Heidmarch manor garden and head west, passing over the great ruined arch of the Irespan and out into open waters.
Smon: Malassandra has a slightly odd feeling, as if she had a dream she can't quite remember. Some lost memory triggered by the encounter with Aureusa, perhaps.
chris107: Coupled with her excitement of maybe seeing Xin again this makes her somewhat distracted..
chris107: still here?
Keelia: at least as wind in the sky its hard to crash in to anything - except birds
Smon: Three hours later you reach the region of ocean 100 miles out to sea, where dark storm clouds roil in an otherwise sunny sky. Passing beneath the clouds you see ahead an incredible sight - land, newly risen from the sea - in fact it seems to be still rising! At the centre of the new islands is a great palace of crystal - the legendary Crystal Palace of Xin! But where in Malassandra's time it was shining white - before being destroyed in the cataclysm that tore apart the Sihedron on Xin's death - now, reformed, it is a dull glossy black.
Keelia: ominous
Smon: Prepare for a big text dump...
chris107: "Well that's not good..."
JamesDevil: nah, it will be total cool guys
JamesDevil: nothing ever happens in creepy places like this
JamesDevil: nothing BAD anyway
Smon: Xin iSlAnd feAtureS The cluster of islands that rise with Xin’s palace compose a ruined wasteland of long-collapsed buildings, crumbling tower tops, and disintegrating archways. Strange sites abound on the islands, and everywhere looms the distinctive interplay of spherical and linear designs that is the hallmark of the Azlanti architecture Xin used to design his city. Dead and dying sea life litters the islands, and crabs scuttle in all directions to feast on the bounty. Starfish cling futilely to long-toppled columns, and spiny barnacles and dying but razor-sharp coral encrust collapsed walls and old, broken spires, making even casual investigation of ruins onerous. The stench of decay is overbearing.
Smon: Beyond the ruins, very little ornamentation or evidence of ancient habitation remains. Centuries on the sea floor, looting by aquatic denizens, the island’s recent rise, and ages of erosion have wiped away most of the treasures that once rested in the depths. While some of the facades are remarkably well preserved, the fact is that most ruins are but empty shells of the former domiciles, with layers of coral and urchin beds obscuring the old buildings’ original use and purpose. But even time can’t wash everything away, and discerning eyes can detect hints of the city’s former magnificence. Shattered glass globes covered in barnacles still hover along cracked sidewalks, where they once provided illumination. Likewise, stone benches and broken machinery of an indeterminate nature float in place, and old library collections, their holdings now little more than corroded bronze plates, orbit lazily around shelves and statues long lost.
Smon: Over all looms the dark shard of the Crystal Palace. The apex of the jagged black spire smolders with thick, dark smoke, and embers and sharp crystal flakes shed from its surface. Other than jagged crags, the spire boasts no window or doors beyond a single grand archway that provides entry into the imposing structure.
chris107: "Ah Xin. How I have dreamed of seeing you again. But not like this...." She trails off sadly.
Smon: The door:
A tall, broad archway grown of crystal stands at the base of the palace. The door the archway frames bears no hinge, lock, or knob—only an unbroken sheet of pockmarked black crystal bars the way into the palace’s interior.

Keelia: Q drifts down to examine it
JamesDevil: Claw will join her
chris107: M too
joriandrake: still reading
chris107: Trying to keep as many of us as possible within her protective aura.
Upper_Krust: Keravon flies down
DESTROYERBILL: ill float down as well
Smon: GM: You drift down to look at the door - let me know if you are assuming solid form/landing.
JamesDevil: solid for Claw
DESTROYERBILL: ill go solid
Upper_Krust: Keravon can hover for now
Keelia: Q will go solid as she can take air elemental form quickly
Keelia: if necessary
JamesDevil: "hmm"
chris107: Looking for a safe place to land, away from sharp corals or slippery urchins, M lands and becomes solid.
JamesDevil: Claw will walk up to the 'Door' and touch it
JamesDevil: i know it not a door but you know what i mean
chris107: Does M have any memory of the door?
JamesDevil: Does anything happen?
Keelia: Q sighs "Surely you have learned by now not to just touch random doors."
chris107: How it opens, if it is guarded or trapped etc.
Smon: You land or hover and become solid. The black crystal door shows no way to enter. Claw touches the pockmarked crystal door - it feels faintly warm, and he senses a thrumming of energies deep within. Malassandra recalls that servants within - or Xin - would open it on her approach; oherwise it will likely take titanic strength or powerful magic to force open.
chris107: You chaps okay if I try?
JamesDevil: "lets try it together"
Keelia: Does crystal count as worked or unworked stone? It 'grows' after all
JamesDevil: (this will end so well, a D&D group defaeated by a door)
Smon: It has definitely been 'worked'.
chris107: M nods and walks towards the crystal door ...
Keelia: thanks
Smon: GM: Those of you with PP 20+ see several figures rising from a pool of water off to the southwest...
JamesDevil: 22pp here
joriandrake: Drakhaien points them out silently in his mask
chris107: M hesitates in her advance once warned of the figures.
Keelia: Q takes water elemental form and calls out a greeting.
JamesDevil: Claw will take his eyes off the door and look over tio the figures
Keelia: (or rather bubbles out a greeting in aquan)
JamesDevil: Claw calls out in common
JamesDevil: "greeting, are you friend or foe?"
chris107: M in the language of ancient Xin.
Smon: Handsome male humanoid figures carrying tridents - gills at their necks - Gillmen!
chris107: (If none of the others work  )
JamesDevil: do they appear to be hostile? or are they just standing there?
joriandrake: Drakhaien investigates their mannerism / bodly language and equipment to see if they are hostile or have something to hide
Smon: They are just walking towards you, not overtly hostile, but seem to understand Mal & Quillax. One answers in archaic Azlanti/Thassilonian. "Hail! What doest thou here?"
8:07am  2019-8-10 sandor sunneson Has entered the room
Smon: Roll Insight Drak
JamesDevil: Hi San
Smon: OOC I'll post log so far for Fergus
joriandrake: I wished to use Investigation but ok
chris107: Hi Ferg
joriandrake rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 14, (+7) = 21
joriandrake: hi S
Smon: posted -
sandor sunneson: Morning all
Smon: ok roll Investigation Drak
Upper_Krust: Hey Fergus
Smon: Their manner seems open.
Keelia: Q retakes human form and answers in Thassilonian, "Greetings. We have come to investigate the rising of this land."
joriandrake: Passive Investigation 31  All hail the elven detective
chris107: wow
Keelia: (morning Ferg)
Smon: Drak realises there's something not right about the 3 Gillmen - they are Illusions!
Keelia: "There was a great disturbance in the water and we traced the source to here."
Smon: They are currently about 60' away, walking towards you.
chris107: (Hmmmm illusions again......)
Smon: Gillman: "Xin has risen..."
joriandrake: Drakh alerty the others in his mask to this silently by throwing quickly a couple pebbles at them and taking ab attle stance, looking around to find the ilusionist
JamesDevil: Claw doesn't understand ofc
JamesDevil: "what are you all saying?"
JamesDevil: "are they enemies?"
Keelia: Q leans over - "They are asking our intentions."
Keelia: "Although, perhaps it is not they who are asking seeing as Drak has just thrown a pebble through them."
Smon: The pool - more of a long trench - they rose from is 100' from you to the south, palace is in front of you to west.
joriandrake: (I wear my mask that has the disadvantage ofnot being able to speak in it, so I thre rocks at the illusions)
chris107: M looks around once D has alerted us.. Shield ready to defend against magical assault.
Keelia: "Show yourself!" She calls out, placing her back to Claw's.
JamesDevil: Claw will looks around searching for other signs of creatures
Smon: GM: Drak roll to hit (DEX+prof, disad for range)
sandor sunneson: Sandor will look around with his eagle eyes to see if there is anytning of detail that could be of interest, also gets his sword ready as others are on alert
Keelia: (doesn't drak have some sort of telepathic magic?)
joriandrake: (Message - but it also requires speech to cast)
Smon: >>I wear my mask that has the disadvantage ofnot being able to speak in it<< That seems like a pretty terrible idea!
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+11x2 and gets:
13 (+11) = 24
8 (+11) = 19
joriandrake: 19
joriandrake: (It's the Nightjaunt Mask Simon)
Smon: The stone passes through the central gillman, it wavers and vanishes!
Smon: Roll init please.
chris107 Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
2 (+2) = 4
8 (+2) = 10
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+4 and gets: 3, (+4) = 7
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+2x2 and gets:
20 (+2) = 22
14 (+2) = 16
chris107: 10 for M
Keelia rolls 1d20+3 and gets: 5, (+3) = 8
JamesDevil: wahoo! i got a decent init for a change ^^
sandor sunneson Rolls 1d20+3x2 and gets:
12 (+3) = 15
18 (+3) = 21
Upper_Krust rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 10, (+7) = 17
Smon: /roll d20-1
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 19, (-1) = 18
joriandrake rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 11, (+5) = 16
Keelia: who has the sihedron?
chris107: You I think?
chris107: as default
sandor sunneson: Sandor last passed in on
JamesDevil: it would make sense
sandor sunneson: to Quillax
Keelia: Cool - ok, I have it
Smon: Quillax has it by default as she was first to attune to it in the reforging ceremony.
joriandrake: (remember we can pass it with a reaction)
Smon: #22 Claw what do you do?
JamesDevil: can i see any eneimes?
Smon: You can see the 2 remaining Gillmen, they are moving towards you faster now.
JamesDevil: range?
Smon: Say 45'
JamesDevil: just out of range, ok, move to 40' and hold the attack action
JamesDevil: end turn
DESTROYERBILL: you can attack
Smon: You have 5' reach
Smon: 40+5 = 45
DESTROYERBILL: move 40 feet 5feet range
Smon: You can reach 1 of them, they are ca 15' apart
JamesDevil: ah, k, read that wrong, attack attack
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+19 and gets: 14, (+19) = 33
Smon: The sword Garvok passes through a Gillman, it wavers and vanishes.
JamesDevil: slashing
JamesDevil rolls 3d6+13 and gets: 5, 2, 3, (+13) = 23
Smon: You felt no resistance.
joriandrake: The others can see Drakhaien totally ignoring the gillmen and looking around searching for other targets
JamesDevil: hmm, anfd i can't then throw my sword at the other one since it cost a whole action right?
Keelia: BRB
Smon: You can throw sword as an attack
Smon: & it returns to your hand
JamesDevil: k, cool
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+19 and gets: 18, (+19) = 37
Smon: Drak what is your PP?
JamesDevil rolls 3d6+13 and gets: 1, 1, 4, (+13) = 19
joriandrake: 29
Smon: Garvok passes through the last Gillman, it blinks out. The sword buries itself in a ruined wall then teleports back to Claw's hand.
sandor sunneson: Nice one
JamesDevil: my pp is 22 now btw incase that makes any diffference
JamesDevil: least the illusions are gone
JamesDevil: so, end turn
Smon: Drak you just make out very large dark forms under the water in the trench 100' to the south.
joriandrake: Is it Drakh's turn
joriandrake: ?
Smon: about 10' under the water; they must be at least 15' long.
sandor sunneson: he's had it
Keelia: back
Smon: #21 Sandor you can roll Perception as you stated you were scanning area before
chris107: #20 Sandor
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 4, (+7) = 11
sandor sunneson: lol, not feeling it today
Smon: You don't spot anything, and Drak can't warn you as he is speechless!
sandor sunneson: is there anything to attack in the area? If not he'll go and move over to Claw getting ready for next round
joriandrake: (11 I doN't think is enough for noticing Drakhaien looking at a specific location either)
8:29am  2019-8-10 chris107 Has exited the room
8:30am  2019-8-10 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: GM: Sandor moves up beside Claw and readies a sword attack vs hostile w/in 5'.
Smon: #18 3 vast tentacled forms rise up from the briny deep of the trench, each with 1 tentacle sheathed in some kind of emerald-tipped wandlike device...
Smon: /roll d7
Smon rolls 1d7 and gets: 2
Smon: One points its glittering wand at Silrus, and 11 green magic missiles strike out at him!
chris107: (+5 on saves for any within 30' of M)
DESTROYERBILL: i use shield
JamesDevil: nasty looking bugger
Smon: GM: 11 magic missiles impact harmlessly on Silrus' energy shield!
chris107: eek, M's ancient foes.
Smon: /roll d6
chris107: nicely done!
Smon rolls 1d6 and gets: 5,
Smon: A second one shoots at Quillax...
Smon: You get hit Q?
Smon: Malassandra recognises the Aboleths, the ancient frenemies of Azlant!
Keelia: what's the attack?
Smon: Magic Missile
Smon: /roll 11d4+11
Smon rolls 11d4+11 and gets: 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, (+11) = 29
Smon: 29 dmg
Keelia: I guess so? it's not like I have a magic shield
Smon: The third one shoots at Quillax
Keelia: ac 22
Smon: /roll 11d4+11
Smon rolls 11d4+11 and gets: 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, (+11) = 36
chris107: ouchers
joriandrake: it's magic missile ,auto hit unless Shield spell
JamesDevil: ow
Smon: OK Quillax takes 65 damage, the 3 aboleth subside back beneath the water.
Smon: #17 Keravon your go
Upper_Krust: there's no one left to attack
JamesDevil: yep
joriandrake: 65 wow, and I thought 36 was already a lot
JamesDevil: this is going to be one of THOSE fights agin -.-
Upper_Krust: I will expend some Ki points and turn invisible
Upper_Krust: then move over to where the aboleth were
Smon: Keravon turns invisible and flies 100' over to & above the trench, he can see the massive dark fish-forms 10' under the surface. #16 Drakhaien then #10 Malassandra
Upper_Krust: I say to the others what I see
Smon: Keravon calls out to the others.
Smon: #16 Drakhaien then #10 Malassandra #8 Quillax #7 Silrus, let me have all your actions now
Keelia: Q rather grumpily re-takes water elemental form.
chris107: M moves 30' towards them redies eldritch blast should the tentacles rise again. End turn.
Keelia: She passes the sihedron to Claw and heads over to the water, bubbling out aquan swear words
joriandrake: How far is the water from Drakh?
DESTROYERBILL: i move towasrds them and cast banishment with twinned spell to try and banish 2 of them
Smon: 100' from Drak
joriandrake: Drakhaien will seek out a location between current place and water to hide behind, stealth bonus action then ready a shot on the creature if it shows itself, even if just a peek
joriandrake: is there something to hide behind o nthe path?
Smon: Drak moves to behind the ruined wall that Garvok struck & can take a Hide bonus action.
joriandrake: If yes this is the Stealth roll, if the ruined wall casts a shade count advantage if not, jsut first roll
joriandrake Rolls 1d20+17x2 and gets:
17 (+17) = 34
1 (+17) = 18
JamesDevil: isn't it nice that i make cover ^^
joriandrake: whew
Smon: no advtg Drak
joriandrake: stealth 34, readied attack, end turn
Smon: Silrus flies up and casts Banishment twin-spelled readied
Smon: R2 #22 Claw; you are 60' from the trench
JamesDevil: Claw double dashes and jumps into the water
JamesDevil: end turn
JamesDevil: o wait
chris107: (You have the sihedron)
JamesDevil: he passes the sheheron to Qillax
Smon: Claw leaps into the water with a mighty splash, dark fish-forms strike at him (3 legendary actions!)
Smon: They have advtg unless Claw has a swim speed...
JamesDevil: no swim speed
JamesDevil: 22AC
JamesDevil: soz
JamesDevil: 20ac
Smon: /roll d20+9x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x6 and gets:
7 (+9) = 16
4 (+9) = 13
5 (+9) = 14
18 (+9) = 27
15 (+9) = 24
6 (+9) = 15
JamesDevil: only 2 hits, nice
Smon: 16, 27 & 24 so 2 hits for 30 bludgeon dmg
JamesDevil: halved?
Smon: (yes you have infinite rage so can halve) #21 Sandor; you are 60' away from the pool
JamesDevil: or 30 after halved?
Smon: 30>15
JamesDevil: ^^
JamesDevil: 310/325
sandor sunneson: He will follow Claw into the water, raging and looking to attack the beasties
joriandrake: (I have to prepare to leave to get the meal, I will be quick, but if needed here is the attack roll for Drakh if triggered, Bill can roll it: with Stealth and advantage he rolls 3 times [not 2] and takes best outcome. Longbow+1 - Attack: +11 Damage: 1d8+5 (range 600) Sneak Attack: +10d6)
joriandrake: (cya soon, I won't leave chat room while afk)
JamesDevil: you're 60' away mate
Smon: Unless you have 60' speed Sandor you will end turn after leaping into water
JamesDevil: i double dash
chris107: laters J
JamesDevil: see you J
sandor sunneson: He'll end up at the water's edge by the end of the turn
Smon: Sandor runs up to the water's edge, sees the dark forms threshing at Claw
Smon: Aboleth legendary actions swipes at Claw
Smon: /roll d20+9x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x6 and gets:
4 (+9) = 13
4 (+9) = 13
7 (+9) = 16
15 (+9) = 24
4 (+9) = 13
9 (+9) = 18
JamesDevil: only one
Smon: 13 24 18 - 1 hit, 15 dmg > 7 to Claw
Smon: #18 Aboleth turn
JamesDevil: this is the way it should be
Smon: The Aboleth use their psychic powers to (hopefully) mentally enslave Claw & Sandor - both of you roll DC 14 WIS saves
chris107: eek
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 6, (+7) = 13
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6, (+2) = 8
JamesDevil: sod
chris107: bugger
Smon: The aboleth gain 2 allies
Keelia: well s***
JamesDevil: we're miles from you guys anyway
sandor sunneson: ouch
chris107: (This could go horribly wrong...)
JamesDevil: just kill the buggers
sandor sunneson: how long for?
sandor sunneson: are we enslaved?
Smon: The third aboleth, seeing its friends have the barbs under control, rises up from the deep with raygun in hand - readied actions go off
chris107 Rolls 1d20+11x4 and gets:
6 (+11) = 17
20 (+11) = 31
11 (+11) = 22
6 (+11) = 17
Smon: You are enslaved indefinitely - you would get a save after 24 hours if at least 1 mile from the aboleth
Smon: Mal shoots it w eldritch blasts; AC 19
chris107: (4 eldritch blasts)
Smon: 2 hits inc 1 crit
chris107 rolls 3d10 and gets: 4, 3, 10, = 17
Keelia: (who is still in the water?)
chris107: 17 Force damage
JamesDevil: just me
Smon: Claw & 2 aboleth are in the water
DESTROYERBILL: drakien bow attack
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20+11x3 and gets:
9 (+11) = 20
10 (+11) = 21
15 (+11) = 26
chris107: nice
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d8+5 and gets: 1, (+5) = 6
DESTROYERBILL rolls 10d6 and gets: 5, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 4, = 30
JamesDevil: nice
Smon: Drak shoots it for 36
Smon: Silrus is holding his readied Banishment
Smon: Quillax did you have a readied action?
Keelia: No
Keelia: Not that I called out
Smon: (cheers) The wounded aboleth rolls perception
Smon: /roll d20+10
Smon rolls 1d20+10 and gets: 17, (+10) = 27
Smon: realises there is a flying invisible birdman above it & tries to dominate Keravon
Smon: roll DC 14 WIS save Keravon
chris107: oh heck
JamesDevil: Bill please banish the hell out of these things O/o
JamesDevil: you too Q!
DESTROYERBILL: my banish is twinned and readied to get 2 of them
Upper_Krust rolls 1d20+5 and gets: 14, (+5) = 19
Smon: Keravon shrugs off the psychic attack; the aboleth re-subsides
JamesDevil: nice
sandor sunneson: well saved
chris107: yay
Smon: #17 Keravon
Smon: Keravon flies up to 45' above the water, bow Readied
JamesDevil: brb bio
Upper_Krust: move 45 feet up, still invisible
Smon: #16 Drakhaien
Smon: Drak hides & readies another shoot
JamesDevil: back
Smon: #10 Malassandra
chris107: Readies an attack for when they resurface.
Smon: ok - stay at 70' or close to 40'?
chris107: (@ DM would Cleansing Touch banish the possession?)
chris107: stay at 70' please.
chris107: (Not sure if sandor and Claw would be 'willing')
Smon: where is cleansing touch from?
9:13am  2019-8-10 Keelia Has exited the room
Smon: They won't be willing while enslaved no!
chris107: Paladin level 14 ability
chris107: No worries, was worth asking
9:14am  2019-8-10 Keelia Has entered the room
Smon: #8 Quillax your go
9:15am  2019-8-10 Keelia Has exited the room
9:16am  2019-8-10 Keelia Has entered the room
Keelia: At level 4. I believe you said the area was stormy?
Keelia: The water should be conductive and the lightning hit everything in it...
Smon: Yes the dark clouds mean you could call lighting w enhanced effect, also those in water have disad on save vs lightning

#7 Silrus flies over the pool ca 45' up, sees the dark forms below...
chris107: nice
JamesDevil: did Q get her turn?
Smon: Quillax are you doing call lightning on the wounded one?
Keelia: Yes, but the general idea is the water (and everything in it)
JamesDevil: me included ^^
Smon: Looks to me Q you will need to bonus action to Air Elemental to fly up to see scene then action cast call lightning ok?
Keelia: sounds good.
Keelia: (yep, sorry James  )
Smon: It only gets a 10' area so only 1 of them
JamesDevil: no worries
Smon: Crack! lightning lances down
Keelia: ok, she'll target the damaged one and if any electricity should be conducted through the water, well
Keelia rolls 5d10 and gets: 10, 9, 6, 5, 9, = 39
Smon: Luckily they don't have legendary resistance
JamesDevil: boom
chris107: nice rolls!
Smon: /roll d20-1x2
Smon Rolls 1d20-1x2 and gets:
18 (-1) = 17
1 (-1) = 0
Smon: rolled a 0
JamesDevil: technically -1
Smon: You used a level 4 slot there for 5d10 dmg
Keelia: yes, 4th level with an extra d10 for existing storm.
Keelia: gives 5
Smon: cheers
joriandrake: I'm back
Smon: It is electrocuted
joriandrake: and out of breath .huff
JamesDevil: i think you mean shock smn
JamesDevil: shocked*
Smon: /roll d3
Keelia: not if that killed it
Smon rolls 1d3 and gets: 1
Smon: #7 Silrus casts Banish on the 2 unwounded ones
Smon: /roll d20+4x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+4x2 and gets:
11 (+4) = 15
3 (+4) = 7
joriandrake: (OK, I I've read up on this... and it might not be a good idea to sneak into the water among all the lightning after all, even if I doN't need to breath)
chris107: YAY!
DESTROYERBILL: begone thots
Smon: They both flicker and vanish!
JamesDevil: hurray!
joriandrake: We fight thots now? as in Egyptian Thot?
JamesDevil: now you must beat the legendary barbarians! mohahaha
Keelia: (Thot is a derogatory word for women, implying they are whores. It's nothing to do with Egypt)
JamesDevil: i think we've been forgetting to pass the shehedron
chris107: yup
Keelia: Well, I can't pass it to half the team as they are mind controlled...
Smon: Next round #22 enslaved Claw clambers out of the water - what is Garvok's throw range?
JamesDevil: fair enough
Keelia: and others are not part of the sihedron group...
JamesDevil: eh? i got enslaved by one of the banished ones, surely its 1 mile away now?
Smon: I think all of you are attuned to Sihedron currently
JamesDevil: Garvok is 25' range
Smon: Yeah, if it stays 1+ mile away then after 24 hours you get a save Claw!
Keelia: Smon: You are enslaved indefinitely - you would get a save after 24 hours if at least 1 mile from the aboleth
JamesDevil: ffs
joriandrake: so glad I'm hidden
JamesDevil: well eitherway i can't hit anyone at this range
JamesDevil: so what do i do?
Smon: Claw charges up to Malassandra, roaring & waving Garvok (end turn)
Smon: #21 Sandor roll Perception
chris107: "Gulp...."
Keelia: Q uses her unused reaction to throw the sidhedron to M.
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+7 and gets: 3, (+7) = 10
chris107: (Thanks)
Smon: Sandor turns from the water's edge, runs past Drak's hiding place and also reaches Malassandra, death in his eyes (end turn)
joriandrake: (what type of barbarians are our fellows? Archetype I mean)
JamesDevil: I'll remain quiet, sijnce making suggestion on how to enslave/hold me would be unfair
JamesDevil: unenslave*
chris107: (M chooses Generosity)
JamesDevil: Bear and wolf
JamesDevil: plus i have a fiery exploding sword
Smon: The wounded aboleth shoots its mm launcher up at Silrus from under the water - 3 missiles
DESTROYERBILL: i use shield
JamesDevil: probably want to solve this problem quickly, plus there is still the Abolith floating around
joriandrake: can this trigger Drakh's shot?
joriandrake: if I see a tiny bot of tentacle?
joriandrake: bit
Smon: No, it stayed under the water & fired force bolts vertically up J.
joriandrake: k
Smon: It was trying to disrupt the Banishment
9:32am  2019-8-10 chris107 Has exited the room
joriandrake: Silrus got it handled with Shield anyway
9:33am  2019-8-10 chris107 Has entered the room
Smon: 2 aboleth are banished, incapacitated so can't give fresh orders to their mind slaves - Claw & Sandor will try to kill Mal until banishment ends, presumably
Smon: #17 Keravon
JamesDevil: so, 10 turn right?
Smon: 10 rounds
JamesDevil: ...also if mine was banished before my turn doesn't that mean i never got ordered to attack the group?
Upper_Krust: ready to attack if it surfaces
Smon: They gave instructions on their turn not yours, Claw
Smon: Keravon flaps around, bow readied
JamesDevil: ...great
Smon: #16 Drakhaien
Smon: BRB
joriandrake: so, situation is that I see no aboleths, but enraged and controlled barbarians?
JamesDevil: yep
JamesDevil: fair fight huh?
sandor sunneson: So the barbs are basically NPCs?
joriandrake: I'll summon Nightgaunts, 1d4+1 using the black, horned nightgaunt mask that has two eyeholes but no other facial features, I will roll and wait then until DM is back
joriandrake rolls 1d4+1 and gets: 3, (+1) = 4
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+9 and gets: 14, (+9) = 23
DESTROYERBILL: silrus shouts out " pain can break the domination so stab them or something"
Smon: OK a flapping horde of faceless nightgaunts appear around/above Drak.
Smon: #10 Malassandra
sandor sunneson: I know it's part of the game blah blah blah, but not really happy about attacking fellow PCs,
chris107: Seeing the mighty Claw and Sandor bearing down upon her she uses the power of Generosity to Polymorph into Giant Eagle form. Reaction the Sihedron to Quillax, healing her a further 20HP then flies up 160'. End turn.
joriandrake: I didn't finish
sandor sunneson: Lol, nice one Chris
joriandrake: The Nightgaunts are commanded 2-2 to go and grapple the barbarians with the order to bite at them while carrying them away
JamesDevil: not in range of an OP i hope
joriandrake: Drakhaien then hides, end turn
JamesDevil: @chris
joriandrake rolls 1d20+17 and gets: 19, (+17) = 36
chris107: 70' from you, 30 if you moved, James
joriandrake: 36 stealth
JamesDevil: ah, k good
JamesDevil: you#''d be fubar'd otherwise
joriandrake: Simon can roll their grappling, I think they are real good at that
chris107: (She intends to circle well ablove the field of battle until they calm down  )
Smon: OK they can grappple on a claw hit
JamesDevil: they *might* maanage
JamesDevil: 20AC
Smon: vs Claw
Smon: /roll d20+5x6
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x6 and gets:
19 (+5) = 24
11 (+5) = 16
3 (+5) = 8
15 (+5) = 20
15 (+5) = 20
10 (+5) = 15
Smon: 3 claw hits
Smon: /roll 3d6+6
Smon rolls 3d6+6 and gets: 3, 3, 5, (+6) = 17
joriandrake: three grapple attempts then VS Claw's roll
Smon: 17/2 = 8 slashing dmg and grappled
JamesDevil: str save?
joriandrake: (also 3 new save rolls to get rid of dominance! If what Bill said is correct)
JamesDevil: adv
JamesDevil: k, save against the grapples
JamesDevil: first one
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+17x2 and gets:
9 (+17) = 26
15 (+17) = 32
Smon: no STR save but you get 2 WIS saves Claw
JamesDevil: second one
JamesDevil Rolls 1d20+17x2 and gets:
18 (+17) = 35
10 (+17) = 27
JamesDevil: k, nvm
JamesDevil: wis then
Smon: Nightgaunts auto grapple when hit
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 10, (+2) = 12
joriandrake: please succeed
Smon: DC 14
JamesDevil: fail
Smon: roll again
joriandrake: one more roll
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 16, (+2) = 18
JamesDevil: yay!
joriandrake: yay!!
chris107: yay
Smon: The pain breaks the domination on Claw!
JamesDevil: ugh, finally
Smon: 6 attacks on Sandor - AC 22?
sandor sunneson: Nice one
Smon: /roll d20+5x6
sandor sunneson: Ja
Smon Rolls 1d20+5x6 and gets:
2 (+5) = 7
4 (+5) = 9
8 (+5) = 13
9 (+5) = 14
1 (+5) = 6
14 (+5) = 19
Smon: miss
JamesDevil: its ok, i got you mate
joriandrake: (telepathic command to them to focus on Sandor now and let Claw alone - I believe Drakh has keen enough senses to notice dominance wore off, depending on DM discretion)
Smon: #10 Malassandra - you see Claw looking a bit dazed, 2 nightgaunts are trying to lift him but he's too heavy (needs 3 as he counts as Large)
JamesDevil: Claw will look gleefully at Sandor >:)
chris107: hris107: Seeing the mighty Claw and Sandor bearing down upon her she uses the power of Generosity to Polymorph into Giant Eagle form. Reaction the Sihedron to Quillax, healing her a further 20HP then flies up 160'. End turn.
JamesDevil: didn't you already do that?
sandor sunneson: I thought your PC is above us looking down on carnage?
chris107: Yes but then we noiticed Drak hadn't gone.
sandor sunneson: in bird form?
Smon: OK Sandor roll an opp att vs Mal as she flies away
chris107: So now on #10 she does her stuff
chris107: She was 70' away
chris107: from him
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 17, (+13) = 30
sandor sunneson: sorry
Smon: Sandor hits Mal
sandor sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 7,
chris107: No worries Ferg.
Smon: roll dmg
sandor sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 3, = 9
joriandrake: those are some looong arms
Smon: Sandor closed from 70' to 0' on his turn as I posted
Smon: He can dash 80'
chris107: okay.
sandor sunneson: +13=29
chris107: The Eagle is dispelled
chris107: 0/26HP
chris107: Mal falls out of the sky
Smon: ok Mal takes 3 dmg
chris107: 181/184HP
Smon: Is she walking away on foot? can back off 25'
chris107: It was a good plan while it lasted
joriandrake: yup
chris107: She flees from the wrath of the barbarian as far as she can.
Smon: #8 Quillax
Keelia: the one Abolith is still in the water? or is it gone?
Smon: One aboleth in water
Keelia: She'll drop a lightning on it
Smon: /roll d20-1x2
Smon Rolls 1d20-1x2 and gets:
18 (-1) = 17
12 (-1) = 11
Smon: zap
joriandrake: (I doN't truly understand what happened with the banished ones, didn't they disappear?)
Keelia rolls 5d10 and gets: 6, 1, 5, 3, 5, = 20
Smon: Yes they are on another plane J
JamesDevil: Bill is holding the banish
Keelia: not a great roll...
JamesDevil: needs to last a minute at least
JamesDevil: not the worst
Smon: Q directs lightning into the water
Keelia: and she passes the sid back to M
Smon: ok Mal heals 20 hp I believe
Smon: #7 Silrus
chris107: Thanks 184/184
DESTROYERBILL: i use dispell magic on the abolith dominate effect on sandor
sandor sunneson: Thank you Bill, fingers crossed
sandor sunneson: lol
chris107: (She chooses Humility)
Smon: DC 18
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 3, (+11) = 14
Keelia: want my inspiration to try again??
Smon: Silrus tries to dispel the domination on Sandor but fails.
10:01am  2019-8-10 chris107 Has exited the room
joriandrake: (I can't find the Sihedron data, can you please make a separate page for that Simon?)
Smon: Quillax inspires him!
10:01am  2019-8-10 chris107 Has entered the room
chris107: hard lines
DESTROYERBILL rolls 1d20+11 and gets: 11, (+11) = 22
joriandrake: yay
chris107: yay
sandor sunneson: freedom!!!!!
Smon: bottom of page J. Bookmark it & copy paste whatever,print it even!!
Smon: Sandor comes back to his senses!
JamesDevil: Claw still doesn't know this...
chris107: That's a relief.
Smon: #22 Claw you see Sandor looking dazed, Malassandra retreating
joriandrake: (bookmarked, thanks)
JamesDevil: coolio, thats good enough for me
joriandrake: (does anyone want a nightgaunt sky taxi to shoot from abover or such?)
Smon: Claw 2 nightgaunts are clutching you.
JamesDevil: Nope, I'm gong swimming again
JamesDevil: going*
JamesDevil: ugh, i'm going to have to waste my action are'nt i -.-
joriandrake: hold your turn
Smon: I;ll let Drak call them off as a Reaction. Claw tears free of the nightgaunts & can move over to the pool.
joriandrake: ok I do that
Smon: Is he diving in beside the last aboleth?
Smon: It's 10' under the water
JamesDevil: yep, and he begins to lay waste
Smon: Well your turn ends after you jump in
Smon: But you can get adjacent eot
JamesDevil: yea, i'll do that thejnh
Smon: ok Claw dives in again - eot - aboleth swipes at him
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
JamesDevil: it would be nice to get a hit in at some point
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
2 (+9) = 11
9 (+9) = 18
Smon: misses
Smon: There is a cloud of foul mucus around the creature now
JamesDevil: ew
Smon: #21 Sandor
JamesDevil: getting injuryed i'm guessing
sandor sunneson: Sandor will follow up with attacks on the aboleth
joriandrake: (yay, found the nightgaunt stats, altho not for 5e)
Smon: Sandor leaps into the water after Claw, eot
Smon: (I'm using 5e Primeval Thule nightgaunt J)
Smon: Aboleth swipes
Smon: /roll d2
Smon rolls 1d2 and gets: 2
Smon: At Sandor
JamesDevil: it already used it reaction on Claw
Smon: It has 3 Legendaries
JamesDevil: unless this is its turn
Smon: This is #2
Smon: /roll d20+9x2
Smon Rolls 1d20+9x2 and gets:
13 (+9) = 22
2 (+9) = 11
JamesDevil: Claw uses sentinel
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+19 and gets: 11, (+19) = 30
Smon: ok Claw you can attack but have disad in water
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+19 and gets: 12, (+19) = 31
Smon: hit
JamesDevil: that is not an issue
Smon: The fire dmg is halved as under water
JamesDevil: Slashing
JamesDevil rolls 3d6+13 and gets: 3, 5, 4, (+13) = 25
JamesDevil: Fire
JamesDevil rolls 5d6 and gets: 5, 6, 6, 4, 5, = 26
Smon: /roll d20-1
Smon rolls 1d20-1 and gets: 10, (-1) = 9
chris107: nice rolls
Smon: ok 13 boil dmg
Smon: Sandor was hit
Smon: 15 dmg Sandor > 7 rage
Smon: Claw make a DC 14 CON save vs the mucus
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+14 and gets: 15, (+14) = 29
sandor sunneson: or you'll get membraned
Smon: pass
JamesDevil: why do i even roll these things?
chris107: yay
sandor sunneson: well done
Smon: #18 aboleth - badly wounded now, the last Aboleth tries to Dominate Claw again (WIS DC 14)
sandor sunneson: Maybe your next PC should be a random monster where all enemies have to roll random saving dice rolls James
JamesDevil rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 10, (+2) = 12
JamesDevil: ffs
Smon: Claw is re-enslaved
chris107: oh cripes
sandor sunneson: OOC- what time we finishing at today?
JamesDevil: is there no immun for 24 hours after it is broken the first time?
Smon: (nope) Then the Aboleth swims down to the bottom of the 30' deep trench to get away from the nasty lightning strikes - Sandor you get an Opp att
Smon: w disad in water
Smon: finish 11.30
Smon: #17 Keravon, you still just flying around?
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 6, (+13) = 19
Smon: disad so roll twice
sandor sunneson rolls 1d20+13 and gets: 6, (+13) = 19
Upper_Krust: yep, I don't need a bird bath
Smon: hit (AC 19!)
Smon: roll dmg
sandor sunneson: Yay!
sandor sunneson rolls 1d8 and gets: 8,
sandor sunneson rolls 2d6 and gets: 6, 1, = 7
chris107: nice
sandor sunneson: 28 damage
Smon: 8+bonus slash & 3 fire
Smon: 24 total
Smon: It had 23 hp so you just killed it!
chris107: YAY!
JamesDevil: hurray!
sandor sunneson: nice,
Keelia: whoo!
sandor sunneson: Huzzah!
Smon: Claw's mind clears.
Upper_Krust: lol
sandor sunneson: wahay!
Smon: The dead fish monster floats up to the surface.
JamesDevil: Claw swims up
JamesDevil: "that was....unpleasent"
joriandrake: ... .I had the idea of ordering the nightgaunts to get under water and attack the aboleth based on the Pathfider stats which says they are Faceless (no need to breath, immune to gaze/sight attacks and all inhaled effect, and got blindsight 60ft) but not sure if the ones Simon uses also have these, and I don't want them to suffocate or so... but you jsut killed it before my turn anyway
Smon: 2 of its tentacles have weird aboleth bracers, a third the MM launcher.
chris107: very nice
Smon: GM: You have some time (7 rnds) before Banishment ends & the other 2 reappear in the trench.
joriandrake: Drakhaien nods at the others with respect as they surface
JamesDevil: misread that, i thought it was ML missile launcher
chris107: we need a plan...
joriandrake: Drakhain goes take a good snipe position to hide and shoot from again
Smon: So you could eg try to get through the door, or get ready for their reappearance
joriandrake: (We doN't have to wait the 7 turns out, it can be ended earlier yes? the summon only has a 11 turn duration)
chris107: M becomes Improved Invisible, passes the S to M
Keelia: (I still have lightning going for 10 minutes, so if everyone wants to get out of mind control range, we can just drop lightning on them for a while
chris107: 184/184HP
chris107: good plan
Smon: I still have lightning going for 10 minutes, so if everyone wants to get out of mind control range, we can just drop lightning on them for a while - Very good plan
chris107: to Q rather
joriandrake: rakh eagerly and repeatedly nods at lightning spam plan
joriandrake: Drakh*
JamesDevil: I'd rather they stay banished,
JamesDevil: brb
joriandrake: He is going to hide as best he can in a max 600 feet distance from the water
Smon: GM: You all retreat well away from the aboleths - round the back of the palace is good - except Q in air elemental form
joriandrake: (Probably we don't have to be that far from them anyway)
chris107: (M currently 95' from the water?)
chris107: Note for log. remember to get bracers and wand next week.
JamesDevil: back
Smon: Knowing they won't stay banished long, Q-lemental watches from a safe distance; also Silrus flies beside her w readied chain lightning.
Smon: After 10 rounds the water surges as 2 aboleth pop back in; S chain lightnings while Q calls lightning down on them
DESTROYERBILL rolls 10d8 and gets: 7, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 8, 7, 7, 7, = 51
joriandrake: Masked elven sniper ready as well
DESTROYERBILL Rolls 1d20-1x4 and gets:
2 (-1) = 1
16 (-1) = 15
19 (-1) = 18
15 (-1) = 14
Smon: They reappear 10' under water so D can't snipe them
Smon: Q roll your lightning dmg, I'll let you get both
joriandrake: (after 10 turns, not 7? I guess nightgaunt summon ended then?)
Smon: (yes J)
Keelia rolls 5d10 and gets: 7, 7, 2, 4, 5, = 25
Smon: Q you can roll twice before the aboleths retreat to the bottom of the pit
Keelia rolls 5d10 and gets: 5, 6, 10, 9, 1, = 31
Smon: /roll d20-1x4
Smon Rolls 1d20-1x4 and gets:
4 (-1) = 3
10 (-1) = 9
2 (-1) = 1
9 (-1) = 8
JamesDevil: yay
chris107: nice!
Smon: /roll d20-1x4
Smon Rolls 1d20-1x4 and gets:
5 (-1) = 4
7 (-1) = 6
17 (-1) = 16
5 (-1) = 4
Smon: ok they take 56 lightning from Q
Smon: As they swim down, Silrus shoots twin heightened Disintegrate at them
Smon: /roll d20-1x4
Smon Rolls 1d20-1x4 and gets:
11 (-1) = 10
12 (-1) = 11
15 (-1) = 14
16 (-1) = 15
Smon: Green rays blast them
DESTROYERBILL rolls 13d6+40 and gets: 1, 2, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, (+40) = 78
chris107: yay
JamesDevil: cool]
Smon: 78 dmg, they had 68 left
Keelia: whoo!
Upper_Krust: gg Bill
Smon: The aboleths are blasted apart!
joriandrake: nice
chris107: very nice
DESTROYERBILL: both now ash
joriandrake: best was to win battles, not even being at danger from enemies
joriandrake: way*
Smon: Fragments of aboleth tentacle and tail float up to the surface along with clouds of mucus.
sandor sunneson: Well done Bill
joriandrake: Drakhaien has some hunger for takoyaki now
Smon: GM: OK stopping there for today.

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